The True Story of Victorio Peak


Treasure hunting tips for the South West U.S.

Seek the springs of water

Massive operations took Massive amounts of water

almost every treasure site I am aware of , was very near a spring .

2. Nothing of extreme weight as gold bars , was carried up very high and secreted .

almost always , items hidden , were set down in areas where clear visibility of the land could be had .

3. Stone set upon stone , where no stone could have by nature , got there , is to be paid attention to

This is how trails were marked , not just to the cache , but to many items such as water and game .

Water is very important in this

seek the springs on oldest Topo maps , find those , seek any markers in that area .

Water had to be very close by for the burial team and the beast of burden .

On your topo map
circle each spring in the entire range .

one at a time seek monuments of stone .

these monuments will stand out to you if you educate your eyes to see them .

Thanks for the 411


it was the Fiegie cave they were pilfering

not Docs main cavern

and the count was about 2000 bars

not 100

the cave was lower on the side of the peak right at a leveled off area

where the slope leveled off , about midway along the side of the peak before it dropped down to the spring .

say it just one more time

Capt Fiegie's cave held about 2000 bars

not 100
and Doc Noss never knew Fiegie cave existed .

Regardless of the lies told by members of The Ova Noss Family Project ( They attempted to place everything
ever found in the world , on Doc Noss , they did so to falsely support their FALSE Claims )

1957 was when Dad Met Fiegies buddies Wessel and Berlette with Prather .

Dad worked with a civilian Contractor on the base

Base wide
from Ft. Bliss to Stallion site .

He sought caches during his free moments while driving all over those bases .


what did My Father talk about with Prather and Friends ?

He brought that up and I listened to him .

Take another look at the flame stone photo

those markers led Dad to discoveries
granted he could not recover many of the things he found
yet ,, he could share his insights and findings with a few people

some , went in and searched the sites

Fiegie and friends had free access .

Capt. Leonard Fiegie was Brainwashed for his discovery using
MK Ultra Trauma Based Brainwashing and mind Control techniques by the Defense Intelligence Agency


For a definition of the MK Ultra experiments , give it a google search .

Bat Guano Knee deep ?

and Doc Noss was the one who placed the bars in Fiegies Cave

Not hardly folks
Doc walked right over the top of it and never knew it was there

why not ?

He had no awareness of what the flame stone marker meant .

simle that fact .

I haven't followed the Victorio Peak story closely, but have seen bits and pieces of it over the years. Various people who claim to know the straight skinny have shown up to tell what they believe. A few have produced convincing stories, provided that you believe their story and not the others.

The location is known, it's government property, the story is about a schittpyle of gold bars. Gold makes people crazy, governments not excluded.

That can only mean one thing. If the gold used to be there, it's gone now.

I haven't followed the Victorio Peak story closely, but have seen bits and pieces of it over the years. Various people who claim to know the straight skinny have shown up to tell what they believe. A few have produced convincing stories, provided that you believe their story and not the others.

The location is known, it's government property, the story is about a schittpyle of gold bars. Gold makes people crazy, governments not excluded.

That can only mean one thing. If the gold used to be there, it's gone now.

1. Along with Douhthit and others in an undefined shenanigan of some sort, Noss acquires 200 gold bars in the Caballo Range in the early 1930s.
2. In 1937, after choosing a suitable site with caves, Noss stages a treasure discovery at Soledad (Victorio) Peak in the San Andres Range.
3. Noss operates a bunko scam for 12 years, fleecing investors with his "treasure recovery" games at Victorio Peak.
4. Noss is killed in 1949 by a disgruntled investor.
5. The government, having annexed Victorio Peak into the missile range, kicks the remaining Noss family off the peak in the 1950s.
6. In the mid-1950s, figuring they had a perfect venue and cover story to hide their activities, the government (i.e., certain individuals within it) move their confiscated WWII Nazi gold, hidden elsewhere, to the Fiege cave and stage a treasure discovery there.
7. Next, the government removes the Nazi gold into private hands, then allows a controversy to grow over former Noss claims about the origin and owners of the gold.
8. The Noss red herring story continues. The government knows full well that the Noss claimants can't prove there was gold in Victorio Peak, because despite what all the experts claim, there is, and never was proof.
9. If anybody asks about the Nazi gold removed by the government, they will claim it was a Spanish treasure trove found on government land and was eventually moved to Fort Knox. This hasn't come up because of those pesky Nosses keep squeaking about "Doc's gold". That's OK with the government - let the Nosses prove it. They can't. Stalemate. Let more books be published - it helps the true coverup.

