The True Story of Victorio Peak

whatever you feel you can swallow my boy , green men , blue women , image up anything
that pleases you .

and to answer nobody

as I told Jack Staley

" The people of the U.S. are not concerned with the truth , they do not care , apathy is their
comfort zone , Illusions mollify thier fears for them .

Given ?

yes indeed .

why bother with revealing to them , what they refuse to do anything about

Note H-2 Charlies comment , he exemplifies concisely the mentallity of the general population of this world .

as i already pointed out

they are engrained in their false belief systems .

Leave them to their green pastures of dead grass .

I do believe about the gold and the apache story as well as it could be maxs millions . NOT a hidding place for alliens to hoard gold .

Hey familyhunter i posted some of my opinions, and ponderings, and now they're gone, i dont think the moderators did it, i musta done something wrong, i'll try again tomorrow.

I am very interested in your take on things to say the least

tried it again and it said i was not logged in in the prosess of logging in my post was lost that was alot of work just to go down the crapper

I first started researching this treasure around 1976 after reading ''The Curse of the San Andreas'' after that i had it all figured out it was a combination of La Rue's gold, And maxamillions which was plundered by Victorio down in the trans Pecos of Texas along with some other apache plunder

gonna do this a little at time so i dont loose a whole love letter like twice before.
its getting late so it wont be tonight, but i want to ask this qustion one more time i asked it before and got no response.

Who put forth the notion for David Chandler to write ''100 Tons of Gold''? and who helped him most with his research?
i think i read where ''Donethat'' helped him some THANX BIGSCOTT

just wrote a little bit above to make sure i wasnt banned or somthing.

I do believe that the ONFP were the biggest contributers to the book but alot of outside research was done himself aswell

kinda wondering about all that, he wrote several books about conspiracies, and he found alot on the government, and military for those times

after reading 100 tons of gold then i really had it figured out, La Rue's gold? his mine? storehouse-smelter room? doubtful, the ore would have to have been hauled there from a ways off, but i dont put anything past a bunch mexican peons, and this would have been out of sight and conceled from the workings,still the only decent gold is ten miles south through rough country and La Rue's mines were probably in the organs 50 to 60 miles south where there was ''good gold''but Victorio is still not ruled out, didnt really figure he put all those bars there,so maybe noss did, figure some ''old salt-desert rat'' Knew the location of several cache's Victorio's at the peak and others in the organ's,caballo's,franklin's, and he sold this info to noss and/or some investors, they used noss as they're grunt to move and secret the stuff at the peak until it could be sold, so some of this could have been La Rue's, maybe even El Chato's and some smaller operations where spainish couldnt get back to after the revolt,and possibly some kcg loot from the civil war era, Henry James book puts some people stumbling upon this treasure before the civil war,but still why was the smelter there? (keep in mind i hadnt heard the story about noss doing time in prison wth the apache)

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then the other book came out some more articles and another book, but none of this changed my ponderings, i used to go miles out of my way just to glimpes the peak and poke around, i knew the government had gotten the gold out but something about that scrubby little hill stuck with me.

most of the websites rarley updated, then i found treasurenet, how cool some of the people here had been at goldfinder in the 70's, and after reading treasureminder's post's and figuring out who he is, his father was always one of my favorite characters amongst all the people in this story,then the trilogy, good book, lots of new info in my search for the truth, but i think im getting more truth from treasuremindr than any of the books, the thought that any of that loot was more ancient than early spainish had never been put to me but i do not discredit it, and it opens up a whole new relm of possibility's. Knights Templar,King solomon,The Pheonicians, i still cant figure that smelter though.

never been much at reading sign, not that i discredit all of it but some i do some is forgery, some is natural, i was taking some buddies to a creek where i was finding some good color, they were both readers of sign, on the way Bodie say's look ''bisquit rock'' well i was hungry at the time and dogonnit if that rock didnt look like a bisquit,later jim pointed to a outline on the side of a hill and said a lizard well i had watched godzilla on tv the night before and.......................later that day after panning awhile and not finding much i told them lets take a break and ill show a carving might be natural but i dont know, i showed them and they found many more right close that were definitley man made, for the next two days i panned and they stayed up there chalking photographing and trying to decifer the carvings, same with arrowheads they just dont catch my eye, I farm in east Texas part of my field is an old coushata indian camp two old lady's that lived close used to come down and find points by the bucket, i have spent hours upon hours on my hands and knees in that field, planting weeding, and installing water line and never found one that wasnt broke.

Daniel 12:4
And you Daniel,shut up the words
And seal the book untill the time of the end
Many shall run to and fro
And knowledge shall multiply many fold

the explosion of knowledge in the end times

Some people think this is computers and such, but there is much more to it, ancient unheard of civilazations turning up everyday new mathamatical equations,the understanding of quantum physics
and the coming forth of the elite group that has layed in waiting for millenia, the Illuminati, The New World Order, what ever you want to call them, some say it is an actual bloodline, more like an ancestary of bloodlust hate and greed, are they resposible for this treasure? and how many more?are they responsible for the sign that only their ancestors can read.

Has any one on here read these three books if so what is your opinion?

Some of the stories say there is or was a dismanteled oxcart in the peak, did they haul the smelter there, no way, i never heard how big it was but surley to big to haul, and there was evidence of it being used there, maybe it was used to melt jewlery, coins,and plate so they could not be traced to their rightful owners, also for ease of transport, also there had to be another way into that peak at one time, some of the stories say that noss had to knock down a mortar wall to get to one of the rooms, and ova always told everyone to keep an eye out for another way in, and that would explain feiges story although i dont believe he ever found anything that was originally in the peak, i believe the gold he supposedly found was transported to the peak with the treasure story as it's cover.

Some of the soldiers that helped remove the gold have spoken up, but were there any arkys there, you know it's hard to shut an arky up, as they are righteous to their cause, it would be a shame to just bust in there and get the gold without knowing it's history, maybe someday before its to late, the ruins south of the peak were said by arky's to have been built by the buffalo soldiers, there is no way they are lying through their teeth these were built by very exprienced masons, never in the us have i seen any where such care was taken in the stone placement, stone cutting and they are tight and straight and perfectly plumb

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