couple points to clear up
Kid left midwest for Hot springs NM for his TB ,,,
he hitch hiked there
near Hatch , he was dropped off by a trucker , the trucker pointed out an old adobe cabin where the kid could get out of the rain.
The Kid tore up a window seal for firewood and found some maps and compass
he made it to the Sanitorium in Hot Springs
later he met Willie
Willie knew the mountains enough to get the two of them into the canyon
where the uncovered a mine with treasure
next trip in < Willie shot the poor kid dead .
Willie got too stupid and bragged about his find
he was grabbed and tortured for the loaction
he spilled it's location and the problem for him at that point was The Corpse of the Kid was in the mine
no more Willie Visit for him .
Did Doc get Willies Maps ?
Not at all
Willie Burned those for they could be evidence that he murdered the Kid , for the Lady who ran the Sanitarium the Kid
stayed at as well as a few other witnesses , had been shown the maps by that Kid .
The Kid and Willie had found the Body of the person who hid the maps in the window seal , he was laying under rubble from a dead fall booby trap in the mine .
After some time with some Sheriffs who attempted to use Willies crime of murder to force the location out of him ,,
he hit it up to Pinas Altos to his Aunts house , she gave him her dead Son's Birth Certificate which he used as his own
after that ,
the name was Lawrence Forman , Willies Cousin .
Willie Bought a Dodge Bro's Car and split for Juliene Calif. in San Diego county .
Timeline 1908
Apache Girl is diagnosed terminal and will die if operation is not performed
Uncle of said Girl creeps into a cavern and brings out a Gold Bar to pay for the op.
he takes it into town ands tries to sell it
the buyer tried to rip him off by offering scrap copper price
Apache leaves
he is later grabbed by the cops per the buyers snitching him off
The Judge and prosecuter charge the apache with murder as they state : Indians don't own Gold , so you had to murder someone
to get this Bar
here these two and the banker attempt to extort the location of the treasure out of the apache by sentencing him to life
in prison .
a decade or two pass
Doc threatens a waitree when she refuses to serve him any alcohol while he is drunk
he gets a 1 year sentence and meets an elderly Apache who is almost dead in prison
Doc takes care of the Apache , the Apache gives Doc location by drawing it on a Buckskin Jacket The Apache's family had brought him .
Doc makes an exit at parole and heads straight for Hatch NM .
with that Jacket Map .
~~~~ End story of Maps and Willie ~!~~~~
begin Pedro ( El Chato )
real simple
He is talking about TWO mountain ranges in the letter ,
First is the Organ Range and the Gap is the EAST end of Soledad Canyon where it rises up from the flats at a steep grade .
The spring is just inside the mouth of Soledad Canyon where Soledad peak and the Opposite ridge create a narrow gap .
the other Gap is the west end of soledad where it meets Bar Canyon ,,, and yes treasure was recovered from that end as well .
Pedro speaks of signs on the right
yes the yellow boulder , the Standing stones they set up and the painted seineas < spell
Just as the canyon floor levels off , there is another very tight gap to pass through on the right side of the canyon
here you look at the top pf the bluff on the right and see a standing stone marker
put your back up to that bluff and look staright out in front of you
see that great big blasted out hollow in that little hill ( Lomita in the way bill )
That is where carettas of silver were stored in a sealed up cave
Inteligence agents blasted it open and the treasure went to hong kong ( Per Classified Documents I reviewed )
from that point keep headed west up Soledad , stop just before the mouth of NORTH Canyon
turn again and look to your left as stated in the letter ,,, see that Tortuga ( Turtle stone monument )
it is on the top of the bank of the wash .
behind it is Beasley Canyon and just before you enter that Canyon is another small hill which the spring comes from .
go into the canyon and look for a Boulder that fell off into the aash as it was widened by a flash flood
The boulder has a carving of a mule shoe on it .
set your back to it and look straight out ahead of you
see that multi colored spire of rock ?
that is your land mark ,,, see the carving in it ?
just below the base of it is another boulder with a big stone set up on top
thats your starting point to pace off the increment .
~~~~~~~ End El Chato Story ~~~~~~~~~~
If El Chato did not exist in 1649 , someone did a nice job of writing a fact based way bill .
However , he did exist in 1649 , he was a Noble Birth and also rebelious of the Spanish
he was not Spanish , he was Portuguese from Navaro Portugal
That is why some of the terms he used wre not spanish but geuse instead .
He tells you to go to the West Pass and walk up to the peak ( That is Thumb Peak at the west end of Soledad )
You are to enter Ice Canyon at that point and go to the greater mountain and check for a plot of ground near a spring
that site is actually a covered up blow hole cave and is covered now by a land slide .
impossible to recover because every square inch is now off limits to the people of the U.S.
Just for prosperity and to get it through the doubting minds
There is in extant a U.S. Treasury Department set of documents from 1916 or so ,
it is an investigation into the heinous treatment of the Apache by that Judge and D.A.
The family contacted the Federal Government and asked for assistance in investigating their family members
cruel internment for a life sentence .
The Gov. is getting looser with releasing Documents through FOIA nowadays .
Problem is : Does no good to bother any longer