Now if only there was any verifiable evidence to choose your chain of events over what was claimed in the Gold Trilogy. You always say that Noss's account is fabricated and wrong, what evidence proves yours is correct? Round and round we go...

Now if only there was any verifiable evidence to choose your chain of events over what was claimed in the Gold Trilogy. You always say that Noss's account is fabricated and wrong, what evidence proves yours is correct? Round and round we go...

If Noss's claims had been proven, there wouldn't be a forum category such as this one. With the exception of guys like Garry, who generously delve into public records to provide facts to the rest of us who are too lazy to find them on our own, there will never be the type of evidence available here that proves or disproves any of these theories. Not that the truth doesn't exist - someone always knows the truth - it's just that there is no benefit revealing secrets to mooks like us on a public forum. Or in a book. As far as the Gold Trilogy Book 1 is concerned, once you strip away the obvious Noss family spin, what's left (public records and testimony from others) doesn't provide any verifiable proof that Noss ever found gold in Victorio Peak. What it does confirm is that Noss was a liar and a con man.

As far as this forum is concerned - it's a specialized social media venue, nothing more. Lots of speculation, new ideas and such to chew on. Plenty of bs, but don't expect any revelations - who would benefit from that? Of course, Post #536 does make a lot of sense for those not corrupted by 80 years of hearsay.

Rog, you posted -- . Nothing of extreme weight as gold bars , was carried up very high and secreted

True, if you don't have slaves.

Sdcfia, the thing you continue to overlook is that what you posted is just as much "hearsay" as anything claimed by the Gold Trilogy. Your post above doesn't mention anything about it being your opinion, its presented as fact. Is that valid? You like to talk about "obvious Noss family spin", but when it comes to your baseless conclusions, no such qualifiers are mentioned by you. Isn't that "spin", in an attempt to get people to accept your version of things over what the Noss family claimed? Spin is not limited to one side or the other, and the only thing that stops the spinning is verifiable information. Which we both know is very unlikely to ever see the light of day.

Look, I'll be happy to join you in your ridicule of the Noss family as soon as you make your case. Just posting text on a forum like this doesn't pull that off. Just posting opinions doesn't pull that off. So perhaps its a good idea to present your opinions on this as just that. Of course , you are free to ignore my suggestion.

Often times I've heard told

it's hard to swim with the weight
of Gold ,,,

and just as often it's been said
just as hard to swim with the weight of lead .

Unless you have a lot of slaves ?

or ,, Aztecs .

Hey Matthew

is it odd that right after Mrs. Perrone lost her clinic in T or C to the depression , ( where Doc made money
by giving people foot tickles ,,,, )

That Doc , without income from that Clinic ,,,,,

goes out and finds a HUGE old Treasure ?

no tellin' what a Broke Drunk will do to get another drink .

