Thanks Rog. I begged Jim to write a book, telling all his best stuff, but he passed too early in '10 - information and ideas lost forever. I hope you put your best stuff in a book some day - might give the young guys coming up something to think about.
Jims passing hit me by surprize hard , I'd of communicated more with him , but i was on the road
to drain off al the dread i experienced in New mexico .
too busy healing my sore mind to think of others at the time .
I have some of the Map Cave decyphered , and you will have to watch the film I sent you to
help you see what I say about the cave map .
The break down is easy , I want you to run the film I gave you until the map rock appears
pause the tape and study the picto's .
I will write out wht it is you are seeing in the film .
then apply what i state to the carvings of the map cave
Steve H has some right , not all , but some .
your friend Don P had happy man right ( as I said before , much of the pictos show a shadow
you are to look for in the topography . )
quote Jim : " I believe that this whole enigma is connected with the knowledge that is " ENCODED "
" I believe you cannot work these depositories without undergoing a certain internal
transformation "
end quote .
More a Transmutation of the consciousness to a higher way of perceiving actually .
The Mystery Schools as some say , is more an esoteric knowledge
please pay attention to the term jim used " Encoded "
it is not only on the rock carvings , it is in "YOU "
You inherit encoding from your linage , rather physical attributes , spiritual , or perceptions .
How and the way we think is also passed through to us from the linage .
how each manipulates that , or expands it , allows it to grow , will allow them to SEE
or regress , or remain the same .
I will in time write you Spring , and inform on your area .
My Puppy Beepers had surgery , so I am fully involved with her healing for a few more days .