The True Story of Victorio Peak

I believe Noss's history was fairly well covered elsewhere in this forum category some time ago, with court documents, first party opinions and newspaper accounts provided from various sources. For those who care, research it here and elsewhere. A couple of my now dead friends (time flies, don't waste it) dealt with him in the '30's. Use whatever information that suits your needs. Remember, biting dogs bite.

Mr. Snow, I respect the information that you provide here. You obviously toy with certain people, but I know that you also provide valuable information to those you trust and are not trying to exploit you. I take your VP story seriously, but have questions. Are you positive you saw gold bars loaded into the trucks or were you perhaps witnessing an exploratory/earthmoving project? Whose name was on those silver and green dump trucks? Too bad nobody managed to get a photo. Your statement warrants close attention, but for now, my judgment is still that the military seized only Fiege's 100 bars, bars placed by Noss.

VP continues to be a Noss red herring, but until new verifiable evidence surfaces, a dead issue except for the pesky Caballo connection. Caballo is still an open question, still presumably alive. My focus is on the questions raised in the last paragraph of my post #507.

I believe Noss's history was fairly well covered elsewhere in this forum category some time ago, with court documents, first party opinions and newspaper accounts provided from various sources. For those who care, research it here and elsewhere. A couple of my now dead friends (time flies, don't waste it) dealt with him in the '30's. Use whatever information that suits your needs. Remember, biting dogs bite.

Mr. Snow, I respect the information that you provide here. You obviously toy with certain people, but I know that you also provide valuable information to those you trust and are not trying to exploit you. I take your VP story seriously, but have questions. Are you positive you saw gold bars loaded into the trucks or were you perhaps witnessing an exploratory/earthmoving project? Whose name was on those silver and green dump trucks? Too bad nobody managed to get a photo. Your statement warrants close attention, but for now, my judgment is still that the military seized only Fiege's 100 bars, bars placed by Noss.

VP continues to be a Noss red herring, but until new verifiable evidence surfaces, a dead issue except for the pesky Caballo connection. Caballo is still an open question, still presumably alive. My focus is on the questions raised in the last paragraph of my post #507.

You keep acting like there is/was only one cave in NM that contained treasure.

I will say that without equivocation there was a treasure in artifacts and gold bars in VP.

One thing I hadn't thought of before; Maybe Doc's second treasure cave was Willie Daughitt's Cave? Think about the early 1940s. Doc was having a lot of issues with VP. He was divorcing Ova. Willie left NM in about 1933, and his cave sat unused for a decade. Maybe Doc knew approximately where Willie's cave was, and didn't poach Willie for whatever reason until he had his back to the wall (so to speak). If Willie was honest about there being around two thousand 40 pound gold bars in his cave, there is no way he could have taken all that gold to California. I believe Buster Ward died about 1945-1946, but because of having no legs he wasn't able to get back to his and Willie's cave. From my understanding, he was also very sick for the last several years of his life. I would place good money that after the military kicking Doc off VP, he went looking for Willie's Cave. He might have already known where it was. After all, he was good friends with Willie since the early 1920s.


I hadn't really thought about the lower cave at VP being the one Swanner witnessed the military emptying out. The timeline is exactly correct though. Fiege, Berlette, and two friends find the cave in 1958, the military empties the cave in 1961 and collapses it, Capt Orby Swanner witnesses it and leaves his mark inside the cave, Ova's "Spies" (including young Roger Snow) witnessed this and reported it to Ova, the military brings Fiege and Berlette to the site in 1961 and they can't find the cave (because the military collapsed it), Ova gets a NM Court to order the military to stop all actions at VP (but its too late).

Makes good sense to me. Now that means there is a likelyhood that there is still treasure under VP (Doc's original find), unless the military emptied the Fiege Cave AND Doc's Cave in 1961.


there are some details I have never spoken of , not even with siblings of mine .

First , There is a History of our family being in the know of the Treasures , In Arcadia Fla. there is an old family homestead that was
settled by Great Grand Uncle and his wife , Brother of My Great Grandfather .