1. Along with Douhthit and others in an undefined shenanigan of some sort, Noss acquires 200 gold bars in the Caballo Range in the early 1930s.
2. In 1937, after choosing a suitable site with caves, Noss stages a treasure discovery at Soledad (Victorio) Peak in the San Andres Range.
3. Noss operates a bunko scam for 12 years, fleecing investors with his "treasure recovery" games at Victorio Peak.
4. Noss is killed in 1949 by a disgruntled investor.
5. The government, having annexed Victorio Peak into the missile range, kicks the remaining Noss family off the peak in the 1950s.
6. In the mid-1950s, figuring they had a perfect venue and cover story to hide their activities, the government (i.e., certain individuals within it) move their confiscated WWII Nazi gold, hidden elsewhere, to the Fiege cave and stage a treasure discovery there.
7. Next, the government removes the Nazi gold into private hands, then allows a controversy to grow over former Noss claims about the origin and owners of the gold.
8. The Noss red herring story continues. The government knows full well that the Noss claimants can't prove there was gold in Victorio Peak, because despite what all the experts claim, there is, and never was proof.
9. If anybody asks about the Nazi gold removed by the government, they will claim it was a Spanish treasure trove found on government land and was eventually moved to Fort Knox. This hasn't come up because of those pesky Nosses keep squeaking about "Doc's gold". That's OK with the government - let the Nosses prove it. They can't. Stalemate. Let more books be published - it helps the true coverup.

See, I don't have any dogs in the hunt. I don't profit from the book sales. I don't personally know any of the Noss Family. I do know a few of the people involved with the ONFP, and the two writers that I feel have written the best versions of the story to date (Tom Whittle and John Clarence [pen name]).

That said, I couldn't disagree with your timeline more. Your timeline shows a profound ignorance of the facts. Douthit's (and possibly Ward's) Cave of gold bars was found in 1928 (not the "early 1930s" as you post). I highly doubt it would have taken Doc 9 years to find a suitable set of caves to "stage" any swindle. Doc knew those mountains very well. If you honestly think Doc dragged 200 fifty pound bars from the Caballos to VP, then dragged them down a couple of hundred feet into a small crevice, just to haul them all back out again, to stage a swindle, your theory doesn't make sense. Although Doc found the caves under VP in 1937, he didn't bring out the first bar until two years later (1939). Doc never made any attempts to get "investors" until much later (after he had left Ova). Before that, he had just sold a lot of gold bars (actual gold bars witnessed by several people). After SE Montgomery blasted the cave upper entrance shut in 1939, why did he continue to dig there for several years trying to get access? Not the actions of a scam. Your timeline leaves a LOT of documented facts out that would put your theory in a bad light.

And the US Government/Military would not have to stage any fake Spanish Gold Discovery in VP. If they had Nazi Gold, they would have just taken it straight from Germany to Switzerland (where a good chunk of this gold went). It would not have had to be deposited in a system of caves under VP, then pretend to be found. Very simple "NATIONAL SECURITY" declared, then encompass all the land into an adjoining military installation....... oh yeah. They did that.

For someone that didn't have a lot of knowledge about the story, your theory looks like it could be possible. Its unfortunate that in order to get a real feel for what happened, a person has to follow a very long and convoluted trail of evidence, lies, observations, documents, and hearsay. You then have to separate the wheat from the chaff (so to speak). Take from all of that what you will and base your personal opinions on that. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT THIS STORY THAT IS LINEAR. NOTHING THAT TAKES YOU DIRECTLY FROM "A" TO "B" TO "C" TO "D". Everything jumps back and forth then you have to inject some numbers and cryptic symbols, and the whole thing gets jumbled up along the way.

SDCFIA is correct in that if much of anything could be proven 100%, this would never be such a big issue on internet forums like this one, and the fact that nothing remains under VP today means that this subject will continue to be a source of theories and conjecture for many more years to come.

There are several people that personally saw and had many of the gold bars Doc brought out of VP. NOT ONE has ever said any of the bars had any markings on them. Nazi Gold from the Reichsbank was marked with the synbol of the NSDAP:


Most of the gold bars from VP looked like this:

IMG_0125 - Version 2.webp

What you see here is a dore bar worth a tad shy of $300,000. It is from Southern New Mexico. That is all I can say about it at this point in time. Enjoy!


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As I stated years and years ago

it is a well known Fact
the Nazi Gold , went direct from train to plane , from plane to deposit in Swiss accounts .

did it have anything to do with the murder of Gen. Patton , rumors have been spread that he
got too blustery and a cork was installed in his gap .

