The True Story of Victorio Peak

Okay, that is your choice. But why should people then place any faith in your version of things, using the exact same logic? If you seek to hold the Noss family to a standard of proof you don't hold yourself to, is that valid?

Agreed. You can't just go around saying "so and so's story is waaaaaay off. But I can't explain what else happened". Even though you state you know first hand. That's like the time I told my mom the dog ate my homework. He really did. I swear. But the 4 times before that, he didn't eat my homework, I just told my mom he did and she found out I was lying.

slowest member of WCPR

Hi, this is a standard ( i ) one kilo gold mould. It measures 4" long x 1" at the top x 3/4"at the bottom inside measurements.

i Kilo Gold mould.webp

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Okay, that is your choice. But why should people then place any faith in your version of things, using the exact same logic? If you seek to hold the Noss family to a standard of proof you don't hold yourself to, is that valid?

Whoa, cowboy. I never claimed Post #536 was the truth, but just a postulation - a talking point based on logic and the sore lack of evidence supporting the "official" version of what went down at Victorio Peak. I hold myself to quite a high standard, actually (it's my training), and when I feel I do have the evidence to support an argument - this one or any other - my presentation will not be clouded with doubts. It's precisely because of my standards that I balk at the Noss tale.

Are the Nosses held to a higher standard of proof for their claims than I am for my blue-sky thinking? Absolutely, because they claim their material is the truth. Ironically, I bought the Gold House book expecting, once and for all, to be shown that my nagging doubts about Noss and Victorio Peak were wrong. Instead, I am now firmly convinced that my doubts are very well-founded. As I said before, Victorio Peak is a dead duck - what happened in the Caballos with Noss, Douthit, et al, is what interests me.

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No, you just posted a list of things without in any way indicating they weren't supported by evidence, or that they were "postulations", or that they were just your opinions. Which has been my point all along. You make claims, the Noss family makes claims, and then neither provide evidence to back them up. Yet you feel your statements are in some way different from theirs, and is in some way more valid than theirs. And again I ask, is that valid?

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:Gentlemen, Coffee time. All that I know - or care about - is where they came from. No Solomon, Templars, , KGC, Padre , Phonecians, or from Rog's Imagined ancestors - prob a few million descendents or the Templars , if modern versions are similar . or any other exotic source, just bars that were being exported to Rome from Tayopa and a few other illegal mines in Chihuahua Not complicated. :laughing7:

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:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:Gentlemen, Coffee time. All that I know - or care about - is where they came from. No Solomon, Templars, , KGC, Padre , Phonecians, or from Rog's Imagined ancestors - prob a few million descendents or the Templars , if modern versions are similar . or any other exotic source, just bars that were being exported to Rome from Tayopa and a few other illegal mines in Chihuahua Not complicated. :laughing7:

That's right, RdTTT. The source of the gold at Caballo - whether it was found hidden within the mountain or came from some other source entirely - is the question. Your theory is as good as any, but proving it is another issue.

No, you just posted a list of things without in any way indicating they weren't supported by evidence, or that they were "postulations", or that they were just your opinions. Which has been my point all along. You make claims, the Noss family makes claims, and then neither provide evidence to back them up. Yet you feel your statements are in some way different from theirs, and is in some way more valid than theirs. And again I ask, is that valid?

Ha ha, I know you're not that naive. OK, what if I typed out, on my trusty old Remington portable typewriter on old bond paper, properly wrinkled and stained, a sworn statement from some dead cowboy in the Jornada who helped Noss plan his scam, step by step? Or revealed some dead GI's love letter to his sweetie describing sacks of gold teeth he saw in caves at WSMR? Or better yet, what if I guaranteed to you that I had seen secret documents, from "an insider", that confirmed my theories, but, alas, I "couldn't share them" yet because I promised my source secrecy? Would that make things better?

Of course my speculations (some of them anyway) are not proven. That's the whole point, don'cha know? Well, you're right about one thing anyway - the Noss claims have not been validated.