The Ranch they owned was Name " Espirito Springs "

Name thus for the fact the money to buy it came from the Treasure at Espirito Springs of the Organ Mountains .

the spring was referred by that name from the Rediterio which the family had possession of .

Focu on one fact , My family placed some of that treasure in those mountains pre-Columbian times .

I have a photo of that G-Grandfather sitting on the porch of the Ranch .

Locals of the area of Don Ana County could at one time tell the stories of seeking Espirito springs where it was said

Much Money could be found .

Location of the spring known as Espirito Spring

At dead center of Soledad Canyon are two cabins

One is a Stone Cabin on the South side of the Main Wash , directly opposite The Mouth of North Canyon .

That Cabin was owned by the Issachs Family , ( Descendant is a friend of my family )

The other Cabin sets back away from the main wash to the north and is in the Mouth of North Canyon .

There was, but is npot now thanks to the Army grading , a rusted old pipe that stuck up out of the main wash right in
front of the Issachs Cabin .

that pipe was placed there to bring water to the Tank at the cabin from a submerged spring that surface down canyon to the east

so they tapped it back up hill from the cabin to allow gravity to bring the water down .

As you are traveling west to east and approach these two cabins
ypou will pass another cabin
that cabin is a slab walled cement cabin and was one of the Beasleys as is the one in the mouth of north canyon .

You will find near that Cabin , the base and tank of an old windmill .

That structure sets exactly on top of the old espirito Spring that was written about in the Rediterio.

That treasure was removed by my family pre 1880 while the only inhabitants were Tortugas Indians .

We have a legacy there with treasure as I said .

Notified by my Father , that interlopers were active at one of the sites

his mentor Grand father Christopher Brooks , drove his brand new Cadillac out from his Home in
Fla .

He stopped for a visit with Dad in new Mexico
I lived with Mom in Calif.

G-Grand paps wanted to see his G-Grand son , and drove out to pick me up and bring me to dad for a visit .

as we traveled he told history of the family

as youy see in the film " National Treasure " which every one who read what I wrote on another forum before the film was made
said it was everything I wrote and they plagiarized the material for the film .


Springy knows about that

I recall a small bit of the route we took , and believe it or not , we came in from the East Pass , not the West pass
that most sneaks used to get to the peak .

Dad worked for " Land Sea Air " at the time and he had the company truck to drive .
They were civilian Contractors for the Base .

Chris took me to one trail as Dad went over the top of a small hill and watched our backs .

from that vantage we had clear sight of the operations .

I watched as a daisy chain of men passed bars from an opening on the side of the peak , the last in line tossed the bars into the
Bucket of a front End Loader ,

the loader when full , would turn and drive back down the side of the Peak to a waiting dump truck and dump the bars .

G-Gramps then said : " Well , that's about half of them ."

The names on the trucks would not be known to me , for at six years of age , I could not as yet read .

I was in Kindergarten , started school one year late .

Later in life , Dad made comments about Bob and Bill Bradley working the road up there at the peak

they evidently hit a small cache while grading on the Peak

and they fought over who would keep the Bars

Bob the driver uncovered them
Bill who was on the ground got to them first .

see the Greed ?

I cannot state it loudly enough

This Venue is filled with Psychotic Obsession .

There are people who have extreme wealth , which allows them extreme power .

that's a Given , known to us all .

What is little contemplated by many , is the fact that some of those powerful people are
Obsessive/Compulsive Psycho's

and a few

are obsessed with treasure .

My father, either knew or ran with most of the major Players written about

These are names i heard mentioned often

and where at times they story is laughable for the fact that Dad knew the true details

but understand the above statement
we are by rote , cautious

and red herrings just came as natural as breathing .

At this stage of life and this particular Venue
there is no need for such

for the Government has the Tech to locate everything

and that is running 24 hours every day .

so they pretty much leave me alone now .

