The True Story of Victorio Peak

Hi and thank you,
Yeah..It's a bit long winded but like I said is only one of many, many versions of almost the same story.
I got hooked on this story about 20 years ago and find it enjoyable to cross reference all the stories and try and find some sense of it.

I should start another thread but honestly..I don't know how..sad ain't it?
There have been many people associated with the story and adds some credibility to at least having heard the story if not in fact having particapating in the, sam bishop, EF Beal, WM skinner,wj Graham,and of course...the greatest (and most cryptic) of the story tellers..Annie Rose Briggs...a quick google search of her name and you'll understand why I say that.

If anyone knows how I can start a new thread let me know or feel free to get it going.
I am always interested in sharing the story to anyone who will listen.
Thanks again

In defense of Alex Alonso, in his posting of the story of Victorio Peak, let me say that he is exactly who he says he is ! He was the field director of the Noss Family expedition in the 1990s----I, also, was a part of that expedition as a team member----and yes, we both know Lambert Dolphin and worked closely with him-----I know Tom Whittle as well---when he was working for Jack Anderson, Tom interviewed me for two solid days, in El Paso, about the peak-I have been involved with the peak since 1955, and have spent countless hours and days on it and in it ! Alex is announcing the forthcoming publication of the truth about the treasure in a set of 3 volumes-----It became three volumes because the evidences and documents we found were too voluminous for just one book ! The book was a joint effort by myself and 3 other members of the expedition---which was begun just shortly after the project was shut down, after the army base got all our money and broke us----we didn't like that, hence the book to expose them! The truth is AMAZING ! The book will be a blockbuster ! It would make a TERRIFIC movie ! A scandal worthy of Oliver Stone's interest ! My name is Dr. Oren Swearingen, and I live in College Station Texas...............

I have read "100 tons of gold", "What men call Treasure", "Treasure of Victoria peak" and "Phantom of the Cabellos" what book did Tom Whittle write? Where can I get it?
gollum said:

I am friendly with Dr Lambert Dolphin (former head physicist of SRI) and Tom Whittle (wrote the best story of the Peak I have read yet).

Would either of them know who you are?

Is there any NEW information that is verifiable with people who were there?

Most people who are very familiar with the story know most of what went on from 1937 until now. As I stated previously, what is in the books beyond:

Milton Doc Noss found the upper entrance in a rainstorm while deer hunting in 1937. The family and a few friends removed some of the artifacts and between two and three hundred bars of gold before an explosion caved in the upper portion of the cave system. In 1949 Doc was shot in the head and killed. The military removed everything in the cave system over the years. Air Force Officers Fiege and Berlette discovered the lower entrance to the cave system along with a few stacks of gold bars. F Lee Bailey, during the Watergate Hearings said that with a helicopter and a half hour he could bring our about 300 gold bars. Harvey Snow's 14 year old daughter was shot in the head after he had received several warnings to stay away from the subject.

Did I leave anything out? Oh yeah! The 93,000,000 ounces of gold that was illegally taken from the Peak was stored on LBJ's Ranch in Texas and used to fund Black Operations and personal accounts over a span of many years.

So, where do we need to buy three more books on the subject? Don't get me wrong, if there is new information that can be verified by people who I know were there, I would be more than happy to spend the money.


King4x4 said:
Where can I get these books?

The books are nearing completion. They will be available everywhere but there is some discount and pre-release copies for early registration at when the books are online.
FYI. Tom Whittle is the coauthor of book 2 of the Gold House Trilogy


are books 1,2 & 3 available now? if so where? can I get them for the kindle or PDF so much easier to search
victorio peak said:
King4x4 said:
Where can I get these books?

