The True Story of Victorio Peak

treasminder2 said:
Hi Bob
AS you are aware , I wrote in many forums on the net,,, some, dealing with the High Tech spy equipment that was tested with using me and others as the Guinea pigs.

disclosed countless events and details of such.
Ducked all the de-bunkers and baiters,,

and as time passed,,, most every item i wrote came to the surface

One never so timely as when i wrote of the Kidnap and torture of myself back in 1999, i wrote it
in 2002 in the Black hole thread at ancientlosttreasures.

Charactors like Man58 and the other person who used FBI as his handle, came down hard with harrassment of me.

a while after i wrote the text and posted it in the thread,,,

films and photos of prisoners being TORTURED by the same team that worked on me,, hit the Main Stream Media,,,

for a week i taunted with post directed at my agressors
they never did respond in the thread again

shortly after,, WhyteEagle deleted the thread altogether.

Funny World,,, I wonder what its for,,, anyway?

Yes Bob, Clairvoyant i was indeed as a child,,, til' the Gov. got the news.

they came in, had me Psyh-read events past and future tense, when satisfied,, and when i got hot tempered about what they were up to,, they hypnotized me to set up the Azrael Memmory blocks in order to block out my ability to tap into the stream.

Odd, as you say, that everytime i come on the net and write about something no one believes or have heard of,,, a while afterwards it comes on mainstream media,,

odder still,,, it could have been left unknown anyway,,, because the general population of this Planet,,,
care not the least ioda about anything but their own comfort.

I did the longest expose' on the subject of : MK Ultra Trauma Based mind control/ brianwashing

gave concise details of the techniques used.
Never saw any of that material anywhere in any book or on the Net or media.

Today, its an accepted FACT by many people
However, attempt to find my old postings on it,,, they have all been removed

Ever try wayback machine for old website postings?

What's the story on the book publication. Has the CIA blocked it?

Unlike most of you, i believe the whole story, noss find the cave and too out items and gold bars which he bury in many locations, and the Army dug a hole and took all the treasures. I am wondering what the Army sold or gave the treasure to. Maybe we will never find out.

The Gold House - The Treasure of Victorio Peak

The first pdf book is ready to be purchased online.

After 8 years of research and writing by John Clarence and Tom Whittle, the Victorio Peak saga is finally released in hardcover and Ebook formats in a three book sequel entitled the Gold House trilogy, touted as the "Victorio Peak bible." Book one covers the Doc and Ova Noss treasure discovery at Victorio Peak, including Doc's murder trial, and Ova's final removal from the Peak in 1955. Book 2, called The Lies, the Thefts, which spans the period from 1958 to 1978 and beyond. Book 3, called Executive Order spans 1979-2000 detailing the events that took place at VP during the ONFP expedition.

I have also heard that the writers are planning to release a document book that support the allegations made in the books. The trilogy is packed with photos, endnotes, and an index. Reviews are explosive, backing up the research and the compelling charges leveled against the military at White Sands Missile Range.

the books are available on Nook, Kobo, Amazon Kindle, and iBookstore. It's also available on a limited release hardback first edition. All format are available


just ordered the trilogy, along with some other goodies, looked around here at the big book stores, and at some of my haunts but nobody had it,cheaper and faster to just order it, but i did get to visit with some of my old treasure hunting, and metal detecting buddies, man are they getting old, they said the same thing about me, ive read about everything there is on this subject over the years, and always liked 100 tons of gold buried the best, strange how it gets mixed reviews on this site, anyway the author David Leon Chandler, i cant find much on him in the way of a biography, i know he wrote other books on conspiracy and lost fortunes, but how did he come to write this book, did someone contract him, and where did his investigative reports come from, maybe it will be in the new book, would like to know more about the man, wanted to read 100 tons again before the trilogy gets here but its buried away at my camp in northeast Texas going there in a few days but the trilogy will probably be here by then
n a few days

Unlike most of you, i believe the whole story, noss find the cave and too out items and gold bars which he bury in many locations, and the Army dug a hole and took all the treasures. I am wondering what the Army sold or gave the treasure to. Maybe we will never find out.
I agree with you, Sam, and so does many other treasure hunters. Where have you been? Miss your interesting great comments.

Are there any betting men in here? I'll give 10-to-1 that 'Big Bad John' and 'Connecticut Sam' is one and the same ...
(Now, let me see if I have broken any rules by this statement? Called anybody names or called anyone a liar - check - nope. Used any 'forbidden words - check - nope. Guess I should be ok ...)

Just a heads up. the "store" page has been down for a few days now. I'd like to recommend these books to some friends but dont know where they can purchase them.

42 seconds into the 60 minutes video... guess who? And yes I got a tee shirt..Hell Site New Mexico 1977

which are you ?
because the timestamp on videos changes with each Ip or each time you run it

42 seconds on yours , might be 55 seconds on mine .
consistency for the time stamp is not reliable on videos devices .

are you the guy being searched ? ( yeah , my Dad hated that too )

or Joe Newman

or ,,,,, ?