They still troll , but I'm better at it then they are ( Tis true )


As Gollum stated

There was more then one cache in the peak


Noss did NOT know of , nor did he place the Bars that I watched being loaded up and taken .

he would have grabbed them before he ever went down that Vent Shaft into the Peak the first time

or he would have as well moved them .

those bars were always there , and they were melded together from sitting for so many centuries .

they had to pry them apart

electrolysis sets in when minerals are mixed and creates a melding of the molecules .

Those Bars in that Particular cave , were never seen by Noss .

unless he had x-ray eyes .

Treasminder2, I have read in several of your posts that you mention your templar ancestors had put mass amounts of gold in some of these locations, you also mentioned the templar sarcophagus, that was conveniently reburied and no doubt probably other posts I have not read. Is there any actual hard evidence you can point to that the templars were indeed in n. america (older templars not the newer FM type societies) I actually genuinely tend to think they were and may have been the reason Columbus and the rest came here in later more publicised expeditions, but i just cant seem to find any hard evidence. There is so many "legends" of extremely large quantities of gold in the southwest in just about every state it is hard to imagine that if true these are the result of ancient mining. Just the vast quantities would seem like the mines would leave an extremely large footprint and couldnt escape many oral records of native inhabitants . I personally dont really care much for searching for the buried gold , but I am very very interested in where it may have come from in the first place, and I do think if there is any weight to these stories that much of the gold itself must have a common source and not one that includes rich ore deposits that can be chopped off in blocks of pure gold with an axe, even with modern technology I have never heard of such deposits.

two items I'll try to gert clear

One : Pay strict attention to something Ken Prather and Fiegie said

The Bat quano was knee deep in thqat cave
I broke out in a rash that lasted weeks

Let me posit " if they were fibbing

who had the imagination to think up a layer of thick Bat Quano on the floor of a cave ?

Just simply give that a thought , would you have thought to say that if you were fibbing ?

Bat quano on the floor of that cave in that thick layer would take how long to accumulate ?
100 years ?

400 years ?

Try more like about 2900 at the least .

They found it alright
no doubt in my mind whatsoever that those 4 men found a cache
I myself have seen layers of Bat Squat , and i know well that I was the first human in centuries to have enter the cave

for there were artifacts there that any man before me would have taken

now #2

Columbus had a wife

her father had no son

her father had a TEMPLAR MAP to tyhe land of Ophir

he had that map , because as myself , he too wasw a descendant of the Knights Templar

Npote this : Columbus kept saying over and over again while he was on Hispanola " I finnaly made it to the land of Ophir "

His father in law gave him a Templar map to the land of Ophir

go back a page
click on the link to the book I provided and read the statements about that

That book was written by a man who se group was attempting to claim jump Spaniards and find the land of ophir and the stored Gold there

I have to state this concisde

During King Hiram and King Solomons time , that gold was already hoarded and stored across the southwest

they sent ships and men to fetch some of it.

again Ken prather

the bars w2ere melded together , we had to take a pry bar to get them apart .

That melding was a sign thaqt stack was set there a very long time ago .

Hard evidence ?

What ? the Thieves of the Intel agencies would not gather all that and squash our claims ?

think about it

for centuries the churchg claimed the earth was flat

anyone who could prove that was a lie was burned at the stake ,,, right ?

why do that ?

because it was deemed a threat to their power and authority over others

Thats the system man

iot is what it is and always has been .

The templars had so much power and wealth
they could defend their FREE THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX .

that more than anuything was despised of them by Church and state
and led to their persecution eventuaqlly .

Now as clear as I can state it

these deposits came from a Civilization that was about to meet it's demise

it was there species , their technological material

they moved it where it would be preserved .

and at the time it was brought

Rivers like the Rio grande were navagatable from the Coast all the way up to noth NM

over and over I explained the water table 10 to 15 thousand years ago was much higher

the Ice age was not that long before thqat

so a;ll that melt down was turning to water

think it out

give it a chance

could it be true


No one attached th3e fact that Oak Island was a Knights Templar deposit until I revealed to them that every clue found there was a KT artifact

npow it's said as though it waqs always known to be

Bull Crap

I let that out of the bag to a forum

they now spread it AAROUND




















i HAVE no country

no god












You keep acting like there is/was only one cave in NM that contained treasure.

