The True Story of Victorio Peak

while i was there , i gave open invitation to anyone who wished
to come see it first hand

now that i am gone from the area

everyone wants to show up

peeps are funny that way .


I have given concise directions to the sites over the years in many post

dig those old post of mine up and go see what's there .

Seriously , I will not give certain info out , no bait will cause me to bite .

Personally , I evidenced all i wished to discover , my perspective : the legacy that was passed down through my linage was indeed a fact .

all i can offer you people , I already gave you .

I have already stated so much , that so few knew before I revealed it , and that's a blessing to those who were interested .

the disrespect , the arguments , or any crap at all ,

shows how people think .

take what you can and kick the giver is the ignorance of the self entitled

if any of you fit that profile , then wear it .

to the others

sorry man
no more can i do for you

it's a hell of a story

and living it was certainly a trip .

no regrets at all .

You each have your chance to live a dream .

just do not sleep through life while you dream it .

Hi Roger, I hope you're feeling better. I want you to know how much I appreciate the information you gave us about the Tanit monuments. I live in the Midwest in an area with no gold and silver but a rich archeological history from the Hopewell Period. The vast trade network they developed at that time has really interested me. This seemed to begin about the time that Alexander the Great destroyed the seat of the Phoenician empire in the eastern Mediteranean and became increasingly stronger after the Romans destroyed Carthage. The information you've shared works in well with this timeline and could explain the Tanit memorials as opposed to the Ashurah posts which were usually wood, but sometimes stone, columns. There is a historian, Sanford Holst, who has written a book titled Phoenician Secrets. He has a theory that when the Phoenicians realized that the destruction of their trading empire was close, they packed up their wealth and important cultural records and sailed off into the horizon. He doesn't speculate about where they went but the similarity between his theory and the theories about the Templars moving their treasures caught my attention. I'll send more info later, my wife has a busy day planned for me. Thanks again for your posts.

There is a forensic geologist named Scott Wolter who has a seasonal show on History Channel 2 called America Unearthed. Last winter, his first season, he did a show about a rune stone found in the Mustang Mountains of Arizona. An expert he knew dated the runes to the 12th century. The runes translated as,

The body(in contrast with the soul) fits/lays
Rough Hurech here
He enjoyed(entertainment/joy/merriment) the secret stolen
Rough Hurech's body-fame and glory
Dust beyond Eden (Eden's temple)

The translator believed the stone was a burial memorial. Scott didn't give the exact spot of the stone's location but I wrote Scott and told him the Mustang Mountains were very close to the latitude of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is a place associated with the Templars. Eben Shetiya is the foundation stone found at the Temple Mount. So it could be that"Eden's Temple" could be referring to the Temple Mount and Hurech could be a Templar. It is possible that Hureck was taken to that spot intentionally because of the latitude and it's association with the Temple Mount. As far as I know, Wolter has never done a forensic analysis on this rune stone to try to authenticate the 12th century as the date the runes were carved, if that's even possible

Treasureminder indeed gave me pause to go search the Organs now. All I have to do is open my front door and there the Organs are. Unfortunately a trip to Victorio Peak,would most likely lead to Federal Trespass Charge. I have read some have went there recently, but find it hard to believe. I was lucky enough to find a set of the "Gold House Trilogy" at the local salvation army. Very dry read, and I have to admit, I didnt read but a few pages. It has very detailed info and every now and then you will see it on the news when they speak of Kennedy and such.

I enjoy all your post. The little stone dolls you are finding is very interesting. My health doesnt allow me to do all the climbing I would like. The post about America Unearthed got my attention. I have found some of his work applies to us down here in the SW. I am absolutely mesmerized by Astroarcheology. There is a lot of study going on near one of the locations I used to hunt sign. I fear its going to be closed off to the public soon. Enjoy your hunts while you can folks.

There is a forensic geologist named Scott Wolter who has a seasonal show on History Channel 2 called America Unearthed. Last winter, his first season, he did a show about a rune stone found in the Mustang Mountains of Arizona. An expert he knew dated the runes to the 12th century.

The translator believed the stone was a burial memorial. Scott didn't give the exact spot of the stone's location but I wrote Scott and told him the Mustang Mountains were very close to the latitude of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is a place associated with the Templars.

I saw that show on the Mustang Mountains. My oldest son is in the Army, and was stationed at Fort Huachuca at the time. Apparently they tried going up in the mountains in that area, and were turned back by someone in uniform. He was apart from the group a bit and didn't actually see the uniformed person, but was told by one of the group it could've been a Game Warden or some sort of Federal Officer who was very adament that they leave immediately.

You also mentioned Phoenician copper mining in the Great Lakes area, if I remember correctly Scott also covered that in another episode of America Unearthed.

