The True Story of Victorio Peak

well hudo " Nobody "

how convenient you're here .

I believe you mentioned that
both Willie Douthit and myself experienced UFO activity
connected to Treasure and a few other similarities between Willie's Life and mine

I have a huge list of names of people
who have had UFO experiences near the treasure vaults of the NM Mountains as well
as other southwestern states ...

Here is another person connected to UFO's and Treasure
You'll recognize his name right off

Read His stories ,

and I may return and recount a story that had the most awesome TWIST to it ,

here's the link to read

UFO Sightings in Texas, Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research, BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio, Mary Sutherland , author of Living in the Light

OOOps , that page left out the UFO he saw above him at Victorio Peak .

I'll find another page where he recounts it , and paste it for you here .

btw Nobody

you may find of interest , my thread about projecting 3D laser projected Holographs
of UFO's .


note that I wrote this years before the public received a display of the technology

Chem trails and the Holographic UFO, page 1

So yes , I am very much aware of SPOOF Operations run by the Intelligence Community
on unsuspecting people .

In Iraq too ?

Oh heck yes , Mohammad 35 foot tall and grinning broadly

man its kinda nice to see such civility going on with you two :thumbsup:
even if the subject at hand is deemed a little strange by some.

Well, yes I did. But only because both you and he mentioned it first. There seems to be a few mentioning it. Even if you didn't read, while scrolling by my post in the other thread, I'm sure that picture of the 'Grey' looking thing caught your eye.

Those lights over Phoenix (I think it was there) not too long ago, well, I dunno about the rest of all ya'll, but all i can say about what I see is that something is emanating visible energy. And there are more possibilities for that source of energy emanation, visible to us, than either Top Secret military stuff or UFOs.

Mexico City seems to be a hotbed of 'UFO' activity and sightings. It wasn't all that long ago that it was a hotbed of slaughter, torutre & ritualistic sacrifice. Coincidence? I obviously don't think so ...

Tanit's consort is obviously Saturn. If you are seeing 'UFOs', near that 'Tanit Temple', I would suggest you are more likely seeing the effects of the fabled 'treasure curse' - in addition to other things ...

Now, you don't have to accept my theory and conclusions, but you are not an idiot, so you understand that inlaid in my premise is that all of you guys wouldn't know the difference, by intent and design. You would absolutely be convinced you had a UFO encounter, not a 'Spiritual' one, as would everyone else. You were being intentionally deceived.

The Exorcist was based on a 'true' story, except the real life account it was based upon was about a boy in the late 40's. There's a book about the original story. Rog, I believe that the movie The Exorcist was based upon more fact than was Speilberg's E.T. And when you say you are hanging around Saturn based Temples and the caches of such who practiced such rituals, well ...

What is it, all or part true or not, that one should fear...
Evil spirits? Why... :fish:

Understand a little with me

I write in conspiracy forums
I address technology in the hands of the intelligence operatives

I write from first hand experiences where these were techs were experimented
upion me in a way as a lab would on a lab rat .

the material is valid , the events true .

When I described how Intel sets a screen memory through the use of Virtual Reality
headgear in a thread on a forum
it actually helped some people find the answer to what had bit them .

Purposed in my revealing these , is to help the victims and as well as exposing
the activities bought with our tax dollars

so it is a matter of combined motives
pay back and helping people whose minds were traumatized by
their own heinous treatment .

Point ; I was a Project of the Intelligence community for many years without knopwledge
of that fact .

The wealth of information I retain and give out in public domain venues , is due to direct
contact as a Lab rat in the experiments .

The Treasure material , is as well , yet
there is some capability I have that allowed for my being able to interpret the esoteric meaning
of the symbology used in the caching .

In the study documents of ultra test I was given at an early stage in life development
The determined results point out that I had ability to perceive from a multitude of views
concerning a single problem .

Curious findings .

Selected as a study project for my minds ability and the thought processing .

That becomes clear to people if they listen as i write
or speak ,
so ,

Very interesting comments, views, info.

Don't doubt any of it, really. :fish:

I don't even want to know who or how the complaints are coming from .

As a forum owner myself , I am very aware of complainers , and as a rule , simply ,
I am not on this planet to re-raise adults for other people , so my policy
is ,,,
if they complain , they have elsewhere ( like their Parents for instance ) to take their whine )

Assaults on my members , seldom happens ,
reason being ,
My members are very aware that they are adults ,

interesting post deletion , is there a policy about posting links to other websites .
i'd read the rules
But I'm in too good a mood for rules at the moment .

I don't even want to know who or how the complaints are coming from .

