The True Story of Victorio Peak

Hi Gollum, Nice to see you back, i hope you didn't damage the bike to much !,

anyway you should be laid face down on something soft !!!!!! :D


victorio peak said:
Springfield, you are correct. The dear hunting story was true, but it wasn't the whole truth. Doc, years later revealed to Letha his step daughter, that he got the story of the Peak's location from an old dying indian. In 1909, Doc was a young boy in Oklahoma and was put in an Indian portion of a jail as a young half breed Indian for stealing a horse named Jilly with another older boy. They were caught by the rancher who owned it. Doc was thrown in jail at Ft. Sill, OK. Now, I don't think anybody has any proof but Geronimo was in that same jail as well and was dying from a fall he had suffered. It may be possible he received it from Geronimo. Coincidently, Geronimo Peak is the twin mountain next to Victorio Peak there in the Hembrillo Basin, New Mexico. The entire area was the last hiding spot for the Apache Indians. They fought to the death at the base of the Peak and so ended the Indian Wars. Victorio escaped and was killed in Mexico three days later. Victorio Peak was also the location in early 1992 for a large metal detecting project. Letha, personally guided our team of 50 metal detectors to the location of the battle which she had stumbled upon while walking around the Peak area in 1938. Our team flagged hundreds of shell casings, etc. This information was given to the White Sands Missile Range head archeologist Bob Burton who received special funding and did a full investigation of this historic battle. Here is a link of their work, a well done job.
So there may be something to the Ft. Sill story, Doc never said Geronimo, but no one knew to ask. He may have not wanted the Apaches to have a claim if it got out. Not sure. This story is available in detail in book one The Gold House. Soon to be out. I have attached some relevant photos to this story.

Most unlikely, a 3 year old horse theif thrown in jail.

It is my understanding that the first two books have gone to print and should be available soon. The author, John Clarence did a tremendous amount of work documenting facts associated with this treasure. I recently ran into him by chance and he was kind enough to sit and talk with me for a few hours. These books are going to tell an incredible story which I believe will answer a lot of questions and put to rest a lot of innuendo and rumor.

Was the horse three years old or the thief who stole it was three years old? Just asking.

Well it seems some of the books are out. A friend had one, a quick glance says some good info including some of the Caballo tales as well.

When I get time will have to read it.

I am wondering if the poster of the silver comb back, actually thinks an Art Nouveau item: is Spanish or what.. ???
Or the 1579 is a date instead of a pattern number of the designed and item..
I estimate the age of that item to be about 1900.

Oh well the books seem to be around today. So if it was a pre release the others should be out soon.

Lost Causes:

I signed up on the website and have yet to be told the books are available. I looked on the 'web and couldn't find any for sale.

These days, with print-on-demand, it's quite easy for a publisher to release a few advance copies.

There are several booksellers advetising here on TNF and I hope they offer these books.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


You are correct. None of the books have been made available for sale yet. Only the first two have had any copies printed at all. Book three is still being indexed last I heard.

There are a few copies of one and two, but only a few.


Was any treasures found after the Army took what they believe was all of it?

Got my copy of Book 1 "The Discovery" and Book 2, "The Lies, The Thefts" today.

I'm thrilled....lots to read here.

And how do you get a book or the three of them. The VP website tells you nothing. I too have googled John Clarence trying to find the book and nothing comes up. Does this author even exist? What do I have to do to get a copy of the book if there is one?????

Coins and danny - all

My understanding is that the books are to be released all together, at once - as a trilogy.

The first two surely exist as I am looking at two hardbound copies. What's going on with #3...I donno.

Make no mistake, the books are meticulously researched and will warrant deserved acclaim. Indeed, John Clarence exists as well.

Keep in touch and let us know when the books are coming out.

Come on! You say they are all going to be released together, but then why do you have a copy of one and two? You say the author exist - but why can't he be googled? Even my first grader can be googled! For over 6 months the site has said, "will be released soon." Soon? Are we talking another 6 months, a year, or longer? Some facts on this matter would be great! Where can this book(?) be purchased if it is ever released? Once it is released will John Clarence come out of the wood work and sign his book? Answers to all questions would be appreciated! If you know these people, please have them update there website and stop misleading consumers!


Relax. No copies are for sale yet. A few people were chosen to read the books and write reviews of them. As far as I know, only two of the three books have been printed.

The reason you can't Google the author is because John Clarence is a pen name.

Trust me, when the books are finally available for sale, you will read about it right here.


Thanks for the update, I certainly appreciate it. Also appreciate the heads-up on John Clarence - I couldn't understand why I was unable to google the author and look at his other works - so there are no other publications - at least not under his "pen name." No known author, no known publisher, no known editor. Ok, now I get it!

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