Sounds like he's on the same general trail as some others. If you've been in contact with him already, he may have some missing pieces of the same puzzle. Might be worth a shot.

now that i am gone from the area

everyone wants to show up

peeps are funny that way .


I have given concise directions to the sites over the years in many post

dig those old post of mine up and go see what's there .

Seriously , I will not give certain info out , no bait will cause me to bite .

Personally , I evidenced all i wished to discover , my perspective : the legacy that was passed down through my linage was indeed a fact .

all i can offer you people , I already gave you .

I have already stated so much , that so few knew before I revealed it , and that's a blessing to those who were interested .

the disrespect , the arguments , or any crap at all ,

shows how people think .

take what you can and kick the giver is the ignorance of the self entitled

if any of you fit that profile , then wear it .

Kick the giver? Asking a few questions is kicking the giver? One thing is crystal clear, you do not wish to discuss what you have claimed, so since asking questions and not being able to just run over to victorio Peak on demand is somehow perceived as an attack, I won't bother you further.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

in america uneathed the guy that desifered the rune was in england and scott was going there, the guy in england told him to go to the cliff dwellings at pinos altos before he did, and when scott got to england the guy showed him the property of who was supposed to be mentioned on the rune, and there were similar structures there.

dont know if that last post makes any sense to anybody, maybe just watch the show, it realy got me to thinkin.

Treasureminder indeed gave me pause to go search the Organs now. All I have to do is open my front door and there the Organs are. Unfortunately a trip to Victorio Peak,would most likely lead to Federal Trespass Charge. I have read some have went there recently, but find it hard to believe. I was lucky enough to find a set of the "Gold House Trilogy" at the local salvation army. Very dry read, and I have to admit, I didnt read but a few pages. It has very detailed info and every now and then you will see it on the news when they speak of Kennedy and such.

I enjoy all your post. The little stone dolls you are finding is very interesting. My health doesnt allow me to do all the climbing I would like. The post about America Unearthed got my attention. I have found some of his work applies to us down here in the SW. I am absolutely mesmerized by Astroarcheology. There is a lot of study going on near one of the locations I used to hunt sign. I fear its going to be closed off to the public soon. Enjoy your hunts while you can folks.

Let me know if you find any of the monuments Roger wrote about, Casca. You know I like the ancient stuff. I like Wolter's shows but I wish they were another hour longer so he could get into more detail about the sites and the research involved.

You mentioned your health, I hope you get to feeling better. I don't get around too well because of my knees. I'm paying for all the abuse I put them through when I was young.

I saw that show on the Mustang Mountains. My oldest son is in the Army, and was stationed at Fort Huachuca at the time. Apparently they tried going up in the mountains in that area, and were turned back by someone in uniform. He was apart from the group a bit and didn't actually see the uniformed person, but was told by one of the group it could've been a Game Warden or some sort of Federal Officer who was very adament that they leave immediately.

You also mentioned Phoenician copper mining in the Great Lakes area, if I remember correctly Scott also covered that in another episode of America Unearthed.

Sounds like he's on the same general trail as some others. If you've been in contact with him already, he may have some missing pieces of the same puzzle. Might be worth a shot.

JT, can you get the latitude or a more precise location of the spot where your son and his friends were asked to leave. I would like to see how close the spot is compared to the Temple Mount location. Thanks.

Kick the giver? Asking a few questions is kicking the giver? One thing is crystal clear, you do not wish to discuss what you have claimed, so since asking questions and not being able to just run over to victorio Peak on demand is somehow perceived as an attack, I won't bother you further.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

to clarify for you

I began posting the info on ALT , there i was kicked , that was years ago , 2001 or '02

there were PM's going around on the forum stating " Roger is a delusional lunatic, don't believe
him "

get what i said ?

Springfield got one of those PM's

and related it to me when he came to visit

as I wrote , i would reveal certain facts

then after I wrote the facts , the evidence would come to public view

Such as the NSA creating a Torture team

then photos show up of prisoners being tortured by said team .

get it ?

btw casca

the reason you take exception to what I wrote ,

is because of the way you think .

but you have no other perception to use .

nd by that i mean , : Conflict with others , is your way of thinking .

sorry man
just the way you think is all .

in america uneathed the guy that desifered the rune was in england and scott was going there, the guy in england told him to go to the cliff dwellings at pinos altos before he did, and when scott got to england the guy showed him the property of who was supposed to be mentioned on the rune, and there were similar structures there.

I think those cliff dwelling were the Gila Cliff Dwelling National Monument. If so the latitude at that spot is 33 deg 13'38". The latitude of Tyre in Lebanon is 33 deg 16'15". Tyre was an important city to the Phoenicians and was an important city of the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the Crusades. The cliff dwellings were occupied at some time between 1275 to 1300 AD. I've seen similar coincidences with the latitudes of sacred Moundbuilder site and Phoenician cities. Makes you wonder.