The gold trail was from one engine pulling the cars from the salt mines where the gold was found
to aturnstile , detached cars , then another engine hooked them up .

no mystery about that gold

and Hungary received after 50 years
a 50 million dollar check from the U.S. treasury for some of that gold .

and if Doc was not such an instigator of problems
he could have kept a Job and avoided the problems with The Secret Service investigating him
for swindling people with fake gold bars .

another problem about the Noss so called family

it seems everyone attached to that group , had the same mental disorder that Doc had .

Lies that got them attention and little else but grief .

Jerry Cheatum to Roger Snow in 2002 at Jerry's house

" Terry Delonas was too scared to come up to the Peak after we got going on it good ,
he got scared and wanted out , "

Roger Snow thinking as Jerry stated this : " Yeah , it takes guts to run a con , especially running a Con
with the Pentagon as the adversary ,"

Jerry Cheatum to Roger Snow just minutes later

jerry : " I can't go anywhere near that base with you Rog' , if I get caught on that base , My investors could sue me "

Roger Snow thinking to himself as Jerry Cheatum lets this slip out : " Yeah , your Con Job can catch up to you
Jerry , See the trap you painted yourself into ? and for what ? some Investor bought knick knacks and a jones
for treasure ? "

sure , the moon is made of Cheese ,,,

and pennies from heaven will fall to you if you pray just right .

so much sham and ham

what a shame that people sell themselves so cheaply to lies .

it's hard to swim with the weight of gold
and as said
just as hard with the weight of lead

Poor old Jerry , he so wanted to see a Treasure in situ

Poor old Oren , he so wanted to see a Treasure in situ

Good old Rog'
he so didn't care about wealth , and who gets to see treasure in situ ,,, the man who
could not care less ...

Fate is a fickle finger picking boogers at random , or so it would seem .

heh heh

dead and no treasure , what a shame . what a crying shame .


It was worth all that Torture I underwent , just to see my tormentors eyes pop out
when the came back in the room ,,,

and found me off the guerney , out of the straight jacket ,,, standing facing them with Ice in my eyes .

You should have been there ,,, Brave Boys ,,,, until i was facing them down ,,,

I even laughed at them when they pulled their guns

and asked them : You gonna hurt me with those ? Give it a try Girls "
Then out the window I went .

Gawd it was so poetic , to see them scared of that Death in my eyes .

That alone was worth all the treasure these eyes have ever seen in situ .

well worth it .


It was worth all that Torture I underwent , just to see my tormentors eyes pop out
when the came back in the room ,,,

and found me off the guerney , out of the straight jacket ,,, standing facing them with Ice in my eyes .

You should have been there ,,, Brave Boys ,,,, until i was facing them down ,,,

I even laughed at them when they pulled their guns

and asked them : You gonna hurt me with those ? Give it a try Girls "
Then out the window I went .

Gawd it was so poetic , to see them scared of that Death in my eyes .

That alone was worth all the treasure these eyes have ever seen in situ .

well worth it .


SDCFIA is correct in that if much of anything could be proven 100%, this would never be such a big issue on internet forums like this one, and the fact that nothing remains under VP today means that this subject will continue to be a source of theories and conjecture for many more years to come.

Most of the gold bars from VP looked like this:

View attachment 1114133

What you see here is a dore bar worth a tad shy of $300,000. It is from Southern New Mexico. That is all I can say about it at this point in time. Enjoy!


Victorio Peak remains an open question, and you are correct - we will likely never know for sure what went down there. I don't put faith in the stories coming from the Noss camp. In my view, there are many possibilities. Caballo is much more interesting, but also lacking solid facts.

What I see there in the photo is a menu from La Cocina Restaurant featuring fresh Hatch chile, a C-note and what appears to me to be a crude copper ingot. You can't discuss it, so I guess we have to accept what you claim. This is just more hearsay. Oh, well ... at least with the C-note, maybe we can order something at La Cocina and at least enjoy the meal.

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Okay, that is your choice. But why should people then place any faith in your version of things, using the exact same logic? If you seek to hold the Noss family to a standard of proof you don't hold yourself to, is that valid?

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