The True Story of Victorio Peak

heh heh

almost everyone involved with ONFP were Mormons

Sen. Oren Hatch ( Utah ) was their Congressional Mouthpiece , and if he ain't Mormon ,
then Alligators ain't got teeth .

The N.S.A. Classified Documents refer to a Mormon Mafia ( I am not making that up )


The Investors ate the burnt biscuit on that dig .

~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Organ Mountains ~~~~~~~~~~

Almost everything that was on the West Side , is now gone .

The East side has two map rocks and some of the stuff is still there

Pedro Navarrez , Padre La Rue , Apache loot and some older stuff .

Pedro speaks actually of two separate areas in the Organs

and two sites in Soledad Canyon West and East End .

Keep it very clear in your mind

Mines are up high sometimes

and sometimes deep in a canyon


The Vaults are NOT deep up a Canyon

Too Dangerous to walk into a Canyon in those days

an enemy can take high ground on either side and as well as trap you in .

Soledad Canyon had two passes and so was not a box trap canyon


treasure was buried in front of each canyon branching off of Soledad , or not far into the canyon, like North Canyon

the treasure of North Canyon is on the right hand side of the canyon just up the slope 100 yards from the main
wash on the right ,

almost all the Monuments have been knocked over throughout those mountains

there is still treasure vaults there , that still retain most of the treasure


always however

The Freaks who work for corrupt Gov agencies watch from above , and the east end is a base , and all o9f Soledad Canyon is on the Base .

Beasley Canyon has one treasure left that i know the locale of

there was another in a Sealed Cave , but ,,, it has been popped .

If you get to the east side with permission

go to Glendale Canyon

You will know when you are in front of Glendale Canyon , because there is a 1957 Pontiac Chiftan automobile

stuck there , walk toward the mouth of the canyon from that car

a straight line toward the center of the mouth of Glendale Canyon from the 1957 Pontiac

about 1000 yards before you enter Glendale Canyon and just right of the line you are following

will be a boulder about 7 feet high with a stone turtle atop it

find that

dig the dirt away from the base of it

on the northeast side is a painted map down low on the boulder .

it should still be covered up by dirt


copy it to paper

sit with your back to the boulder and watch fro the shadows on the mountains that the map shows you

if you find something

just go on ahead and call the Provost Marshall and have yourself arrested and the goods confiscated

it may save you from undergoing torture by them later on .

The pic could have easily been reversed when it was transferred from analog to digital. That picture has been making the circles a long time. I have a couple of chopmarked 8reale coins. Those are most definitely Chinese Chop Marks. The lower left coin looks like a well worn Mexican Centavo from the mid to late 1800s. The third coin looks more like a token than a coin. Not 100%, but it looks like a girl holding a bow and arrows (maybe Cupid) in front of a tree.

I can easily understand why there were no swords found on the battlefield. THERE WERE ONLY TWO TROOPERS KILLED IN THE FIGHT! LOL Hell, the Apache only lost three. The only reason they lost them was because they stayed behind to cover the other 175 or so Apaches' retreat. Do you REALLY not believe that CAVALRY TROOPERS didn't carry sabres into battle? As far as the rust, how much moisture do you think is in the air in the Caballo Mountains in Southern New Mexico? The Hembillo Basin was the location of the only permanent spring for hundreds of miles. Besides that, look at the picture of Bennie Samaniego wearing the Spanish Armour that Doc Noss gave him. No rust there either. Look at this picture from a 1974 article about a guy that went to Mexico looking for remnants of a troop of Spaniards that went missing. Their armour was still in the cave where they died. Surprisingly not rusty either ....... and this is an OPEN cave above a large year round river!

Victorio's band was massacred in Mexico not long after the Battle of Hembrillo Basin. I can't believe YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should wonder why Apache Indians would never reveal the location of gold to any Whites or Spanish!! Just open your copy of "Golden Mirages" and see how many stories are in there about Indians paying for things with gold, and they don't reveal where it came from.

Best - Mike

Well Mike, from the general tone of your post there it appears you may have read more into my questions, than was there.

I do not buy the Apache story. As for your point about the Apaches being so close-mouthed, heck even Geronimo told various people that he would lead them to an extremely rich gold mine if they would help him to escape. If Victorio had any connection with the treasure of Victorio peak, I don't see it.

Do you believe that Cavalry always carried sabers into combat? Can you provide proof that the companies involved in this particular battle, were carrying sabers at the time? I could not find anything to say that they did, or did not. Sabers were not always carried by cavalry, for one reason it was a rare thing for the soldiers to be able to get close enough to their enemy to even use them; for another reason just carrying sabers caused extra noise, not a great thing when out on campaign after elusive enemies fighting guerilla style. So yes, I do entertain doubts that cavalry would have had sabers on them in that fight, especially at that late date of 1880.

Springfield's point that it could as well have been a trophy from any other encounter out of many over the years, and I am not even 100% sure it is the 1840 model, the differences are not that great in photos for later models, weight being a noticeable example.