Well, Nobody, life seldom provides the answers we seek. We humans are just a horde of trainable monkeys chasing down shiny things to keep us busy. I had a lot of fun on my chase and have moved on with no regrets. Good luck with your quest and try to keep your sense of humor.

There is only one true story of Victorio Peak. It was always an empty shell until it was shown to Doc Noss. It was an empty place in the desert mountains looking for a story and Doc Noss gave it a Whopper. After he was shot and killed, his family added their own version and made it a Big Mac. They gave the sport of fishing a new name, by always keeping the hooks baited, they could always keep trolling and wait for a bite from a new investor looking to strike it rich.

true story this one

my post at ALT were deleted

interesting is the post where I state the connection of JFK's murder to The Culprits who stole the treasure.

several other little ditys too

Seems to me the Noss family wanted their Trilogy books to tell that story

I beat them to the punch

sure did P.O. them when I did that .

real simple

Jerry Cheatum had in his possession my Dads Treasure Dossier ,

he had a file cabinet drawer full of docs on my dad and my dads Note as " Nobody " refers to them .

Oh , what a bunch of sad crybabies that group is .

They deserved what the Intelligence community pulled on them .

Con Men get what they deserve .

Now this from the Rog'

The Clown that stirs the SH_T POT , deserves to lick the spoon .

these trillogy books explain a lot .

When The Author called and asked for the of the JFK exec order to impound the treasure from the peak

i gave him the bums rush

for the Noss family and the authors , it was about selling books for money .

However , I was posting everything on free forums ,,

no wonder my post on certain treasure forums were being deleted


ah that old demon greed

right ?

Noss partners seeking money through media .

Hey Clarence , or jack , or john staley
or whatever your name you use is ,,,

do you still want me to send you a copy of JFK's Executive order ?

He ordered the treasure from Fiegie's Cave impounded

and then he was murdered


and I stated that years before any Noss family project ever existed

so ,,,,

is it money ?

All that donated financial backing the Ova Noss Family Project received sure make's them look suspect .

If you want the truth to be known and believed ,,,,, NEVER TRY TO SELL IT ,

it makes you look suspect , it makes a whore out of TRUTH , and makes you a PIMP

While at Jerry Cheatums house ( The master of the Dig at the peak for the ONFP ) I noticed Jerry sure had
a nicely furnished house , replete with poodles he threw in the pool in his back yard .

wonder how much of the Financial Backers cash Jerry Cheatum swindled

Millions were spent

yet only a hole was dug

Jerry tried to grade a road like a hiway , and was stopped by one of the other Members

Looked like he was getting a cheap road , and than showing on paper that it cost thousands ,

then pay dirt cheap price for road

pocket the rest of the money

make the money disappear into his pocket

with fake , bogus receipts to cover his theft .

But ,,,, isn't it always about THE MONEY ?

Your turn MR. Author of Trilogy Books

I give you a chance to explain why you wanted my copy of the JFK executive order to impound the treasure

I already pointed out that I and my photos of treasure were used to set ONFP up with an entrapment scheme
put together by Intel Agents

How about you Dave Zander ?

would you like to pop in and take a nice shot at me ?

You and Jerry were buddies, you attended the same Mormon Temple together

so when I began to release all the info that would end up in books for sale to stuff in ONFP pockets

No wonder you got P.O.'ed at me and made threats on my person .

Gee buddy Dave , I must have scared the crap out of you at Bountiful when I showed up out of the Blue

You about swallowed your entire head .

never threaten me

as i demonstrated , you will walk right into me where you do not expect it .


that's enough exposure of the ONFP Group

you will have to await the publishing of my books

they will be free in E-Form for all to read .

The ONFP Trilogy books are just a rehash of the old Formulated Disinformation / Orchestrated Theatrics that
the U.S. Intelligence Community has been running for over 235 years .

Heads up : You will not be able to recover treasure from the info in my books

so don't get your hopes up

the books will be copyrighted , yet free to review

enjoy this Winters Toe Fungus brought to you by Mansanto , The Worlds largest suppliers of GMO Seeds .


Regarding the items you questioned; The coin looks very real to me. The "bubbles" you are referring to are Chinese Chop Marks. They are very common on 8 and 4 real coins. ( ) Click on the link for a history of chop marks. The photo is also a reverse. The coin was not struck in reverse. Look at the knife above it. The number 1579 is reversed as well.

The sword is very likely what you say. I don't believe that anybody has ever said what it was. All the photos are titled "Old Sword Doc Found". Victorio Peak was the perfect place for that sword to have been found. It was where the Army chased Chief Victorio to his last stand. If you read some of the accounts of the Soldiers who chased the Apache through those mountains they agreed that the Apache had a way of just disappearing into thin air while being chased. The Apache knew all or most of the caves where they lived. The gold bars may have come from Padre LaRue, and the Apache found the cave sometime later, and when they raided and killed, they took what they didn't want to leave, and stashed it in VP. That might very well have been the source of the gold Geronimo promised to give for his release.

