The True Story of Victorio Peak

again the assumed / aquired identity of Willie Daught/Douthit

Born Midland Texas 1909

Willie went on the lam as it were
He went up to his aunts house, if i recall correctly she lived near or around the Silver City area

There, Willie aquired his Aunts Deceased son's Birth certificate, that of his cousin in other words

Leaving New Mexico, headed first South then West, in a 1934 Dodge brothers Sedan ( Dodge Brothers was the company that Built Dodge cqars until they sold out to Chrysler Corp in 1938)

Willie arrived in California stopping and staying first in Julian a small mining town and tourist stop east of San Diago,,
Then moving on to Poway California,,,
eventually moving to San Diago.

So, for the Later portion of Willies Life
He was Known as ::::::


An Integrascan has produced no arrest records of said Lawrence Forman

Yet does produce 68 reports from State and federal files,
Inclusive is a report of TWO birth Cert's issued to same persona.

with two different names.


You are exactly correct. Willie Daughit/Larry Foreman lived in San Diego until his death in 1998. He is buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, Ca. as Lawrence Foreman about three blocks from my office.


hi mike,
the last time i talked about this on a public forum Gordons web site went down.
i am highly suspect that whatever they did to the man , it was not pretty .
here is a link to a small piece of that puzzle.
warning to anyone who brings the subject of treasure up to Mr smith .
he is not very receptive to inquiries about the mummy cave .
personally i don't care where his treasure is . i was more interested in the corrupt people in the dept of interior , or whom ever ,that did what they always do to the finders of such things .

Gordon Smith has been screwed, blued, and tattooed over the years. Regarding the mummy cave, he made two mistakes:

1. He trusted a girlfriend

2. He used explosives to try and get past some boulders a little too close to a manned Ranger Station.

I don't know that I can publicly post much more of what I know about his situation with the Mummy Cave. I know the great majority of it, but would need his permission to elaborate. I know that he is publicly hostile to most people who bring up the Mummy Cave Topic.

As I have stated several times previously, I think it is a crying shame that a man who has given the world such amazing finds has been so badly treated by those in positions of authority. His name should be known forever for his finds and not slandered and dragged through the mud as it has been.


i know exactly what Gordon has been hammered with

I can match his story event for event,, and beyond.

On Willie
some of the items i post have never been on the NET before

Government Data Base yes, but classified ,, and NO, i have never been officially an operative or employee of any agency.

He was related as i said to Formen family, i believe Mothers sister married a Forman.

The compiled documents on Willie are like myown,,
in as much as every relative/friend/neighbor/aquaintance is listed and their relationship to:::
TARGET SUBJECT,,, which is the term used for the principle of an OP,, (operation)

One Operation they ran on me was Titled: Operation Cheif Crazy Horse
cute name for a heinous Psy-ops Project.

His files, as well as what was refered to as The operation : Rumpelstilskin Files wer some of those
I reviewed
Rumplestilskin and the spinning of Gold out of Straw,, makes this Hippie laugh to look back on those days.

you will no doubt come to understand some day, as things and events unfold,, that,,
ask kanabite
he's read what i wrote years ago before it was erased off the net

People at first thought me to be a lunatic on ALT

as what i'd write as in future and past tense proved out

those who harrassed,,, fell away out of sight.

i may post more

to your knowledge,,, has anyone ever posted the make of Willies Car he left NM in?

NO! no-one

Alright, that Willie crap out of the way.

lets do some realy strange stuff concerning Jerry Cheatums copiled treasure hunting files.

If our little buddy John Staley is paying attention and he has as his statements here on this forum,,
reviewed Jerry junk pile.

He may have come across an old Photo i n balk and white of 9 hand carved wooden figurines.

These nine " Dolls as Doc refered to them as,, were removed and smuggled out of the peak during
the 1961/1962 Army excavation and THEFT of artifacts from the peak, by 3 G.I.s asigned to the project to help recover the goods.
They took the wood statues as they called them,,, because they could get past the Metal detectors with them.