Wow, no matter how many times I repeat myself, the point still is lost on you. All you had to do was state that it was your opinion, and problem solved. And your claims have not been validated either, yet you continue to maintain they are in some way more valid than the Noss claims. I am not naive at all, and I also know how to take a point that is clearly spelled out to me more than once.

The Book entitled " Sex on Silk "

is an accumulation of events involving the Antics of the Intelligence Community .

it covers the advanced surveillance Technology , MK Ultra Trauma Based brainwashing/mindcontrol
and the Insane Paranoid World of the people behind the curtain who produce The Bait used to induce
acceptance within the public's minds for the Corrupt Machinations employed to gain wealth and power
over all others .

As I wrote the book , it was a recounting of actual events we lived through , and I offered within those pages ,
a replication of Mock Up Documents .

The Chapter : Create an Illusion , to Feed the Delusion "

I cover those manufactured disinformation and orchestrated Theatrics Documents

The 3 dimensional Laser projected Holograms , Brass Bars , and the Asmodeus Entity , which later I'll write about .

What Fool , would miss the Historical Activities of a Powerful System bent toward total
acquisition of resources throughout the Globe ?

Can we Trust in Them ?

Define the term them for me ?

You can try it , but ,,,

Admit it , it's a Spy World .

If a Cavern pile with Gold Bars is out there , You're gonna get Spies bringing their World
into Yours .

Some of you state I am deluded , try 7 billion deluded souls , and " You " are in that group .

Given thought , beyond your manipulated Placisity , which formed your thinking for you
via constant lambasting with false basis to your synapses ,
You may find the truth .

Start the Victorio Peak Story over again , and this time , you the reader , recount your personal eye witness
raconteur of the experience .

I will listen ( read ) as you tell your tale ,

and I will know for a fact , that your story is Formulated fact/fiction .

I will have perhaps the exact amount of truth out of your tale
as any of us have at this moment .

For , we cannot trust to the smoke and mirrors .

This Venue is swamped with The Spy World .

You need not know anything other than that one fact , to understand that Truth about Victorio Peak ,
if told , ,,,
would be called the tellers delusions .

Example of the lies that have manipulated your species for Eons

You have no concise succinct factual evidence that Your God is real , ZERO , yet many of you believe .

You cannot pull him out of a closet and show him at the fair .
But you Believe ,
and that to some people , shows your delusional mindset .

The U.S. People , have no TRUE Culture .

They Shop
That's the Culture

Wherein ,, a People in mass are devoid of creativity , wonder , and harmonic talent ,
they seek the mirror to see if they have become that image they wish to project for approvale
by the rest of their contemporaries ,
That is not culture .

In the Bloodstains that cover the ashes of a past that we cannot deny nor live down ,
is the truth of the Brutality of a system known as the United States of America .

The Aboriginal of this Continent , the victim of that brutality , yet the false documents we refer to
as The History Books ,,,
Claim those people were savages , cruel and brutal , and the U.S. War on them was Heroic .

and you believe the illusion , and in that , you accept your delusional state of mind .

This Civilization has absolutely no barometer , by which to judge
perfected self actuated sanity .

all within it , have been deluded by lies .

These are the facts
live as you have , with them , and do not have expectations , that I nor anyone else , can feed
you a lunch of truth to cure your woes .

it is not there to give .

do not blame me for your insanity

you can swear to yourselves that I am insane , that is expected of you .

I have no expectations of any of you to ever seek out and find sanity , you are comfortable
with the Asylum and it's formulated productions that guide
your thought processes for you .

I am not beating down on you , I am stating the facts as you live them .

the statements reveal the gestalt

we live a lie
yet ,
we seek the truth through defunct systematic repetition of the lie we live .

I write often in Conspiracy Forums where the lies that we are , can be addressed , yet not solved ,
for we are conditioned to believe in our way of life as truth .

Understand that ?

we live a lie , that we believe is truth .

and believe that by living that way , we are sane .

So , as I write for people seeking truth , I as well must lie to them , or be hated by them .