What's the story on the book publication. Has the CIA blocked it?

sorry , but the C.I.A. is not an agency that would be concerned as much as the D.O.D. and N.S.A.

they wouldn't bother to block a book .

I have a feeling some material that was personal to a certain individual , well , if i had to guess , I'd say the books had
to have some material edited out of them before they were published .

There were a lot of shady operations going on behind the scenes , and not all of them D.O.D. created .

( Points finger ) ONFP were guilty as well .

1985 through 1994 , were interesting years for me .

thats kinda what figured slowed the release of the books editing and such, people not wanting personel info released and agencies to maybe.
if that was the case, a few people got copies early. were these not edited as much as the one i will be getting?

The Gold House press releases are out

No book blocked here...[h=1]New Book Series Alleges a Multibillion-Dollar Gold Theft Was Connected to President Kennedy’s Assassination[/h]

sorry , but the C.I.A. is not an agency that would be concerned as much as the D.O.D. and N.S.A.

they wouldn't bother to block a book .

I have a feeling some material that was personal to a certain individual , well , if i had to guess , I'd say the books had
to have some material edited out of them before they were published .

There were a lot of shady operations going on behind the scenes , and not all of them D.O.D. created .

( Points finger ) ONFP were guilty as well .

1985 through 1994 , were interesting years for me .

JFK's Murder was dependent on several coinciding venues .

No singularity was involved .

and yes , the pilfer of Fiegie and Prathers Cave was paramount in the sceme to Kill JFk .

He did indeed impound the treasure , even signed a Presidential executive order to have it
impounded .

Try to find a copy of that Order today .

A Howard Huges/ Rockefeller slush fund was already in the works to finance the Hit on JFK
when the Hit interceded with the primary plot that was in the works at the time .

No Big news , it's been known since the event , granted not to the general population ,

Of all places , Officer Tippit had compiled the conspiracy in typed forms and hid those in the
rear kick panel of his patrol car's trunk , he was hit that day as well , His job was to hit Oswald .

He missed Oswald coming out of the Book Depository .

But the hitters did not miss Tippit .

Four Federal agents retrieved the Documents from Tippits Patrol Car and delievered them to
a Federal Prosecuter and Judge in Los Angeles Calif .

The person who tipped the F.B.I. where they could find Tippits compiled documents is known to myself .

the above stated facts are true .

Last edited:
which are you ?
because the timestamp on videos changes with each Ip or each time you run it

42 seconds on yours , might be 55 seconds on mine .
consistency for the time stamp is not reliable on videos devices .

are you the guy being searched ? ( yeah , my Dad hated that too )

or Joe Newman

or ,,,,, ?


Yes the one being frisked. Joe Newman was my father in law.


Yes the one being frisked. Joe Newman was my father in law.

That's Odd , heh heh ,,, cause Harvey Snow was My father ,,, he and Joe knew each other .

How's it feel to be one of us ?

the last alive I mean .

do you get a lot of email from people asking you questions , and asking you to
help them find treasure like I do ?

Get's on my nerves man .

People want Information ,,, leads , clues , want me to decode glyphs or strikemarks .

everything I write on the net , seems to end up in somebodies book or movie script .

yeah , like Joe I also held the Bars in my hands

somebody went around in the 1600's moving a lot of bars into several caves and sealing those up .

Odd how people would find them , yet could not get the bars out all at once .
then they come back to the caves ,,,,


the stories are all Ironic . even my own .

to add a bit about the material i write and what people do with it

When i first began posting on this forum

I would give exact locations of treasure markers and treasure sites in the Organ Mountains .

The post would dissapear :::: " POOF "

One of the owners of this Forum , a Mod , was taking the post for themselves and deleting them
so others could not chase the treasures with my info

I got P.O.'ed about that and reposted my leads time and time again , until
the owner of this forum stopped stealing the post .

Never did trust this forum .

Too many monkey business going on here .

I have no need to post

I was threatened with a ban ,,, I laugh and wrote back with " F " off , like a Ban has an effect on someone
like me ,,

HA! someone takes themselves too seriously .

They don't have first hand material like mine on this site , they ban me
they lose readers who follow what i write .

The clues I've given out have helpped people find treasure ,

try that with a book or movie

cracks me up

we'll ban you

sure you will ,, and that will hurt me somehow ? :laughing9: HA !

take care man

I got a Book to write

it may become a movie :laughing7:

I just wanted to post this short rant about some of the people that are on here and you know who you are. We are all interested in the same thing and most all of us have different and important info that others do not so it is B.S. when one of us email another and get blown off or the no I dont want to help or go with you, who cares were all looking for the same thing or related things and could help eachother find what were looking for or just to get to know eachother. I have about ten friends that I have met from here that are genuine people and honest we have found some things together and often help one another out in our search. Specifically to R.S. I emailed you and my granfather knew your father and has some of his origional notes and maps and I hope you are ashamed of yourself for not heping out a fellow THer in his quest for knowledge That is exactly why all those old timers ended up dead because of greed and selfishness when their is more than enough to go around and it more about the finding anyways.

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