Jerry posited that these were Iconographs of Richard the Lion Hearted and his Round Table Knights.

I pointed out to Jerry,, " Jerry, uh, thats not who these reprasent,,, These jerry, are the Original 9 Knights Templar that the Soceity was Founded on.

The Knights were here Jerry.

Now, anyone care to ask John if he saw this photo i speak of?

Yes Mike, i am the real deal buddy.
if i state it, it's a fact.

As i said, i was given for review, CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS,,, for a reason and a direct desired effect.

I know i am one CRYPTIC a$$hole
But, that is to get people to THINK and to draw out certain people to talk as well.

I photographed and documented my find in the Cavern above Soledad Canyon on the Ridge that Separates North Canyon From Dorcey Canyon in the Organ Mountains.

Those photos, were passed Co-vertly into certain Hands to get those Target Individuals to bust a move at me while they were Monitored and WATCHED.

Bait for a Trap.

Think it out

ONFP was to be STOPPED and all plays were probable and very well Thought out.

if you get the Gestalt
and kick the right equation in the A$$, i may cut loose more tasty bits later.

In the beginning of the Video
His head is leaned to one side

his eyes stare directly at his interrogater
his mind is assaying the investigator,,, as to exactly what / who/ and working for/ and agenda of investigator.
Cautious, yet steadfast in his TOUGH A$$ way.

He is studying the investigator, and is not pleased too much with what he is looking at.

Tony, was a MAN at Birth
he looks a man straight between the eyes
adresses them in a DIRECT no B.S. Manner, as a MAN would.

He is a well forged warrior of LIFE , independent, balls up, pragmatic, and very comfortable
in his realtionship with reality.

he can hang on my front porch anytime.

that link is sweet

here, i am going to
profile Mr. Jack Sprague


He states that Gordon posting a amp to Shamanns gallery is MORALLY AND ETHICALLY WRONG

Oh Jack,,, shut your pie-hole you crybaby moron

Your perception of what Gordon posted is NOT THE FINAL END ALL BE ALL LAW OF LIFE.

HE speaks of Gordons ego

Let this self apointed nazi of Archealogical snobbery bite a rusted pipe wrench.

I find something rare in the world and choose to share it with the world rather then HOARD it to myself as Sprague believes is his right because he deludes himself to be a PROFESSIONAL,, and is THE AUTHORITY above and over me,,,,,, and that sniveling dweeb will suffer a BIT_H SLAP
from my weak hand as to not break his tweedy bird neck.


This Sprague Moron is exactly the type that keeps sweet finds from a public that have as much right as Hominids on this roack as he does to view these events and items.

Lets protect this from the rest of the world

if i was a rock, i'd fire him as my protector.

damn what an idiot.


Let me give you a little background for this story.

Yes, this panel has been seen by others for many years, but was never formally recognized. Gordon Smith was a very well known local packer and explorer of the Grand Canyon North Rim Area. Originally, he took pictures of the panel and sent them to the head of the National Park Service (NPS). Gordon was told that he was a liar and the pictures he sent must have been from Australia. HAHAHA

Eventually, his calls for attention to the site were heard, and he guided this Doctor Schaafsma (sic) in and showed her the panel.

See Sprague has his timelines a bit screwed up. He didn't realize that it was only because of Gordon's find that he was asked to pack the good doctor in to the site. Sprague is an idiot.

What Sprague DID get right was that the location of the panel should not be given online. It's location is so out in the boondocks, it is almost impossible to protect the site. Because it can't be protected, it is very easy for dirtbags to vandalize the site. The only way to protect it is to keep its location a secret. As I understand, the vandals have already started to work on the panel.


Being a Man who has seen first hand the Falicy of Authorities

being tortured by athorities i was told to look up to

betrayed on levels uncommon by athorities

also having a Consciousness level far above and beyond the thought levels of athority.... of others.