As a forum owner myself , I am very aware of complainers , and as a rule , simply ,
I am not on this planet to re-raise adults for other people , so my policy
is ,,,
if they complain , they have elsewhere ( like their Parents for instance ) to take their whine )

Assaults on my members , seldom happens ,
reason being ,
My members are very aware that they are adults ,

We have about the same here, people who refuse to follow our rules are welcome to go elsewhere.

read the post : Post deletion

The material in the deleted post gives direct factual information from
the people involved with Victorio Peak .

I post all over the web , to share the stories of various people with first hand experiences with this legend .

I do not post anywhere to be engaged in argument .

Not even in my personal life , do I allow for arguments .
There is a very good thought about arguments .

The post was valid as material concerning this peak and the people involved

Readers enjoy first hand material , and actually do care to have it from those whose lives
involved the subject matter .

sorry man , if the rules state something about sharing openly , valid first hand experiences ,
I missed it .

interesting post deletion , is there a policy about posting links to other websites .
i'd read the rules
But I'm in too good a mood for rules at the moment .

It violates our rules to post links to other treasure hunting websites .

"You may not.... Post links to competing forums in regards to Treasure Hunting."

Any politics not DIRECTLY related to treasure hunting violates our rules, it is ONLY allowed in out politics forum found under Charter Membership.

It violates our rules to argue with a mod concerning moderating of TN forums in the open forums. It violates our rules to argue about a post or thread being deleted or edited. It is to be handled through PM, not in open forums.

" If you've posted something, and it disappears, don't make a big deal out of it in another post!"

"We make no guarantees or warranties as to the length of time posted information will remain online. "

"We reserve the right to delete or modify any post, avatar or image, at any time, and for any reason. "

"We reserve the right to limit any users' access to any feature, including the ability to search, post, browse, upload avatars, etc.. "

"We reserve the right to ban any user, and/or delete any user account (including all posts) at any time, for any reason. Bans are not subject to member review, approval, protest, or appeal."

" Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public.

I followed those rules in posting the links

Huffpost is a newsletter
the rest were book pdf or Conspiracy forum and or UFO related forums .

given fact and accepted is that You will delete per your choice .

I've simply noted that and commented that I didn't want to know
who or why anyone complained
and as well , that the links have info that readers can glean insights from on the
people involved in the legend .
Educational material .

UFO material , is to my knowledge only involved in SW US treasure site .

I followed those rules in posting the links

Huffpost is a newsletter
the rest were book pdf or Conspiracy forum and or UFO related forums .

given fact and accepted is that You will delete per your choice .

I've simply noted that and commented that I didn't want to know
who or why anyone complained
and as well , that the links have info that readers can glean insights from on the
people involved in the legend .
Educational material .

UFO material , is to my knowledge only involved in SW US treasure site .
Your post was deleted for politics and off topic. Stop the arguing in open forum...

The true story of Victorio peak , is best served by the elements involved .

all the elements involved , and in full .

One element involved , and little known , I will Illustrate in my next post in this thread .

Real de Tayopa TT,

:coffee2: Have some? Well, as much as I did not want to, I had to use the third party site, Photobucket. Please check your PM's and let me know if the screenshot opens for you. Thanks.

g'd evening AUT., . You can always use 'em' and add any pictures to your message my friend
join me in the coffee bar where we can also ogle the waitresses ? Moght even find Judy or one of the other girls in there

Okay, here goes... Over the years, when time would permit me to get away from work (vacations, day's off from work), I've found placer gold, sometimes a little, sometimes pretty good. But, concerning these subjects, I am a neophyte, noob, FNUG, whatever you want to call me. I am fairly naive about markers, signs, and these type of things. So, what I have found near where I live, I will attempt to post a screenshot of a cross, or anchor on a rock. I have NOT been there in person YET, but I would like some input from anyone that might recognize, or have knowledge, or just an opinion if this has any significance to a possible cache or treasure?

Screenshot 2015-02-02 00.36.47.webp

On another note, I just finished reading the whole thread "The history of Tayopa". Real De T., I had no idea!
Congratulations on your find! And THANK YOU for your WW II service! :coffee2: Also for your years in green. :coffee2: When you offered your age in that thread, I realized that you retired a little before I got started. No other job like it, that's for sure!

Well, please let me know on the screenshot, people.


Okay, I tried clicking it larger after I posted it, and it is not working for me... anybody else?

Edit #2;

I guess I didn't wait long enough, now it works.

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G'd mornig AU, as they say once a border cop, always Border Cop. The earlier ones such as you have a tremendousus"Epirit de corp" not like the new ones. No. I didn't retire.

So any of the Mexicans that I picked up gave me invitations to visit them that I finally agreed and had a wonderful time Tresure hunting with them.

I eventually ended up married to one of the enemy, as so many of the older Patrol members did

Did you ever join the NAFBPO ? National Association of Former Border Patrol Officer.

Please forgive me but I am stilll suffering from something similar the flue. I will pick up later today or tomorrow.

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