The books are nearing completion. They will be available everywhere but there is some discount and pre-release copies for early registration at when the books are online.
FYI. Tom Whittle is the coauthor of book 2 of the Gold House Trilogy


Martian Monster said:
In defense of Alex Alonso, in his posting of the story of Victorio Peak, let me say that he is exactly who he says he is ! He was the field director of the Noss Family expedition in the 1990s----I, also, was a part of that expedition as a team member----and yes, we both know Lambert Dolphin and worked closely with him-----I know Tom Whittle as well---when he was working for Jack Anderson, Tom interviewed me for two solid days, in El Paso, about the peak-I have been involved with the peak since 1955, and have spent countless hours and days on it and in it ! Alex is announcing the forthcoming publication of the truth about the treasure in a set of 3 volumes-----It became three volumes because the evidences and documents we found were too voluminous for just one book ! The book was a joint effort by myself and 3 other members of the expedition---which was begun just shortly after the project was shut down, after the army base got all our money and broke us----we didn't like that, hence the book to expose them! The truth is AMAZING ! The book will be a blockbuster ! It would make a TERRIFIC movie ! A scandal worthy of Oliver Stone's interest ! My name is Dr. Oren Swearingen, and I live in College Station Texas...............


Hey Oren. We corresponded several times a few years ago. Lambert referred me to you while I was researching his work near the Tumacacori Mission.

Glad to see you posting here. Hope you are doing well.


Did Tom Whittle write another book? Gollum makes it sound like there is another book. Also I went to the website and signed up, but would like to see the interview with Willie Doughit.

Just a Side note after writing 3001 Arthur C Clarke said there should be no more than 4 books in a Trilogy LOL

victorio peak said:
King4x4 said:
Where can I get these books?

The books are nearing completion. They will be available everywhere but there is some discount and pre-release copies for early registration at when the books are online.
FYI. Tom Whittle is the coauthor of book 2 of the Gold House Trilogy



The book Whittle was referring to a couple of years ago must have been this one. It is also possible that he was working on his own book, but later decided it would be better to go in on this series of books.

I'll give him a call sometime this week. I've been meaning to call him for several weeks now, but never got around to it (work is HEII HAHAHA).


Thanks Gollum, I look forward to here what you find out

the website says the wait is over, but I have searched high and low and have been unable to find any of the books. In my search, I also searched the author, John Clarence, and found no information. Are these books the first he has written? Are these books going to be released to the public or are they for private sale only? Please advise so I don't waste anymore time looking. I feel like this is a scam. thanks,

Due to printing issues the books release has been delayed a month or so. Not to worry it will be out soon.


Hey Alex,

I need those books now! HAHAHA

I haven't posted in a while because I went down pretty hard on my Honda VTR1000F2. Broken right ankle, four broken ribs (right side), pneumothorax (collapsed lung) right side, and a broken collar bone (right side).

Guess which side I went down on? HAHAHA

I am completely disabled for about another month or so. Since all my damage is on the right side, I can't use crutches, so I'm in a wheelchair. I NEED READING MATERIAL!

Take care-Mike

Welcome back Mike,

Sure hope you heal better than I did. I to spent some time on a wheelchair with two shattered ankles, and a shattered femur from the head on of 94. Never will forget having to lower myself to the floor, and dragging myself backwards to the bathroom. Sure makes you realize how hard life was in the so called good old days.


gollum said:
Hey Alex,

I need those books now! HAHAHA

I haven't posted in a while because I went down pretty hard on my Honda VTR1000F2. Broken right ankle, four broken ribs (right side), pneumothorax (collapsed lung) right side, and a broken collar bone (right side).

Guess which side I went down on? HAHAHA

I am completely disabled for about another month or so. Since all my damage is on the right side, I can't use crutches, so I'm in a wheelchair. I NEED READING MATERIAL!

Take care-Mike

Good thing you had a helmet on. Hope you're back on your feet soon.

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gollum said:
More than just a helmet buddy.

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I guess you didn't lose much skin. From the looks of pictures you've posted of yourself, you appear to be 40-ish, so you'll probably heal OK, but those damned ribs .. they tend to hurt for a long time.

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