I will say that without equivocation there was a treasure in artifacts and gold bars in VP.

One thing I hadn't thought of before; Maybe Doc's second treasure cave was Willie Daughitt's Cave? Think about the early 1940s. Doc was having a lot of issues with VP. He was divorcing Ova. Willie left NM in about 1933, and his cave sat unused for a decade. Maybe Doc knew approximately where Willie's cave was, and didn't poach Willie for whatever reason until he had his back to the wall (so to speak). If Willie was honest about there being around two thousand 40 pound gold bars in his cave, there is no way he could have taken all that gold to California. I believe Buster Ward died about 1945-1946, but because of having no legs he wasn't able to get back to his and Willie's cave. From my understanding, he was also very sick for the last several years of his life. I would place good money that after the military kicking Doc off VP, he went looking for Willie's Cave. He might have already known where it was. After all, he was good friends with Willie since the early 1920s. <cut>


Not for a moment do I believe there is/was only one cave in NM containing treasure.

"I will say that without equivocation there was a treasure in artifacts and gold bars in VP." That's quite a statement. It requires that: A. You saw the gold with your own eyes, or B. You possess indisputable proof, obvious to all who see it, or C. Someone you have faith in told you. A. and B. are acceptable, and are also what treasminder2 is claiming, certainly plausible considering his family history. However, C. is hearsay. How can you guarantee hearsay other than by faith?

I noticed treasminder2 claimed Noss had no knowledge of the Fiege 100-bar cache or a larger 2,000-bar cache, both of which were located near the base of VP. I wonder if he is sure that the artifacts and bullion Noss claims were removed from the top actually were. By the way, concerning that Fiege discovery: with all the treasure hunters (and Noss) active on VP since the '30's, how did these GI's happen to locate their treasure cave? Were they just damned lucky deer hunters, like Doc? That might satisfy some, but to me it's yet another pesky red flag. Maybe they had information. If so, where did they obtain it?

You do seem to acknowledge a strong Noss-Willie link to the Caballos. One that spanned years. It seems very logical that Doc certainly did get gold out of Willie's cave, and that the cave's location was kept secret. VP wasn't kept secret. Why?

Try this scenario. Doc obtained knowledge of the Caballo treasure cave from Willie's map. They removed bullion and covered up the place again. The map also must have identified treasure in VP. Or, as treasminder2 says, another map Doc got from an Apache while in prison. Either way, Doc found the top vent in VP, but was unable to recover anything of value from there. Try as he might, he was also unable to locate access to the treasure from the base of the hill. So he moved bullion to VP and staged a partial recovery from the top end, trying to work out a way to sell the bullion to the government as a treasure trove. He blew up the top vent as an excuse to move his operations lower, fleecing investors to pay for his exploration work while still trying to get into the lower caches. He never succeeded on the lower levels and Ryan eventually killed him. Ten years later, here comes Fiege.

I'm about ready to change my tune and agree the military ended up with all the gold - gold that Noss was never able to find. The question now is, how did Fiege get so lucky? And why didn't Noss just take an easier road and exploit the Caballo cave? And also, how did Willie get so lucky finding that map? Is there more to him than is known?

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treasminder2, the Fiege story about the guano and the fused bars is very intriguing to say the least. Let me ask you the same thing I brought up with gollum. How was Fiege able to locate the VP lower caverns when Noss was unable to, apparently searching for years?

treasminder2, the Fiege story about the guano and the fused bars is very intriguing to say the least. Let me ask you the same thing I brought up with gollum. How was Fiege able to locate the VP lower caverns when Noss was unable to, apparently searching for years?

Who knows how Fiegie stumbled upon it ?