You are without a doubt correct about some things. Whatever MIGHT or MIGHT NOT have been at VP at some point in time is LONG GONE! Nothing there but shadows and dust (and a few rattlesnakes). VP does not hold a lot of interest for me either. Like you, I find the goings on in the Caballos, and a different spot in the San Andres much more interesting. If you want to call that a copper bar because it has a bit of copper in it, then okay. That would be like calling you a toenail, because you have some (although it doesn't make up very much of your total person). HAHAHA It is a dore bar. Appraised at $280,000. I don't give a rats a$$ whether you think its a gold dore bar or the Queen of England. HAHAHA

I guess that we will just have to agree to disagree about a goodly chunk of the Noss/VP Story. You also only got Book1 of the trilogy. Book2 gives the whole story of the theft and what happened after (up to about the Watergate Years). I talked to Jack the other day, and we agreed that after the next book, he should really put together a follow up picture book to the trilogy, showing much the referenced documents and paperwork he used to write the books. Can't use it all as there are reams of it. You just have to keep in mind that neither Tom Whittle nor Jack are related in any way to the Noss Family nor the ONFP. Jack told me specifically that he wrote the books based on the information he got not just from the Noss family, but from public records, FOIA requests, personal and telephone interviews, old newspaper articles, etc etc etc. He was granted access to Noss Family Archives that nobody else was granted. You REALLY should read the other two books.

We really aren't THAT far apart in our thinking, except about the source of the gold. White Sands is actually a good place to theorize bringing Nazi Loot. Like a great line from the TV Show "Archer": "NASA's riddled with Nazis. Just walk in and yell "HEIL HITLER" and watch everybody jump to attention!" More Nazis per square foot at White Sands than anywhere else in the US in the 1950s.


and the end result , we are what we allow .

we give power over us , to people known to abuse power , then complain that they deceived us .

and we return to giving them support again and again .

and now , we have no way to trust in any solution to the Mystery .

I love us , for who could not love our child like dreams .


You are without a doubt correct about some things. Whatever MIGHT or MIGHT NOT have been at VP at some point in time is LONG GONE! Nothing there but shadows and dust (and a few rattlesnakes). VP does not hold a lot of interest for me either. Like you, I find the goings on in the Caballos, and a different spot in the San Andres much more interesting. If you want to call that a copper bar because it has a bit of copper in it, then okay. That would be like calling you a toenail, because you have some (although it doesn't make up very much of your total person). HAHAHA It is a dore bar. Appraised at $280,000. I don't give a rats a$$ whether you think its a gold dore bar or the Queen of England. HAHAHA

I guess that we will just have to agree to disagree about a goodly chunk of the Noss/VP Story. You also only got Book1 of the trilogy. Book2 gives the whole story of the theft and what happened after (up to about the Watergate Years). I talked to Jack the other day, and we agreed that after the next book, he should really put together a follow up picture book to the trilogy, showing much the referenced documents and paperwork he used to write the books. Can't use it all as there are reams of it. You just have to keep in mind that neither Tom Whittle nor Jack are related in any way to the Noss Family nor the ONFP. Jack told me specifically that he wrote the books based on the information he got not just from the Noss family, but from public records, FOIA requests, personal and telephone interviews, old newspaper articles, etc etc etc. He was granted access to Noss Family Archives that nobody else was granted. You REALLY should read the other two books.

We really aren't THAT far apart in our thinking, except about the source of the gold. White Sands is actually a good place to theorize bringing Nazi Loot. Like a great line from the TV Show "Archer": "NASA's riddled with Nazis. Just walk in and yell "HEIL HITLER" and watch everybody jump to attention!" More Nazis per square foot at White Sands than anywhere else in the US in the 1950s.


I don't doubt that books 2 & 3 reveal a lot of good information, but it's beating a dead horse for me. I would be interested in seeing the documents and charts allegedly in "Doc's trunk", some of which might relate back to the Caballos.

The ingot? What's a guy to think? I've seen lots of New Mexico native copper with a blackish tarnish (sample below). On my screen, your cleaned surface looks more copper-ish than gold-ish in color. Santa Rita del Cobre shipped 6 million pounds of smelted copper ingots per year to Chihuahua for coinage beginning in 1807. The ingots looked like yours. Some old ones they found stashed under a rock ledge in the 1960s were mostly blackened. But since you can't talk about it, I guess there's nothing more to say. That brings to mind a question I have for you - perhaps I'll contact your website.

