Well many pictures and testimonials have been made. But you say no real proof exist? I say you just want to argue, or force someone to reveal something he doesnt want to. Im glad your all in agreement about no Jesuit, spanish, french, and indian cultures ever put anything into VP, or there was ever any gold bars at all, as they were not dore bars. 33 pages of thread and you just now figired it out, there is no link. I cant tell if your just a troll looking for a rise or serious about this conversation. I live in the area, I talk to many folks here. Im not sure why they believe, but I know why I do. I dont think there is any amount of proof out there you all are willing to accept. So lets debunk some other legends too, like the LDM or any of the other many legends out there. The only question I have not seen answered is where did Doc and others spend their gold. Arguing a fact of who put it there seems mute. Does it matter what a Army Captain put on a wall really? I have watched these threads for a few years now and they always end the same. Usually the same folks killing it. What really is impressive is how everyone is a an expert, but has no proof, of the proof. To put a Book(s) together with all the information about the subject, for all to see is a task. I think ideas was shared and pictures shown, and information about the players given I would not have seen otherwise. You experts arent giving up any of your secrets. Problem is there is folks outside the area backing it up who have never been here. I only see one guy who actually lives here. I can understand him not wanting anyone looking around much. I think VP is a learning tool, even if it was faked, which I dont agree that it was. Do I believe what I read on a treasure site, no I dont. As I walk the hills and find these areas with the old mines or watering holes, I have a lot of respect for those who have came before me and tolerated the elements to get here. All the hours, the money, the irking of real life responsibilities like our families spent on the subject. But you experts got it all figured out, Im waiting for your book. The folks who sacrificed did not go away or quit looking. They are still around, and I talk with them when I can. I only know a friend of a friend, but the info is solid. I dont know who started with VP but I know who ended up with VP and you cant believe a word that comes out of the Armys mouth or who ever owns it. I have seen enough to make me believe several players were involved. I have seen french swords, they do exist here. If I am to believe the what has been left behind, I would say there was several groups involved through out time. But the daggers seemed to be pointed at Doc Noss himself. I believe Doc Noss had a knowledge ahead of his time. He knew where and how to find gold. I think Doc Noss even had a little help. That is what I try to emulate. I cant take anything away from here as I dont believe you will ever believe what has been shown you already. The conversation is dead for me. I sure hope you guys dont start showing up in all the other threads I like to read on here. We need to ask the thread to be renamed to fakes, frauds, and why you should give up before you start. I enjoy sharing ideas and reading what others want to share. This has turned into some sort of hate club. Correct me if Im wrong. Show your proof, dont talk me to death. I know you can post a link to YOUR book you wrote. Im glad you guys have given up. I know there are several on here that would like to get some more info on the subject that wasnt in the book or common knowledge lol. Im just going away mad as I really liked this thread.