The True Story of Victorio Peak

Well Rog I don't think the rational people think we live in a just system theirs just not enough of us with enough balls and guns to stand up to our pos dictatership government to do anything about it

The Cows got use to chewing Cud .

They deserve everything they do to themselves .

They deserve everything they allow to be done to them .

The U.S. population can complain

but ,,, when they had the chance to do something about their complaints ,,,

they were too busy enjoying Tubs of Ice Cream while watching TV .

Tough Guys ?

I never met a human that was flame resistant , or bullet proof ,

I'll state what went wrong

we lost our dignity

and became squeamish greedy selfish pigs .

This may be a old post.

Or were you not close, Steve? Were you yet another useful tool to keep everyone looking in the wrong direction?

I post here, role out into the boonies and am greeted by this?:

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Two special forces dudes unloaded two atvs, 3 vans of special forces role through, leave the truck and atvs right next to me for two days.

And go right where I was going to go ...

Guess where I am, Rog? On BLM land on the south western flank of Blanca, just a wee bit south of some cemetaries.

I'll post it all, Steve.

I expect the same out of you ...

Well I found the thread interesting. Nobody I been working Blanco Peak and surrounding areas, and I have found some interesting stuff. Someone has been doing some small time mining. I can tell the stuff that is new. You seen the the same caves I have also, and I suspect I would get in trouble for going there. There is someone working up top, so Im not sure which hole you are working out there. I never seen the trucks you posted here, but seen the black hummer and the red airplane sure enough. I think you might be confusing the border patrol with the army here. I video anyone who follows me out there, but it was too hot this year for most folks to be out there. If we are talking about the same Blanca peak, there is a map that shows it very close to what is BLM and the Armys property.

Nobody, what do you think of those ancient caves and such? I can show you one not too far away off the 404 also. Anyhaw, you are talking about the white peak here at the southern tip of the Organ Mountains correct?

I have heard about Rogers story of gold bars buried out there by other local folk who also believe they are there. These folks were not likely to lie, and I am not going after em so doesnt matter to me. I am going to make a few phone calls and see about getting some info on them.

... If we are talking about the same Blanca peak, there is a map that shows it very close to what is BLM and the Armys property...

Blanca Peak is a 14,000' mountain east of Alamosa, CO.

Quoting Casca : " you are talking about the white peak here at the southern tip of the Organ Mountains correct? "

Note : The exact location of buried possessions by a Spanish Caravan under attack by Apaches near the Southern
Tip of the Organ Mountains , was in the shallow bowl shaped canyon on the N.W. side of Rattlesnake ridge .

The other location of another stash was on the West side of Bishops Cap .

Though both of these are riddled with Prospect Holes and on or near the Military line , they are easy to get to ,
and have Stone Monuments to mark location of the Caches .

Further Note : " Nobody " is referring to what he believes to be a LUE site in Colorado .

Lorro , Urraca , Entarri , I believe is the spelling for each phrase used in the:::: ,, L,,,,, U ,,,, E ,,,,

Lorro , cry or cry out

Urraca has been said to be a place name , However , the phrase is as well used for " Parrot ,,, which as you know
will Mimic Speech of another .

Entarri is as it sounds in English : To Inter in the ground of stash away .

The Parrot will mimic , or MIRROR ,

keep that in mind when on site , some clues are meant to be seen in reflection of a mirror .

Though i give no credence to Karl V. Mueller

The Map has in it's symbol's a great deal of the Golden Mean Geometric , which was used in setting signs and symbols
for clues and trail markers to certain Vaults .

KVM may have come across a person who had some knowledge , and That person may have given KVM a hint , he may have taken that hint and embroidered his own conveyance for his own reasons .

The LUE maps symbols could be used and found throughout many deposit sites , simply via the universal use
of such by many cultures over many thousands of years .

However , " NOBODY'S " Photo's of black vehicles is exactly how it is .

If a person has actual factual information on a cache and is near it , or close to recovery ,,, they are going to have visitors of this type .

If the U.S. is willing to break a Treaty and attack and murder indigenous for a little black hills Gold .

You can stand well assured that the U.S. Gov.'t will indeed do the same to you for anything you may
find and recover .

For the men such as My Dad and his friends , and all the others who followed them ( such as myself ) and
for all those who come after us ,,,,,,, We should absolutely KNOW , that we should have never trusted
in the U.S.A. .

We all paid the price , while we paid the U.S. Gov.'t and it's agencies for the protection they promised us .

They are the enemy we actually should have protected ourselves from .