As I said , it was not the lower entrance to the Noss cave

it was a cave all to it's self .

If I recall his story

he was walking along the side of the peak in a grid pattern

He came to some sand that had been washed out of a rock outcropping

he got up over it and there wasw a sealed with rocks entrance

he and the guys got the roocks out of the way
and sure enough , it was a cave .


it is the Bat Quano depth that denotes thew age of the deposit .

I have no want to do the math on Bat squats

but to be 2 1/2 feet deep across a cave that size , it didn't happen over night .


Of the options you presented, I will have to go with "C". I'm only 51 and wasn't born until two years after they emptied out VP. Yes, I do have a source whose father worked on VP with the Noss Family in the late 1930s. Yes, I trust this source implicitly. He says the bars came out of the top of VP. Doc was the only person allowed into the lower caves, except Benny Samaniego, who went to the fist level. He also says that the idea of Doc putting bars into the upper caves at night, then dragging them out the next day is ridiculous. His dad actually handled hundreds of gold bars from the top of VP. I was stating my position when I said "without equivocation". Anybody else is entitled to believe absolutely anything they want.

For whatever reason, I highly doubt Doc took anything out of Willie's Cave until many years after Willie left N.M. for San Diego. Maybe he couldn't find it for many years, or maybe he had a handshake agreement with his long time friend Willie Daughitt. I can't say. What I know is that Doc took Ova camping many times in the area near to where many people think the entrance to Willie's Cave is. Coincidence? Maybe, but I think not.

Doc had supposedly salted a bunch of small caches of two and three bars all around VP. This is backed up by the story of two men grading a road up VP. They dragged out two gold bars from a shallow burial. I don't remember the exact outcome, but I think there was a fight, and neither one got anything. HAHAHA


To answer how Noss missed that cave is rather simple

Doc tried to dig into at a site on the peak that would intersect his tunnel at a certain elevation

on the peak

That Level he dug was either above or below this cave's entrance

Doc was not looking for this cave , he was calculating where to drive a side tunnel into his main tunnel .

You have to have done field work in this area , to understand how easily you can step right up to a sealed entrance
and not recognize it for a sealed cave .

That is the prime difficulty of searching in a Mountain made of Rocks .

even a small 5 foot high bush can conceal a low entrance , and in many cases
the entrances are very low on the surface due to filling and disguising the area in front of the Entrance .

I walked the east side of the Organs from Soledad peak to Johnson Canyon one day ,,

I walked right past an entrance to a cavern when I past on the East Side of an Outcropping going by .

Coming Back I was headed straight for that Outcropping as a Land mark back , and past the West side of it ,
I stopped and sat below a small tree for the shade ,, turned after a few moments to just peer around at the Lanscape
and check for Animals / Snakes Spiders that Bite ,,,

and POOF ! Right there 20 feet or so away was an Entrance that I passed by not more that 20 on the other side of it .

Someday , go to the Organ Mountains , or peruse Pics on the web .

You could hide a cave just about anywhere , just feet from where you stand .

I'm sure Doc at his age and weight , was not going to walk that massive area of rocks , to scour every square inch for
a cave .

As again I stated , he did not even know this cave existed .

so why look for something you have no knowledge of it's existence just for fun in a very rugged area ?

Some people attach to much Savvy to Docs skills and Knowledge .

He was not Super Treasure Man .

Outside of Tickling Old Hag's feet for them , he may have never done more then drink and puke .

They dragged out two gold bars from a shallow burial. I don't remember the exact outcome, but I think there was a fight, and neither one got anything. HAHAHA

That would be Bob Bradley and his Brother

friends and neighbors

and yes they almost shot each other

right then and there

And they did indeed recover bars

Bob had one in the vise in his garage as Dad delivered his mail one day

Bob , Charlie haley , I believe Snipes were allin there
Bob called dad in and showed him the Bar

Bob was cutting it up in slices to divide it up amongst them all .

no big deal , it was $30 an once back then , and at 60% , 14K

it wasn't no huge retirement fund .