At no point did I say that these items were not found in Victorio peak, if you take the time to re-read what I posted. I have no doubt that Doc Noss found and brought out gold bars, as well as fantastic jewelry etc. My question is what is this clearly US sword doing there? The reversed coin image is another thing, if it was that and not that it is a real oddball and the photo not reversed. I am sorry if my disagreeing with you is so offensive to you, but this coin has issues to me. I would not buy it, if I were in the market, unless I could examine it in hand and get an exact weight on a scale.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


you boys argue like little girls ,,,,,, or old wenches ,,, whichever in this case fits .

here is a Fact about Jerry Cheat- whomever-tums

I stood there and watched him mused over a 2x4 stud

he said : " Doc put this across a vertical shaft to dangle his rope from "

HA !

It was a modern 2x4 ,

that measures 1.5 x 3.5

Those were not manufactured until 1954

Doc was a DEAD fat bum by then .

Jerry would pull out some scrap of something

and weave a Doc Noss story around it .

Jerry Cheatum , pilfered the coffers of the Investors for his pockets ,

he attempted to manufactured artifacts right in front of my face .

Here is one that is really funny

My Dad , Harvey Snow and his Friend Claude Suddreth , gathered up bunch of dum dum cannon shot
from the east end of the organ mountains , off the gunnery range

they melted them down and poured them into bars

they painted them with gold spray paint , then took them to the mountains and set up a staged shoot .

they threw in a few artifacts , one was an old 1873 Winchester Rifle

and took pictures

why ?

they were to get $500 from a Treasure Magazine for a true treasure story with photos

They manufactured FAKE BARS back in the early 1970's

Now move forward to 2002

I showed up at Jerry's House , per Oren Swearingens request

Jerry shows me a Photo of six gold bars

4 of them have La Rue engraved on them

I look at the Photo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!


Jerry was trying to tell me the bars were Docs and Doc took the photo

he said that before I informed him of the TRUTH

after that

Jerry Cheatum realized that he could have a problem if I told his investors

Ok ,,,,,,,,,,,,, bottom line ?

ONFP were criminals involved in a swindle of investors monies .

Would anyone like to argue THAT FACT ?

No ?

go ahead and try to refute the truth I just wrote

it will give me the urge to write more

and this for,,,,,," Nobody "

sheets of LSD ,,,,,,?

Me ????

You say crap in forums just like ONFP did when I began to reveal their scam publicly .

are you one of them ?

heh heh

have you been smoking ONFP Dust ?

or angel dust ?

Jerry Cheatum would say : " Doc had a map , on it were sites all over New Mexico , he was in the _____ Mountains
and______ ( add any mountain range where a treasure legend exist )

Jerry Cheatum made " Doc Noss claims about every treasure legend ever told and some even made up
while Jerry Flung his wife's Poodle Puppies in the Pool for crapping on the patio .

I can imagine his investors paid for Jerry's jaunts to all sorts of sites

Think about it

free fuel to the sites

free equipment to dig there

free defunct mining claims bought with investors money

free RENT at Motels while out there dancing in the Sun .

nice scam ,,,,, right ?

Jerry and the ONFP just picked up where Doc Noss left off when Doc was shot through his scamming skull
by Ryan for ripping him off .

I have already pointed out that the Bars in the photos as seen in the book " 100 tons of gold "
are FAKE BARS and the la rue engraved in those bars


Phoney Bars by PHONEY PEOPLE

True Story of Victorio Peak ?

if you want the true story

you can read it in Treasury Department Documents

Doc Noss was a sacmmer

His old wench wives jumped his scam and carried it on

Delonas , picked up the ball , The Mormons jumped in , with Jerry as their Man in the field ,,,

and now some scam books referred to as : " The Trilogy " are on the market making more money
out of the scam .

where do i fit in the mix ?

heh heh

keep scratching your troubled leedle heds

I will however give you a hint

I entered a cave

I took photos of what " APPEARED TO BE TREASURE "

those photo's got anonymously into certain targeted hands .

Jerry and his Mormon financial backers were TARGETS of an Intelligence Agency's " SPOOF OPERATION "

was the treasure I took the photos of REAL GOLD ?

give you a hint

just a scant mile east of the cave I took the photos of treasure in ,,,,,,,,

lays the Gunnery Range

out there in the flat on that Range ,, are multitudes of SPENT BRASS SHELLS

take a crew of Soldiers

gather some BRASS rounds up

smelt them and pour into molds

the brass when freshly poured will look just like GOLD

put said brass artifacts in a cave

lead a Treasure Minder to the cave

makle sure he has two cameras and plenty of film

he takes the photos


through Hypnosis , block his memory of ever being in the cave and photographing the FAKE Treasure .

( Until later , when you simply give the memory trigger and he begins to recall the event )

Now take the photos' , ( one has Treasure Minder in it holding a fake gold bar from the cave )

anonymously add the photos to a dead Harvey Snow Portfolio and have Jerry Cheatum buy it from
Treasureminder's Brother Walter Snow ...


You know have the target ( ONFP and Jerry Cheatum ) Chasing your Red Herring : " Roger Snow "

sound sweet ?

does it sound true ?

heh heh

I feel like bait for scam artist to chase .