I thought it was there treasminder2. I certainly understand where a mirror would come in handy. The bowl area does look inviting. But I think I understand where your talking about. I think you put me close enough to the holes I should be able to find something. How long would it take two guys to smash and grab, quick enough to beat the black pickup guys? I feel in love with that area first time I visited. There is a hidden valley not far, whats your thoughts on that tresminder2? bc.webpThis is a little south of the area you are talking about. But very cose to the west side you mentioned.

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this is the Area that " Nobody " is talking about

Take SR 150 north out of Alamosa Co.

Turn right on Urraca Road

follow Urraca Road to Uracca Springs

This is just West of Blanca Peak near the Great Dunes area .

Been there many times .

awesome p0lace for sandrails

not so good for treasure hunting .

Casca I can pinpoint the exact spot at Rattlesnake Ridge if I boot up a photo of a Topo map for the
Bishop Cap Quadrangle .

I have to shut down for now and go to sleep ( it's 10:45 pm here in California )

tomorrow if I remember , I'll try to post the map .

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Meet my Wife ,,,, whom I never Married ,,,

I would have married my wife ,,,

but I thought she was a bit Ugly

what do you think of her ?

Kinda Homely isn't she

Casca I can pinpoint the exact spot at Rattlesnake Ridge if I boot up a photo of a Topo map for the
Bishop Cap Quadrangle .

I have to shut down for now and go to sleep ( it's 10:45 pm here in California )

tomorrow if I remember , I'll try to post the map .
I was having trouble with the topo, oh wait that is your un wife. The place you speak of I am close too. I have no problems getting to it as close as I can. I would love to see what you got. I like the area for what I have seen there. I have done no research or explored it it much at all.

And in it's continuity to out perform all other people ,, the Civilization of the West sought out and hoarded Gold
as a species by which to hold wealth and power over others .

A Civilization built and controlled by GREED , as an infant that seeks self gratification only without compassion
nor concern for any other .

Unwittingly , or perhaps lacking insight enough to realize it's own position of being owned by that which it covets
to own , the Civilization became debauched in it's self aggrandizement .

Slavery became

Blood lust was accepted as the norm .

Power over others became an accepted allowance .

Passion for causes became voided by self indulgence by the wealthy elite .

These found it befitting to allow their self reliance and security to be rented out to the lower classes ,,, to allow
the Elite more time for comfort and indulgence .

All Civilizations fall through these self same indulgence .

On the Western Civilized Culture , I state this too shall pass .

for it is at it's Epoch

the filth of their minds has taken control of all they partake of .

As the Homeless wander the streets in self induced drunken abandon

as their children murder each other upon their school grounds

as the Intelligence community knocks down buildings for the Corporate Elite and Resource grabbers

Yea , indeed you can always tell the decline and demise of a civilization is upon them , by these conditions .

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Meet my Wife ,,,, whom I never Married ,,,

I would have married my wife ,,,

but I thought she was a bit Ugly

what do you think of her ?

Kinda Homely isn't she

hi rog ,,,, sexy graphics , you say she is ugly ,,,hmmm a hint of the siren perhaps.
did you create her ? I mean the image or course . reminds me of an avatar from that second life thing on the net , where people with no hope get to live out in the virtual world what they seem to be lacking in the real ,,,, like so many an escape from reality . so many diversions ....
personally I think I would just move to Colorado . LOL
take care , good to see you are still around .///bob

hi rog ,,,, sexy graphics , you say she is ugly ,,,hmmm a hint of the siren perhaps.
did you create her ? I mean the image or course . reminds me of an avatar from that second life thing on the net , where people with no hope get to live out in the virtual world what they seem to be lacking in the real ,,,, like so many an escape from reality . so many diversions ....
personally I think I would just move to Colorado . LOL
take care , good to see you are still around .///bob

Hi Bob

good to hear from you

The Lady is a Portuguese Model whom worked with a Photographer Friend of Mine , while he
toured Europe last year .

Note the eyes ,,, he used a reflective light to enhance the sparkel in her eyes .

He mentioned her , he said : She is the Ultimate of " YOUR " Dream girl Rog' , she has
long dark hair , with chrystal blue eyes , your perfect face , and she is not a snob "

I cracked up , he knows my taste alright .

Beepers Puppy sends licks Bob . and puppy hugs man .

On Colorado , I tried living there a few summers ,,,

There is no need in my life , to be in a FREEZER State however ,

Monterey Bay is 49 degrees tonight , with clear skies and Ocean Air for breathing sweet
salty tasty good air ,,,

That's as cold as my funky old bones can get without a prescription for pain meds .