Bob did that to Dad to Gourd him .

Dad Laughed , and Said ,, well , not hard to see Larry took you Guys to the Windmill ,, yep , we left that one to tease
the next finder with ,,, and walked off with a sly guy smile .

To even think of shooting your own brother over metal bars

shows how the Bradleys were , does it not ?

Fiegie Lucky ?

Not hardly , after the bar was dropped on the provost Marshalls desk

D.I.A. got very active using MK Ultra Trauma Based Brainwashing/mind control on him .

for an overview of that little game , google my handle Cynicalabsurdance plus Mk Ultra
you'll find in some of my text the entire Project protocol .

Fiegie was Hypnotized to forget everything he knew

they then set post hypno suggestions , which some drive a mand crazy for awhile if not indefinitely .

He ended up in a Hospital Psyche Ward for a while .

To answer how or what info Fiegie and company had to persuade them to go seeking the treasure

I doubt there was anyone on those bases who had not heard the legends

the four guys most likely just kept giving it a shot up there until they hit per luck .

Did they have a Map ?

None was ever referred to by any of them .

Even today , there are still dozens of people per year tha come seeking treasure in New mexico

with nothing more then a read on the net to guide them by .

Once on site and they see first hand the Massive areas to explore ,,, they eventually back down and leave

This one is True

There is a small entrance covered over just a few feet from the Road in Soledad Canyon .

The shaft mouth at this position is only a 2 foot diameter hole

every once in a while when the weather has been very wet and the snowfall has been very good

the Spring melt cause the water to surface right there at the road .

it washes a gully in the road

the Army comes in , grades the road again and dumps rocks and earth over the cave entrance .

Why is this an important clue ?

Up that ridge is a cavern I have been in

yes there is a stream in it at times , during a very wet year .

The standing water seeps down out of the bowl shaped depression in the floor oof the Cavern and collects .

The walls of the Cavern are speckled with Gold flakes and smokey quartz .

If they could dig into that lower ridge , and find the cistern where the water collects , no doubt it would be rich in placer .

Here's what's funny about this .

The Dozer driver is covering a wealth of Gold right there , while he sweats for a wage .
The Army has no idea whats up inside there , their only concern is keeping that road in repair as a fire road .

AS I said , you can stand right on top of something while seeking it , and never know its right under your
piglets .

happens all the time .

New Orleans bank
They came to demo the bank and build a new one

while they dug down beneath the old vault

two chest that were not part of the banks deposits

were uncovered .

filled with gold and silver coins and jewlery

Imagine building a Bank over someones stashed loot , and then sitting at your desk right above it for about a century .

True story that .

people guessed it was La Fayette's treasure , but the coin dates were not of his era

others claimed it had to be KGC loot .

funny ,,


perhaps best to reveal a little info


people who review aterial I write over at other Forums which are somewhat Conspiracy orientated

Find that I have a wealth of Knowledge in the Psy-Ops arena .

Technology used in the projects were tested , using unsuspecting Civilians who years and years of their lives were spent
as project targets or live lab Rats is the name I give us .

we were first Hypnotized By intel , usually at a very early stage in life .

We exist , we are real , and of my generation , there were indoctrinated over 40,000 of us .

I began years ago to release factual statements concerning these projects

One of the more interesting Technological developments I witnessed , was a Laser projected 3-D Holograph
of a UFO .

it appeared to be a solid craft , and I swear at the time I saw it , I would have bet my jewels it was as real
as the pain in my bones .

The next two days , I spent in that Desert seeking anyway it could have been anything other that an actual Craft .

I hiked over a ridge

and down below in a Canyon , I found the tracks of a trailer and vehicle .

I set and pondered until the answer came

that answer was when I recalled that people had seen such craft that appeared to be opaque , and you could see stars
that were behind the image , through the craft .

I got on t5he internet and released my suspicions

and , lo ,,, heh heh , I was sent a message : Guessed it ,,, but how ? "

Obvious was they thought there was a leak of info to me

I played that on them for awhile longer .