Best - Mike

Thank you Mike, good to hear from you too.

Why would the photo be reversed. if you know? Was it accident or do you think it was deliberate? Also, on those "Chinese chop marks" I don't know if I can agree that is what we see here. The practice of diggiing out a sample of the silver or scratching the surface to be sure it was solid silver and not plated dates back at least as far as the Pelopponesian war, and I have never seen any quite like this example. Also, the color just looks wrong too, a bit too close to a lead casting of a coin. Somewhere I have a lead fake half dollar, and it looks pretty much identical to the coin in this picture for color and overall texture, even the bubble and cracks. I would be very hesitant to say that was a genuine coin unless I could examine it in hand, and that is extremely unlikely to happen.

On the sabre, are we even sure that the cavalry were carrying sabres in that fight? The archaeological survey done on the battlefield failed to find a single sword of any kind. Not saying it is impossible, but if this were from the battle, why would it end up with the treasure? Unless as you say, it was a treasure being accumulated by Victorio's band, and none of his band ever went to retrieve any of it or revealed it to anyone. Why is the sword not considerably rusted? Being in a cave won't stop steel from rusting, slow it yes but just from the danged moisture in the air, exposed steel can and will rust. It looks a bit too good to me, but that is just an opinion.

Good luck and good hunting amigos I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


The pic could have easily been reversed when it was transferred from analog to digital. That picture has been making the circles a long time. I have a couple of chopmarked 8reale coins. Those are most definitely Chinese Chop Marks. The lower left coin looks like a well worn Mexican Centavo from the mid to late 1800s. The third coin looks more like a token than a coin. Not 100%, but it looks like a girl holding a bow and arrows (maybe Cupid) in front of a tree.

8REALE.webp centavo.webp token.webp

I can easily understand why there were no swords found on the battlefield. THERE WERE ONLY TWO TROOPERS KILLED IN THE FIGHT! LOL Hell, the Apache only lost three. The only reason they lost them was because they stayed behind to cover the other 175 or so Apaches' retreat. Do you REALLY not believe that CAVALRY TROOPERS didn't carry sabres into battle? As far as the rust, how much moisture do you think is in the air in the Caballo Mountains in Southern New Mexico? The Hembillo Basin was the location of the only permanent spring for hundreds of miles. Besides that, look at the picture of Bennie Samaniego wearing the Spanish Armour that Doc Noss gave him. No rust there either. Look at this picture from a 1974 article about a guy that went to Mexico looking for remnants of a troop of Spaniards that went missing. Their armour was still in the cave where they died. Surprisingly not rusty either ....... and this is an OPEN cave above a large year round river!


Victorio's band was massacred in Mexico not long after the Battle of Hembrillo Basin. I can't believe YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should wonder why Apache Indians would never reveal the location of gold to any Whites or Spanish!! Just open your copy of "Golden Mirages" and see how many stories are in there about Indians paying for things with gold, and they don't reveal where it came from.

Best - Mike

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I agree with Mike here. Assuming the artifacts were recovered from Victorio Peak, I don't see a 'problem' with either the coin or the sabre. The coin's reversed image is clearly just that, IMO - probably a publisher's error. The imperfections on it could have been caused by any number of reasons since 1797. This seems to be a non-issue.

The sabre? First, it didn't need to have been recovered from the famous Hembrillo Basin skirmish - it could have been a trophy from numerous confrontations all over southern New Mexico. More importantly, ventilated caves in the southern New Mexico desert tend to preserve artifacts from moisture damage not only for decades, but for centuries in the case of sandals, baskets, weapons, etc. that have been protected from rain. Yes, steel can pick up very minor oxidation from even low-humidity environments over time, and when you look closely at the original sabre photo, that's what we can see - minor rust staining. At least that's what I'm seeing there. Another non-issue, IMO.

Whether these artifacts and others were truly discovered within Victorio Peak is the gorilla in the room. All we have to hang our hat on is the word of Doc Noss.


Your insight into the ONFP is very good. Especially about Jerry Cheathum.

We were one of the first groups approached for assistance in the ONFP Project because of our success in the past. Our group is very old and successful and is made up of professionals in every field. We have some of the best researchers and equipment available. Members of our group were researching the Organ Mountains and the Jornada del Muerto years before Ova Noss was born. Needless to say, we decided not to become involved with the ONFP Project.

They then turned to the Mormons. I always thought it was unusual that the ONFP split up and started hunting Sardine Canyon in the Caballo Mountains. In 1995, Jerry and his Mormon investors filed numerous mining claims and did extensive ground penetrating radar tests with no luck. (Must have been the rabbit ears.)

Good luck.

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