Enjoy Bob :laughing7:

hi rog , send beepers big luvs man .
maybe catch him a lobster or something , do they even have lobster off Monterey?
I had to give in and get my pup a friend to play with , so now I still have the one I am trying to teach to find treasure . and the little, new one is border collie , chihuahua mix . makes him a borderwa or chiwalley or something , i'm not sure but my hat goes off to his dad for pulling that one off . lol . so far they both just follow me around the house and beg for venison jerky .
glad to here you are staying warm . it was pretty much 16 below zero for two weeks, first part of last month on the job site . brrrrr
I get the shivers just thinking about it . take care .///bob

Just read the document record on The Gold House website. Some really good investigative stuff. I do have a problem with the johnny come lately author referring to anyone not in the ONFT (which he apparently has attached himself to) as "bogus claimants". Shows pictures from the 1930's and asks "where are they?" Where were you buddy? Where was Terry Delonas? How about the rest of your "crew?" I was in and out of that peak under the cover of darkness several time, I was there in 1977 (check your own videos and unsolved mysteries) Who's coming out of the holes? You? Terry? No, ME. On top of that, the group I was in represented the Apache Nation. Bogus claimants? If you want to be a hanger-on with the ONFT, fine but don't try to say that nobody else is relevant.

Just read the document record on The Gold House website. Some really good investigative stuff. I do have a problem with the johnny come lately author referring to anyone not in the ONFT (which he apparently has attached himself to) as "bogus claimants". Shows pictures from the 1930's and asks "where are they?" Where were you buddy? Where was Terry Delonas? How about the rest of your "crew?" I was in and out of that peak under the cover of darkness several time, I was there in 1977 (check your own videos and unsolved mysteries) Who's coming out of the holes? You? Terry? No, ME. On top of that, the group I was in represented the Apache Nation. Bogus claimants? If you want to be a hanger-on with the ONFT, fine but don't try to say that nobody else is relevant.

uuuummmmmmmmm ................ Don't you mean ONFP? Ova Noss Family Partnership?

What they mean by "BOGUS CLAIMANTS" are the people that came along after like Fiege and Berlette, White Sands Base Commander, etc etc etc. Sure, I guess the Apache could throw in a claim for it, as they were the ones that murdered travelers and put their valuables in the peak. If you were part of a legal group gaining access to the peak, then you as well, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut when you say that you were there several times "under cover of darkness", doesn't sound like you were part of any legitimate recovery effort.

The writer never claimed to be part of the ONFP. He just said that they gave him more access to their family records and secret knowledge than they have ever released to ANYONE (which by the way is true).

But honestly, I don't know why there is still such whooping and hollering about VP? Anything that WAS there, is loooooooooooong gone. Capt. Orby Swanner personally witnessed and made a notarized affidavit claiming that the US Government pulled about 93,000,000 (that's ninety-three million) troy ounces of gold from the peak. People are still arguing over empty tunnels.

I would try and find whatever was left of the 110 gold bars that Noss and Tony Jolley hid the night before Noss was murdered. Jolley only got ten bars. That leaves one hundred!

Best - Mike

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That would work out to be roughly 2900 tons. With a 2 half ton off road capacity of a m35 truck there would of been approximately 1160 Truck movements. With the logistics involved you think there would of been more army personel that have come forward?


That would work out to be roughly 2900 tons. With a 2 half ton off road capacity of a m35 truck there would of been approximately 1160 Truck movements. With the logistics involved you think there would of been more army personel that have come forward?


Yeah, that's a lot of loading/unloading both ends and plenty of drivers. Let's do the math: let's say a full day to load a truck, drive it from Hembrillo Basin to Fort Bliss in El Paso, unload it there, then drive the empty back to the peak for the next day. How many M35's were dedicated to the task? Let's say 12 - that's 3 months, 24/7, to move thhis amount. By the way, 93,000,000 tr oz = more than 12.7 years worth of US gold production (7,300,000 tr oz 2012, Big stash.

The new revelations provided by 'family secrets' seem a bit self-serving at this late date. Mike may be right - whatever was in the hole is gone and it's a bit late to fact-check things. Doc himself, who actually was there, will live on in infamy, you can bet, but his descendants' 15 minutes may have expired.

Yes, I do mean whatever the latest Noss group is called Ova Noss Family Partnership, Ova Noss Family Trust, whatever. And yes, I was in before Operation Goldfinder and part of it, unlike anyone else that I've seen posting here. Part of the Newman group, which did represent the Apache Nation AND was one of six legally recognized claimants. Check 100Tons of Gold and the videos, you'll find me in both.

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