What does this have to do with the subject of Treasure ?

Answer is quite simple

The teams asigned to recover treasure that citizens may find , use such technology to get the job done

everything you ever feared about spy apparatus will be used on you .

as I type at the moment , this is being monitored , of that i know well , I use a program that tips me off when they hack in .


hardly ,
tis just the way it is actually .

Now the point of this missive .

In this legacy of Victorio Peak and manhy other treasure legends

You can be assured the inteligence community seeks out info on the goodies .

get close to a discovery and recovery

You just made the list .

They're List

here is a true life story straight out of my Book " Sex on Silk "

A stage prop was set up

on the stage was a cave like room

in the room ,,,,, filled with what I believed was treasure and artifacts

I was prompted by people to take photos of it , once i was inside .

I did so .

POOF,,, all photos , a few of me holding a Bar of Gold and some of me with an Ancient appearing sword ,,, were in
the group of Photos .

where the photos went you wonder ,,, right ?

to what were these to be used for ?

bait my Boy ,,, bait .

Bait for whom ?

a group of people ,

why ?

heh heh ,,,
They questioned authority ,,, and that ,,, is not how these God Like Producers allow their baby Rats to act .

That is enough for now

Acquire the gestalt from this hint I give .


Funny too

The people involved had a Team to spy on other treasure Hunters

Myself inclusive .

heh heh .

lesson to learn folks

It's not there , the Gov't has the tech to spot it from drones even

they sit in a cubicle and find what cannot be seen by you while you stand on it .

They may watch as you look

and if you open anything

I assure you ,,, you'll never want to know what happen to it .

Ignorance is Bliss in some events in life .

The only happy you get treasure hunting ,,, is the hunting .

It was a Fun and exhilarating ride while it lasted man ,,,, then I wised up to
the fact that it was all theatrics

that no , my old man , good old dad was full of Whiskey Dents to his mind by being an Operative for
the Intelligence Community .

was I livid about that Epiphany ?

At first , a bit disgusted with him , but he was dead at the time I woke to the truth .

On ONFP, Jerry Cheatum , Oren ,,, Aarron , Dave and Terry , the rest .

Jerry was close to losing his mind with failure at the end .

Well , He moved his self in on it , no one to blame but himself .

The rest of the group ??

Com'on Man
How could they be so willing to be played with by the Intel ?

You see
how it is in life

we mostly do to ourselves what we deserve . and what we allow others to get away with .

I bailed out on my Dad after a couple years of putting up with the Illogical way he wanted to move on
anything concerning treasure .

walked away from the The little Theater set up by Intel .

Take our experiences to heart

stay off that base

chase nothing

You were born without treasure

you now without it

and even if you got some

no one will leave you alone afterwards .

you can live , eat , enjoy life so easy .

why bring a curse into your life ?

Roger is it just the treasures in NM that you think the government is watching?I personaly know two people that have found treasures one recently died of old age the other is still alive and I saw pictures of what they found and never once have either of them talked about being harrased by anyone. They did not make a big deal out of finding it nor did they tell a bunch of people but non the less they found it and have not had any kind of problems that you have experienced?


Of the options you presented, I will have to go with "C". I'm only 51 and wasn't born until two years after they emptied out VP. Yes, I do have a source whose father worked on VP with the Noss Family in the late 1930s. Yes, I trust this source implicitly. He says the bars came out of the top of VP. Doc was the only person allowed into the lower caves, except Benny Samaniego, who went to the fist level. He also says that the idea of Doc putting bars into the upper caves at night, then dragging them out the next day is ridiculous. His dad actually handled hundreds of gold bars from the top of VP. I was stating my position when I said "without equivocation". Anybody else is entitled to believe absolutely anything they want.

For whatever reason, I highly doubt Doc took anything out of Willie's Cave until many years after Willie left N.M. for San Diego. Maybe he couldn't find it for many years, or maybe he had a handshake agreement with his long time friend Willie Daughitt. I can't say. What I know is that Doc took Ova camping many times in the area near to where many people think the entrance to Willie's Cave is. Coincidence? Maybe, but I think not.