Yeah, when the dust settles, we probably think the same way about a lot of things.

Chino Mine Copper 2.webp

G'd evening SDC, you have anther story that is more probable than Tayopa?, would love to hear it over hot coffee

Yes, I do have a couple of strong possibilities, Triple-T, but like you, I can't prove either of them yet.

I don't doubt that books 2 & 3 reveal a lot of good information, but it's beating a dead horse for me. I would be interested in seeing the documents and charts allegedly in "Doc's trunk", some of which might relate back to the Caballos.

The ingot? What's a guy to think? I've seen lots of New Mexico native copper with a blackish tarnish (sample below). On my screen, your cleaned surface looks more copper-ish than gold-ish in color. Santa Rita del Cobre shipped 6 million pounds of smelted copper ingots per year to Chihuahua for coinage beginning in 1807. The ingots looked like yours. Some old ones they found stashed under a rock ledge in the 1960s were mostly blackened. But since you can't talk about it, I guess there's nothing more to say. That brings to mind a question I have for you - perhaps I'll contact your website.

Yeah, when the dust settles, we probably think the same way about a lot of things.

View attachment 1114759

I can't give any specifics about it yet. Its not mine, and neither is the story.

Please feel free to contact me via my website any time. The easiest (that I check the most) is

Yeah, the funny thing is that what we argue about has nothing to do with anything REALLY relevant today. Whether the gold bars were always at VP or whether Uncle Sam put them there REALLY doesn't matter. They're ALL GONE NOW! I don't personally care if Doc was a con man or not. There is irrefutable proof that he had gold. I don't care if it came from the Caballos or not. I KNOW a bunch of gold DID come from the Caballos by way of Willie Douthit. THAT interests me a great deal, because nobody (to my knowledge) has found anything but Willie and Buster's STASH CAVE. The real treasure cave is up Burbank Canyon somewhere. In that cave I believe we should find five or six skeletons (Jack Reynolds, Little Willie, The Loriuses and Heberers).


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I can't give any specifics about it yet. Its not mine, and neither is the story.

Please feel free to contact me via my website any time. The easiest (that I check the most) is

Yeah, the funny thing is that what we argue about has nothing to do with anything REALLY relevant today. Whether the gold bars were always at VP or whether Uncle Sam put them there REALLY doesn't matter. They're ALL GONE NOW! I don't personally care if Doc was a con man or not. There is irrefutable proof that he had gold. I don't care if it came from the Caballos or not. I KNOW a bunch of gold DID come from the Caballos by way of Willie Douthit. THAT interests me a great deal, because nobody (to my knowledge) has found anything but Willie and Buster's STASH CAVE. The real treasure cave is up Burbank Canyon somewhere. In that cave I believe we should find five or six skeletons (Jack Reynolds, Little Willie, The Loriuses and Heberers).


Is Burbank Canyon on the north end of Caballo Reservoir?

Yeah, the funny thing is that what we argue about has nothing to do with anything REALLY relevant today. Whether the gold bars were always at VP or whether Uncle Sam put them there REALLY doesn't matter. They're ALL GONE NOW! I don't personally care if Doc was a con man or not. There is irrefutable proof that he had gold. I don't care if it came from the Caballos or not. I KNOW a bunch of gold DID come from the Caballos by way of Willie Douthit. THAT interests me a great deal, because nobody (to my knowledge) has found anything but Willie and Buster's STASH CAVE. The real treasure cave is up Burbank Canyon somewhere. In that cave I believe we should find five or six skeletons (Jack Reynolds, Little Willie, The Loriuses and Heberers).


Yes, indeed.

Burbank Canyon, up above Granite Spring, has always had plenty of activity, and still does today. As seen in the GE capture, it's a beast. Either the perfect venue for a treasure cache, or a perfect red herring to discourage all those pesky treasure seekers.


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