I have walked the ground with very little adverse impact better then most so called athorities.

I do not bend to their Nazi crap.

Vandals have shown up to destroy the Panel you say ?

would that be like when the Whites showed up on this hemispher and began
ripping the SH_T out of everything in a pure Vandal way?


i sit on a Sailboat in the Columbia River

everywhere i look i see the vandalism of the LINEAL thought processes..

Gee,,, way i see it,,, only Native to the soil shall see the Panel from this moment on.
I decree it.

after all,,, if Sprague can announce himself as an athority....

Then why not I as well?

get it?

simple really,,, one man in his mind declares he is the Hitler of Archeaological sites

Another man as myself
gives that wiseguy a swift kick in the D_ck, and steals his Swastika away from him and
declares himself the " NEW AUTHORITY "

Sprague, can keep me away from the panel, only if he can stop me.
period! end of his joke .

he is NOT my PIMP.

I can assure you of that.

sure gets a guy wound up , don't it Rog ?
the mentality of these guys just blows my mind.
and that Sprage guy is just a pawn , but he sure thinks pretty highly of himself .
heck I'm the supreme commander of beach party war games( self appointed mind you )
ain't I neat :laughing9:

anyway I don't really like talking about Gordo , don't want to cause him any more grief than i already have .
I was not there , and i already promised myself I ain't going looking for the stuff he found .
but is it not interesting what reading between the lines of that link reveals .

they knew about it in 1911 ??????????
but not where it was , don't make sense does it . more deception by that so called authority .

possibly the oldest type of rock art in the canyon ?????????something of great, great, antiquity , hmmmmmmm

lots of stuff in that big canyon , some of it make a guy not sleep so well.
too bad its out of bounds . oh and they made the park boundary bigger , or at least included a whole freaking bunch of wilderness
crap . some how it doesn't feel as much like the land of the free to me ...

Hi Kanabite

BOX THOUGHT! = Keeping the minds of Masses of people within a controllable

Europe and Eurasia about 263 a.d. were given a Pope as Authority over their minds and Souls.

If something was found, the people were instructed to take it to the Vatican.
The Vatican dictated LAW!

Historically, since that first instance that those Holy Pirates ( First 3 Popes) were given that AUTHORITY,,, The Western peoples have been robbed of any Ultra Knowledge.

You Bob have caused Gordon no grief

we all were born into it, and have been consistently smoozed into accepting the controls.
Therein lies the true Grief Bob.

and we pay to have that done to us,, i refer to taxation.

Now onto some more "TRUE Victorio Peak stories.

I was sent an email, with a link to this forum.

the statement with that email was this : Rog' they are at you and yor dad again, saying his hardscrabble story is bs, and you are out there.

I jumped in here and read the SH_T.

I have been very NICE for the past 12 years while people like Oren Swearingen ( ONFP co-hort)
went all over the web where my Dads harscrabble story was in the text and posted comments that it was BS.

and it was,, and that was rightly so.

If a wiseman has found something, he does not allow people to expose it outright.

He lies,,, and again, rightly so.


Answer: I received years ago an email from Dr. Sweraingen
in it he delineated an ancedote as this:

Rog' a young man with a young wife and two small babies , a friend of mine,,, took Harvey's
story as true.

he went in to hardscrable on an Ultra-light plane and scoured the peak looking for the entrance to the cave with 1300 steps going down into a cavern.

about the third try, a downdraft flung him down against the bluffs and he was killed.
it pissed me off at your dad and i went to him and asked him to tell the truth, where is that cave Harvey,,
your Dad said, the location in the story is BS Oren, if you want to know where it is ,,, go ask Claude Suddereth.

Oren Called Claude
Claude drove down and showed Oren a Cave in Old Man or Dead Man Canyon.

The entrance is on the West side of Blacks peak,, north of Victorio Peak, and East side abuting Hardscrabble peak.

