The True Story of Victorio Peak

just read it a couple of weeks ago, great book, pleasure to know thats you springfield, M.R. clark.

Thanks for the complements, although I think of myself as more lucky than smart. I'm glad you enjoyed the book.

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I would like to think of myself as much lucky as I am smart.

Well, Nobody ... let's get a couple things straight here. First, I'm not Roger's advocate, champion or spokesman. If you want information about him, ask someone else. If you want information from him, continue to ask him; however, based on your preceding post, I'd venture that you're using the wrong strategy.

Now, concerning me. Everything I had to say is in that book. The reason I post on this forum is to offer avid people ideas that may turn on a light in their heads, based on my experiences. I don't guarantee anything to anyone. I've hit the same wall people much more capable than me have also hit. I put half my life into this $hit and now I'm done as an active player. I'm fortunate, though - I'm able to let it go and move on.

quote Springfield : " I'm fortunate, though - I'm able to let it go and move on."


where many have not been able to .

Ok Steve
PM with my address has been sent .

and Thank You Steve

and to give brief answer for " Nobody "

I have stated already " You nor anyone , have a NEED to know "

Just that simple , just that pragmatic , just the TRUTH .

I have a question for you Nobody. In your meltdown post, #207, you mentioned that the Templars were in Colorado. I have an interest in this and would like to know at what time were they in Colorado and where. Also, is there any documented proof or is this information passed down as part of your family's history? Thanks.


i'll address some of your rant for you

First ,

I take control over your mind and emotions through your perceptions that are entirely
integrated via Western Civilized " LINEAL " Thought Consciousness .

it is the way you " THINK " that is " WRONG "

The TRUE problem is not what is outside of you , such as myself or Gold , or Authoriy ,,,

it is within your Mind .

I read your rant , many obvious traits of lineal consciousness stand out .

read your rant , you may note you stamp your feet and demand answers from people as though you OWN the answers , and they are holding out on you .

Then you point to me and claim I am Narcisstic , bitter and cynical over a loss or supposed situation .

In reading your DEMANDS of myself and Springfield , I noted your " Self Entitlement "

and thought to myself : " Cool , he claims that Blue Bloods are Self Entitled Pigs ,,,,

while he exudes self entitlement for information he has no right to "

Secondly :

Addressing starving children

GREED Starves the children , and greed is Born of Western Civilization's lineal thought

and Gold has nothing to do with that Consciousness of Greed

it is a mineral

Lineal Minds put the Value on it .

Your linage have been hammered with brainwashing into Lineal Thought Patterns
for thousands of years .

To understand anything i could tell you about the caches and " WHY " they were made ,,,

you would have to forget everything you ever learned , everything you and your linage
have been conditioned in the way to THINK

you think in thought patterns that create concepts such as " Us against Them "

Them above us

authority over others

Those concepts are DEAD WRONG

no one gives you your freedom

no signed piece of paper assures those freedoms

You are BORN with them , and only YOU can allow for someone to take them from you .

You are Born of the Civilized Tribal Warfare Consciousness ,

as long as you THINK in those patterns

you will always be at conflict with all that you perceive as different or other than YOU

You have to un-learn all you have learned , you have to un-condition yourself from
the lineal thought processes .

It has been engrained in the DNA of your genetic code for thousands of years .

it is not easy to undo , but can be achieved .

good luck with breaking that THOUGHT CONTROL CODE your linage has suffered for
thousands of years .

to help you on your journey ,

watch the Movie " INSTINCT "

if you can catch the gestalt, the meaning , the PICTURE it paints , that illustrates how you
think ,,,,

and western civilized thought processes and how hybrid it is ,,,

then you may begin to understand LIFE and get free of the SCRIPT you have been living .

nobody,he sounds like a gatekeeper that doesn't know what gate he's supposed to be keeping, maybe he missed that class, hello

You kick booty Steve

package received , enjoying it now .

Liked the Hypnosis of Jerry , can you imagine if i do that , what would come out of my
session .

he he

lot of info is blocked behind those Gov't. installed memory blocks in my mind .

when i first began to read Jerry's tale of his cave , My thought was : " So , they flew it south
and fooled everyone witness , no wonder people couldn't find it at Shiprock "

Referring to the Mexican 17 tons stash of 1936 .

made sense to me for some reason .

Though more likely it would have been trucked in , but what rancher would not have questioned them coming on his ranch .

Thanks Steve
if I can ever get mine done , you'll get first copy .:hello2:

Thanks Rog. I begged Jim to write a book, telling all his best stuff, but he passed too early in '10 - information and ideas lost forever. I hope you put your best stuff in a book some day - might give the young guys coming up something to think about.

it was a mine , not just a stash , smelter was inside ?

in that terrain ? WOW ! they knew how to cover tracks .

Treasminder, dont know if you finished the book yet, i will try not to give anything away, but im thinking the same scenario as to why there was a smelter inside victorio peak, that smelter always bothered me, just didnt seem to belong


Thanks Rog. I begged Jim to write a book, telling all his best stuff, but he passed too early in '10 - information and ideas lost forever. I hope you put your best stuff in a book some day - might give the young guys coming up something to think about.

Jims passing hit me by surprize hard , I'd of communicated more with him , but i was on the road
to drain off al the dread i experienced in New mexico .

too busy healing my sore mind to think of others at the time .

I have some of the Map Cave decyphered , and you will have to watch the film I sent you to
help you see what I say about the cave map .

The break down is easy , I want you to run the film I gave you until the map rock appears

pause the tape and study the picto's .

