The True Story of Victorio Peak

That's Odd , heh heh ,,, cause Harvey Snow was My father ,,, he and Joe knew each other .

How's it feel to be one of us ?

the last alive I mean .

I was kinda thinking the same thing the other day. As far as I know I'm the last of the "Newman" group. Joe's wife even passed away earlier this year. Kind of funny to see all these folks with supposed artifacts that sure weren't around back in the '70s just laying around for the taking. I was up and down, in and out of all those places and never saw that stuff. What happened to the coffee cans of old dynamite, rings in the ring room, etc. Did you ever get contacted by any of these johnny come lately groups that keep looking for investors and media attention?

Unlike most of you, i believe the whole story, noss find the cave and too out items and gold bars which he bury in many locations, and the Army dug a hole and took all the treasures. I am wondering what the Army sold or gave the treasure to. Maybe we will never find out.
I agree with you, Sam.

To answer " Donethat "

Yes, I have been inundated with emails from people seeking all of the above mentioned .

I have pointed out the events that have hammered our lives , and people pass right over that , and push me for information , documentary deals , ,,, never mind , the point I'll make is they lack of respect they have for people
who have these heinous events slammed on them , so they can gain what they seek for themselves .

I was Tortured using a Defibrillator device attached to my Temples , and have made that clear to the people who want
information out of me , and they ignore what i went through and push .

Illustrative how people THINK ,
and since they THINK on that level , I understand exactly how self serving and shallow they are .

Given a very distinct reason to be cynical and bitter toward people who THINK as they do , They are very lucky that I do not bait them into a situation that the result leaves them broke and feeling a fool .

If I my thought processes were as theirs ,, you can imagine what agenda i could endeavor upon them .

To answer " Donethat "

Yes, I have been inundated with emails from people seeking all of the above mentioned .

I have pointed out the events that have hammered our lives , and people pass right over that , and push me for information , documentary deals , ,,, never mind , the point I'll make is they lack of respect they have for people
who have these heinous events slammed on them , so they can gain what they seek for themselves .

I was Tortured using a Defibrillator device attached to my Temples , and have made that clear to the people who want
information out of me , and they ignore what i went through and push .

Illustrative how people THINK ,
and since they THINK on that level , I understand exactly how self serving and shallow they are .

Given a very distinct reason to be cynical and bitter toward people who THINK as they do , They are very lucky that I do not bait them into a situation that the result leaves them broke and feeling a fool .

If I my thought processes were as theirs ,, you can imagine what agenda i could endeavor upon them .

So why don't you go after a big haul and then become a ghost and quit posting? Just relax on a giant ranch in the middle of nowhere with a beautiful woman and a margarita....

To answer " Donethat "

I was Tortured using a Defibrillator device attached to my Temples , and have made that clear to the people who want
information out of me , and they ignore what i went through and push .

Never had that level of "fun" but did have a run in with a big black Lincoln a couple of weeks before the 1977 trip. Kind of funny now. they chased me around about 2:00AM after I left a bar and I was just at that point where I pulled over, grabbed my 45 from under the seat and started chasing them. Figured I would be the one in jail if the cops saw all this craziness so I backed off. Then somebody drilled a hole in Joe's transmission up at Vicky peak the first day of the 1977 operation and we almost flew off the peak on the way down. Joe also had some "men in black" lurking around his house a week or so before the trip. He ended up pulling his daughter out of school until the trip was over.

Are there any betting men in here? I'll give 10-to-1 that 'Big Bad John' and 'Connecticut Sam' is one and the same ...
(Now, let me see if I have broken any rules by this statement? Called anybody names or called anyone a liar - check - nope. Used any 'forbidden words - check - nope. Guess I should be ok ...)
You are wrong and your are never O.K. Now prove that we are the same interesting writer. It is against the law to bet on this forum, so, off to jail you will go. Keep in touch.

So why don't you go after a big haul and then become a ghost and quit posting? Just relax on a giant ranch in the middle of nowhere with a beautiful woman and a margarita....
Make that three beautiful women, you you got a deal.

Quote the Genius Jackrook : " So why don't you go after a big haul and then become a ghost and quit posting? Just relax on a giant ranch in the middle of nowhere with a beautiful woman and a margarita...."

Are you trolling Jack ? hmmmm ?

well little one , the answer is simple , I don't think as you do , that's why .

I was born a level above your consciousness jackie baby

Quote the Genius Jackrook : " So why don't you go after a big haul and then become a ghost and quit posting? Just relax on a giant ranch in the middle of nowhere with a beautiful woman and a margarita...."

Are you trolling Jack ? hmmmm ?

well little one , the answer is simple , I don't think as you do , that's why .