Dad found it while Maintaining Service on Radar and Radio Towers on the Base for a private contractor Named : LAND,SEA,AIR,,, or,, by initials LSA

Oren, must have felt my Dad was in some way responsible for the young mans death.

NOT SO! he was NOT.

If a Man has a wife and two small children to protect and live for,,, given the air currents around Mountains,,, his wisdom was off.

He, took a chance, where better judgement should have prevailed and been applied. PERIOD!

Oren, i sat 12 years silent while you and the freaks have babbled away at Dad and myself
I have posted lately serious details unknown even to the FREAKS of Ova Noss Family Project.

Those post contain Government FACTS! Straight out of the D.I.A. AND OTHER AGENCY FILES
NOW, those post, are my Bona Fides as to who i am, and what i KNOW.
They were posted to get the point across, that if my fathers name and mine are not left alone, i can reveal some very interesting Skeletons out of more than just a few closets.

remember, i have been very nice over the years
do not think my kindness a weakness.

Leave the Godda_ned Dead ALONE damn you.

Last fact for this post
ONFP paid my younger Half Brother Walter Snow $25,000 for my Dads treasure hunting compilation and notes with photo's.
all of which were left to me and was not Walters property to sell.
I DID not then care, and i still do not,
but, as expose' as to the undermining and corrupt practices of the investors and persona's of ONFP
Another interesting FACT,,, not "ONE" person in the ONFP was related by BLOOD to Doc Noss, Ova was simply a past Tense ex-wife even before Doc was shot dead.

Further note

Ova, JUMPED Doc's Claim like the Theif she was

and,,, being Karma Kicks like it should,,, rightly so.

For,,, Doc himself had jumped another persons Claim to get at it.

Pres. Kennedy had stated, it shall be impounded until the Inheiritors can be found.

He knew more about it than you can imagine, he got that info from the same source as i did in 1983.

Doc Noss,,,, and any of the FREAKS who were attached to that family,, had NO CLAIM to the Goodies.

and JFK did NOT receive anything from the proceeds of the treasure from the Peak.

Jerry Cheatums so called EX-C.I.A. Operative is simply a SPOOF Artist, with an agenda.
Guess whose agenda

you get 3 guesses.

and you'll still not get it right.

Mr. Snow,

I know this probably means nothing coming from a peon like me, just like reading sr tuff on the web and never putting petal to the metal, but you've shed a lot of light on a whole new perspective of the VP treasure saga. You're one of the few who knows abd doesn't seem to want to profit off of it. It takes a lot to keep posting about a subject with deep personal meaning. The inquisitive side of me wants to hear more and more. But the side of me with a heart doesn't want you to talk about it because it's affected you a lot already.

we all alpreciate the info you're sharing. Enjoy life on your sailboat away from the grid. I wish I could leave this rat race. Hahahahaha

jackrook said:
Mr. Snow,

I know this probably means nothing coming from a peon like me, just like reading sr tuff on the web and never putting petal to the metal, but you've shed a lot of light on a whole new perspective of the VP treasure saga. You're one of the few who knows abd doesn't seem to want to profit off of it. It takes a lot to keep posting about a subject with deep personal meaning. The inquisitive side of me wants to hear more and more. But the side of me with a heart doesn't want you to talk about it because it's affected you a lot already.

we all alpreciate the info you're sharing. Enjoy life on your sailboat away from the grid. I wish I could leave this rat race. Hahahahaha

You can buy truth,,, it however,,, may not be the real truth,, however again,,,
what your dollar bought you,,,can in a person's mind,, become real for "THEM", and that is the delusional aspect of paying for "Truth", it becomes hard for a person to accept that they paid for truth,
and were conned. and have now stepped further away from truth.

no better way to invite critique of "TRUTH" ,, then by attempting to sell it.

Further,, on the Rat Race and escape from it.