I will write out wht it is you are seeing in the film .

then apply what i state to the carvings of the map cave

Steve H has some right , not all , but some .
your friend Don P had happy man right ( as I said before , much of the pictos show a shadow
you are to look for in the topography . )

quote Jim : " I believe that this whole enigma is connected with the knowledge that is " ENCODED "

" I believe you cannot work these depositories without undergoing a certain internal
transformation "

end quote .

More a Transmutation of the consciousness to a higher way of perceiving actually .

The Mystery Schools as some say , is more an esoteric knowledge

please pay attention to the term jim used " Encoded "

it is not only on the rock carvings , it is in "YOU "

You inherit encoding from your linage , rather physical attributes , spiritual , or perceptions .

How and the way we think is also passed through to us from the linage .

how each manipulates that , or expands it , allows it to grow , will allow them to SEE

or regress , or remain the same .

I will in time write you Spring , and inform on your area .

My Puppy Beepers had surgery , so I am fully involved with her healing for a few more days .


Meltdown, Smeltdown. Got you responding, didn't it now? Maybe it was less meltdown and more contrived.

And your interest is ... ? Fair ups, Daddy-o. Tell me mdog, why do you not pose this same question to Rog? After all, it is he that claims his ancestors were Templars, not me.

Pretty simple - this is where the gold was ...

I am not a Templar. Rog claims to be, on more than one forum, so ask him, not me. Or are you too afraid to pose that question to him and you pose it to some recent, unknown treasure hunter?

I am in the catagory that Steve proclaims - I don't-f'in-know

I will tell you this: Steve and I disagree as to why thye were here ...

Thanks, my ass.

'What time'. Therein lies the crux of the matter -what time?

All this BS Rog lays on people, well, THERE WERE NO TEMPLARS AROUND 1000AD.

There were no Dark Ages ... Get it???

What time. That is the question.

Grab some balls, md, it is the coward that asks me. Why don't you step up and pose these same questions to Rog?

I don't have to ask Roger because he puts the information out there and anybody can read it and decide for themselves if any of it is useful to them. I would never imply that he is a liar and he certainly has the right to reveal any information that he sees fit, as does anyone on this forum. You never answered my question and that is alright by me. You evidently have done your research and choose not to share it. Fair enough. You challenged Roger to start a thread and share with others, I'd like you to take your own advice.

I've been posting on this forum for a few years now and have found it to be a lot of fun. I've made a lot of friends and learned a lot. Participating on this forum can be a very enjoyable and positive experience. You can help others and maybe learn something yourself.

As for as your meltdown post, the last time I saw such a post was when Roger jumped on some guy last year and was banned. Roger's been doing similar things for years, so I guess people aren't surprised, but your post surprised some people and I was one of them. You should have been banned too.

Please don't worry about my balls.

Steve, do you want to tell the world where I need to get a couple things straight, or do you want to start justifyinfg?


When I need your advice about what I should or shouldn't do, you'll be the first to know.

Steve, do you want to tell the world where I need to get a couple things straight, or do you want to start justifyinfg?


After all this obsfuscation from NOBODY ,,,,,,,,,,,,, does anyone recall what this thread was about ?

as i stated

i will take control over your emotions , your mind , and anger you , cause you to rply to
my taunts ,

drain you of energy and time

after and at the end of it all

you will have gained nothing .

Quote :

" As for as your meltdown post, the last time I saw such a post was when Roger jumped on some guy last year and was banned. Roger's been doing similar things for years, so I guess people aren't surprised, but your post surprised some people and I was one of them. You should have been banned too.

Funny , I took crap for years off of the Morons on the internet forums .

when I jumped that bunnyhead you refer to , I did so with the least emotion .

I thought it a perfect opportunity to slap an A$$ , whom had trolled me for years .

so i played into it ./

it was fun

I was banned because i was asked by a Mod to chill out on my fighting back

I wrote the Mod to " F " off . THEN I was banned , HA ! like i need this site in my life .

pretty cool huh ?


Last time i will state it

I help a select few people , I help them because of the way the THINK .

and the rest can burn themselves at the stake .

I will not answer questions

I owe no one anything

I help Springfield if he ask me to give oppinion of anything , because he was MAN enough to come meet me face to face

he was seeking answers , and met me with respect .

I can pass to him all the info I have

but he does not need it , and therefore does not ask for it .

I would not trust anyone else with it ,

Spring is to me a trusted personallity , I know if he discovers and recovers something , he will not be destructive
with it .

it is about the Honor of a person

and crybabies who demand from me , get nothing .

door closed to them .

Hola amigos,
Quite the discussion here. Not to attempt to address most of these points but the photos posted have sparked some curiosity. For instance, the sword:

looks to me, and I do not claim to be an expert on antique swords by any means but I do own a few myself, to be a model 1840 US Cavalry Saber, affectionately nicknamed 'wristbreaker". Compare that image above to this one of an 1840 US cav sabre grip and guard

Why would an 1840 US model sword be in a treasure allegedly far too old to have it?

Next, this photo slipped past me a couple of times before it "lodged" that it did not look right,
which is because the coin is a mirror image of a coin rather than what it should look like. The date, 1797 (reversed of course) is close to this example which is in my own collection. but for the sake of saving time here is another example:
The reversed "coin" even has some visible issues like a hollow, which could be a hole formed by a casting bubble and a crack, also likely from casting in a mould that is too cold. I have a cast lead fake half dollar which has the very same appearance, which is not to say that this reverse "coin" must be lead, just that it looks not quite right to be a silver eight reale. I am no expert on old coins either, but have been collecting them long enough to see this one has some problems.

What is going on here with these photos, or with the items themselves? Thank you in advance, good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


PS I could not see the symbol of Tanit in that one other photo either, I think on page 6? I am quite convinced that ancient visitors indeed came to America but their graffiti is usually much easier to pick out, as at Mystery Hill NH.

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