Doc had supposedly salted a bunch of small caches of two and three bars all around VP. This is backed up by the story of two men grading a road up VP. They dragged out two gold bars from a shallow burial. I don't remember the exact outcome, but I think there was a fight, and neither one got anything. HAHAHA


Thanks for the response. Oh, to be 51 again.

My curiosity about all this is about the source of the gold that has been hidden at VP, the Caballos, and perhaps other locations in the area. Unfortunately, one way or another, most of the information we have involves Milton Noss, and I find this very troubling. Anyway, his activities at VP notwithstanding, it's the source of the information that set him off that is the most difficult to wrap my mind around. Second only to the mystery of the gold is the appearance of the maps attributed to it. Third is the Doc Noss-Willie Daughitt relationship.

Noss, a Mason, is buried in an unmarked grave. And used the alias Tom Starr. Interesting stuff.

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Here is where I have to force myself not to care. As much as I would LOVE to know the origin of the gold bars, I have resigned myself to the belief that with all the knowledge we have right now, we can never find out who originally placed all that gold in those caves. I think that IF someone finds a new cache of gold, and IF they let a couple of knowledgeable people examine the site and metallurgy we may have a clue. If someone could get one of those bars and drill a hole all the way through, a close examination of the drillings could maybe give an approximation of the date of smelting (based on amalgamation techniques etc).

It is minutely possible that SOME documentation from VP may still be hidden somewhere (based on a bit of information I am not currently able to share). I don't know if it is stuff from Apache raiding era or earlier, but there is a possibility.


Mike, sniff sniff, you didn't read my post ????, actually posts. They go into this, As I have said, I have no interest in the bars, other than they show the flow of metal to Rome.


no telling what is going on in other peoples lives .

I can say only that there is a KEY element in the deposits in the area i was involved with .

I gave already much of what that element was already

why it is as sensitive to the Intel ?

That has many varied reasons .

Their homeland front line cops were here yesterday
with their ,,,

Dell Getac Military Laptops , hacking into mine , while I watched them hack it in front of my face .

This over a life time of being done , A person just smiles at it , and types a missive for them to read
while they are hacked in .


I can say that at the first recovery by the Army from the Fiegie cave , it set off events that reached all the way
to the top .

with exactly two years , JFK would go down , his Pres. Exec. Order to have that treasure impounded ,
added just another stick to his casket .

That peak was sucked dry and the proceeds had spread amongst so many personalities ,


hard evidence of even one piece of treasure that was in that range of mountains ,, has for the most part
been grabbed by damage control .

so much crime has been behind that theft

and if just one piece of treasure is presented

lends credence

not sure if the photo of the getac laptop loaded up

but it is the laptop they use to hack into your device

there is an LEO / Military Mdl. only , that is loaded with hacking properties

the image loaded

if ever you see one of these around you while you are online

and your speed decreases

open your command prompt

type in

netstat ( followed by a space ) then the minus sign like this -
add next the three letters ano

like this >>>-----> netstat -ano

that will show you established connection on your device

if more than just you esn and isp are established

you have a hacker


Treasure hunting tips for the South West U.S.

Seek the springs of water.

Massive operations took Massive amounts of water

almost every treasure site I am aware of , was very near a spring .

2. Nothing of extreme weight as gold bars , was carried up very high and secreted .

almost always , items hidden , were set down in areas where clear visibility of the land could be had .

3. Stone set upon stone , where no stone could have by nature , got there , is to be paid attention to

This is how trails were marked , not just to the cache , but to many items such as water and game .

Water is very important in this

seek the springs on oldest Topo maps , find those , seek any markers in that area .

Water had to be very close by for the burial team and the beast of burden .

On your topo map
circle each spring in the entire range .

one at a time seek monuments of stone .

these monuments will stand out to you if you educate your eyes to see them .

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