No matter how far i have moved away from the Rats,,, they are always right on my heels.
if i stop to cool my heels,,they catch up to me.

Today, what i once thought of as my "Country" has become a National Prison Cell.

Gates have been thrown up blocking the roads to the Wilderness all over the entire U.S.

You cannot board a plane, train, or even cross country bus,,, without having your papers in order.

there is in extant, a national data base with files on items of peoples lives, even their hobbies, that people would be shocked to know these exist.

Try to find any info on a : FEDERAL M4200 CHARACTOR PROFILE"

However, when i attempted to file for discovery at the Federal Court House to get a copy of that file,
I was told that they had no way of checking for files or criminal back grounds and such.

HA! BullSh_t !

o h man rog now your gonna get me wound up . LOL
road s closed
conservation area s
wilderness study area s
travel restricted area s
national monument s
designated wilderness s
national park s
you can't get there from here area s.....

and the list goes on , enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!
why is the government so hellbent on keeping the public off what use to be public lands?
Victorio peak is just one place , that the goods fell into the power s that be , dirty hands.
and it pisssssss s me off

it's been about 12 years for me too Rog. since i walked in with my head held high looking for help
or a permit or permission from the BLM and what I got in return was nothing even close to what
they dished out to you , or Buddy , or a couple others folks i know.
of course i had not really found anything back then ,I was not a finder .
think i just got a little too close for their comfort .
maybe drawing the great grand daughter of Richard Weatherhill for an audience probably
did not help my cause either , but i did not know how the hell stuff really worked way back then.
just a dumb kid,,. very very green horny probably still a dumb kid .

anyway I could always relate to your story even before i found out you had a little clairvoyant kinda thing going on ,,, cause i knew how it felt to have them take something , even if they never took any treasure from me cause i had not found one , they still took 26 years or so of something i loved to do , something i had worked really hard at , and turned it into a freaking nightmare .
at first it felt like they ripped my guts out, but time goes by , live and learn ,
i will not make those same mistakes again.

just wanted to say thanks Rog :notworthy:

PS, think you might have said once that some ruses are easier to see through than others , or something like that .
man you are kinda clairvoyant , or at least well informed . :thumbsup:

Hi Bob
AS you are aware , I wrote in many forums on the net,,, some, dealing with the High Tech spy equipment that was tested with using me and others as the Guinea pigs.

disclosed countless events and details of such.
Ducked all the de-bunkers and baiters,,

and as time passed,,, most every item i wrote came to the surface

One never so timely as when i wrote of the Kidnap and torture of myself back in 1999, i wrote it
in 2002 in the Black hole thread at ancientlosttreasures.

Charactors like Man58 and the other person who used FBI as his handle, came down hard with harrassment of me.

a while after i wrote the text and posted it in the thread,,,

films and photos of prisoners being TORTURED by the same team that worked on me,, hit the Main Stream Media,,,

for a week i taunted with post directed at my agressors
they never did respond in the thread again

shortly after,, WhyteEagle deleted the thread altogether.

Funny World,,, I wonder what its for,,, anyway?

Yes Bob, Clairvoyant i was indeed as a child,,, til' the Gov. got the news.

they came in, had me Psyh-read events past and future tense, when satisfied,, and when i got hot tempered about what they were up to,, they hypnotized me to set up the Azrael Memmory blocks in order to block out my ability to tap into the stream.

Odd, as you say, that everytime i come on the net and write about something no one believes or have heard of,,, a while afterwards it comes on mainstream media,,

odder still,,, it could have been left unknown anyway,,, because the general population of this Planet,,,
care not the least ioda about anything but their own comfort.

I did the longest expose' on the subject of : MK Ultra Trauma Based mind control/ brianwashing

gave concise details of the techniques used.
Never saw any of that material anywhere in any book or on the Net or media.

Today, its an accepted FACT by many people
However, attempt to find my old postings on it,,, they have all been removed

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