I was born a level above your consciousness jackie baby

Once again I think you're over thinking it. You brag about having this wealth of knowledge. Well all that is is you dangling a carrot I'm front of a horse. The more you say, the more people are going to ask.

You say you were born a level above my consciousness. But that again is you over thinking it. No need for you to be " above my consciousness". I will never put boots to the ground and search for treasure. I never knew your dad. I just read his name in 3 books and this website. I don't care what caches you've worked. I'm just a simple guy who's reading behind my computer screen. You good sir are wrong. You're not born above anyone. You're a victim of circumstance. Had your dads hobby been basketball or ANYTHING else but treasure hunting, nobody would give a **** about you. I'm just saying it like it. So chill out with the "above you" privlidged attitude. Nobody cares. All we are doing is asking questions. You're the one opening a can of worms every time you post some stupid cryptic message thinking everyone is going to drool over it. Relax man.

Thanks for the like Big Bad John that is the cold hard truth and who I mentioned is the worst one of all if you ever need any info feel free to pm me or post on the forum I have no secrets.

Thanks familyhunter. What did you think about Victorio Peak treasure? I believe the story.

I do beleive in the treasure I am reading the second book in the series right now I also believe their is still some in their my brother and I went to the military together and he is still in. I have him checking in to if we can get on wsmr and even if we can if we can get to the peak.I personally think that Geronimo peak holds as much as Victorio did just for the reason their names both come from great warriors and Doc said he beleived their was a tunnel between the two and the supposed ox cart entrance would be right in the middle of the two so you could go either way once you were in. Maybe it was a way for the indians to honor their warriors by filling up those mountains with treasure for the afterlife?

Good luck Familyhunter. Keep in touch.

Well I see the Educated amongst the people of this planet are filling in the blanks of this legacy .

Victorio Peak was not an Apache Cache to begin with .

It was a storehouse for an Ancient Civilization of people who were interconnected throughout the Known World
of their time , through Commerce .

Apaches only added a small portion to the cache .

This is the land of Ophir .

Victorio peak was one of several deposit sites .

The others span out in a Geometric design .

Each of them a Treasury deposit .

Victorio peak was named by U.S. , not the Apache .

Ophir itself , refers to a Deposit site .

A Huge land mass .

I'll step out of the way .

Let the experts here fill in the blanks I leave .

Doc noss had absolutely no rights to the material he stole .

Many others who tried for the Treasures throughout the area of Ophir , failed as he did .

almost as though something or someone was protecting the sites from Thieves .

Well I see the Educated amongst the people of this planet are filling in the blanks of this legacy .

Victorio Peak was not an Apache Cache to begin with .

It was a storehouse for an Ancient Civilization of people who were interconnected throughout the Known World
of their time , through Commerce .

Apaches only added a small portion to the cache .

This is the land of Ophir .

Victorio peak was one of several deposit sites .

The others span out in a Geometric design .

Each of them a Treasury deposit .

Victorio peak was named by U.S. , not the Apache .

Ophir itself , refers to a Deposit site .

A Huge land mass .

I'll step out of the way .

Let the experts here fill in the blanks I leave .

Doc noss had absolutely no rights to the material he stole .

Many others who tried for the Treasures throughout the area of Ophir , failed as he did .

almost as though something or someone was protecting the sites from Thieves .
this sounds pretty far out .......... green men too ?

What's wrong with "the" net. I remember a time when US citizens were free as birds in the air. Our problems
started with career politicians. They become power mad, staying in office for lifetimes. The end result is what
we have now . . . stalemate. FDR was president when I was born. He was a four-termer and the mental
giant that took away the citizen's gold.

Nobody I am with you on the dispersing of gold rather than the hoarding and the pics of all the evidence that it exists. Roger has alot of knowledge that I am sure of what he gathered himself and what his father gathered I dont know but I do know anything important he will not tell you I have asked him. I am of the mind set of I dont hide any thing because if I die tm I dont want another he knew where it was and died now its lost stories thats dumb and selfish not to try and help others and share the knowledge. Side note anyone watch antique archeology and see those freemason scrolls from the 1800s pretty interesting.

Do not look up when birds are flying above you.

this sounds pretty far out .......... green men too ?

whatever you feel you can swallow my boy , green men , blue women , image up anything
that pleases you .

and to answer nobody

as I told Jack Staley

" The people of the U.S. are not concerned with the truth , they do not care , apathy is their
comfort zone , Illusions mollify thier fears for them .

Given ?

yes indeed .

why bother with revealing to them , what they refuse to do anything about

Note H-2 Charlies comment , he exemplifies concisely the mentallity of the general population of this world .

as i already pointed out

they are engrained in their false belief systems .

Leave them to their green pastures of dead grass .

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