Hey " NOBODY "

you are correct , I am one of them , I just didn't know it for years .

blame your greed

not the Intel agents

and do not blame me , i was just used without my knowledge .

but ,,,,

I had the best fun in all of it .

Treasminder2 wrote

you boys argue like little girls ,,,,,, or old wenches ,,, whichever in this case fits .

And how do you dispute points? By name calling like "wenches" or "little girls"? Do you think that will sway the opinion of your "opponent"? I am proud that Gollum is a personal friend of mine, hence one of the reasons I try to remain respectful when ever we argue, and we have had some great arguments over the years. He has changed my mind on some things, and I think vice versa as well. Note that we do not resort to name calling, which won't help change a mind.

On your points about fake treasure bars etc that is well known, and is still going on. Not all found treasures are of this ilk however. The materials removed from Victorio Peak by the US govt for example, are not lead bars painted gold nor even the new and slick trick of using tungsten alloy bars which are very close in weight. I do not believe every thing that allegedly came from Doc Noss. However actions speak louder than words. Oh and I would love to know which treasure magazine is or was paying $500 for a photo - none pay so well that I am aware of.

Treasminder2 also wrote
Ok ,,,,,,,,,,,,, bottom line ?

ONFP were criminals involved in a swindle of investors monies .

Would anyone like to argue THAT FACT ?

No ?

go ahead and try to refute the truth I just wrote

it will give me the urge to write more

I thought you had made it pretty clear that you were not going to debate anything?

Side thing too but I have no idea what you are referring to when you say "ONFP" but presume it is not the Tunisian Office National de la Famille et de la Population or the ONFP class of Magellanic clouds?

One other thing, I have at least some of the Treasury dept documents and ensuing lawsuit etc; if there is something specific you wish to address?

Good luck and good hunting Roger and everyone, if anything I posted is offensive to you, please know that it was not intended to be and my apologies if this is the case. I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.


"Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name."

"I started out with nothing and I still have most of it." :laughing7:

Treasminder2 wrote

And how do you dispute points? By name calling like "wenches" or "little girls"? Do you think that will sway the opinion of your "opponent"? I am proud that Gollum is a personal friend of mine, hence one of the reasons I try to remain respectful when ever we argue, and we have had some great arguments over the years. He has changed my mind on some things, and I think vice versa as well. Note that we do not resort to name calling, which won't help change a mind.

On your points about fake treasure bars etc that is well known, and is still going on. Not all found treasures are of this ilk however. The materials removed from Victorio Peak by the US govt for example, are not lead bars painted gold nor even the new and slick trick of using tungsten alloy bars which are very close in weight. I do not believe every thing that allegedly came from Doc Noss. However actions speak louder than words. Oh and I would love to know which treasure magazine is or was paying $500 for a photo - none pay so well that I am aware of.

Treasminder2 also wrote

I thought you had made it pretty clear that you were not going to debate anything?

Side thing too but I have no idea what you are referring to when you say "ONFP" but presume it is not the Tunisian Office National de la Famille et de la Population or the ONFP class of Magellanic clouds?

One other thing, I have at least some of the Treasury dept documents and ensuing lawsuit etc; if there is something specific you wish to address?

Good luck and good hunting Roger and everyone, if anything I posted is offensive to you, please know that it was not intended to be and my apologies if this is the case. I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.


"Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name."

"I started out with nothing and I still have most of it." :laughing7:

this is a danged good place to play with your heads

heh heh

Documents you say ?

that's nice honey

now take your pill

Treasminder2 wrote
this is a danged good place to play with your heads

heh heh

Documents you say ?

that's nice honey

now take your pill

Another example of your rather hostile approach amigo. :dontknow:

I am sure that you have encountered people on forums whom have been rude and-or insulting, they will often turn up on almost any controversial issue. Some people will act as offensive as they like on the internet, when they know that the same behavior in a public place would likely get their nose flattened. I don't know what they get out of being nasty. I have encountered such nasty people online too, but engaging such people usually only encourages them.

Not everyone falls into that class, or should I say that lack of class.

If you are willing to share information, please do proceed, you have a ready audience; if you do not wish to discuss anything, I won't push you on it. In fact if the rather hostile approach is your only tool in the toolbox, I won't discuss it with you even if you are willing to discuss it. Life is too short to go around angry and I for one do not come to these forums to get angry. If something I said to you has offended you in some way, my apologies, nothing was intended to be offensive. Remember the wisdom of Solomon:

"Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm." <Proverbs 3:30, KJV>

"A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger." <Proverbs 15:1, KJN>

Good luck and good hunting Roger and anyone reading our words here, I hope you have a most pleasant day.

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Treasminder2 wrote

Another example of your rather hostile approach amigo. :dontknow:

I am sure that you have encountered people on forums whom have been rude and-or insulting, they will often turn up on almost any controversial issue. Some people will act as offensive as they like on the internet, when they know that the same behavior in a public place would likely get their nose flattened. I don't know what they get out of being nasty. I have encountered such nasty people online too, but engaging such people usually only encourages them.

Not everyone falls into that class, or should I say that lack of class.

If you are willing to share information, please do proceed, you have a ready audience; if you do not wish to discuss anything, I won't push you on it. In fact if the rather hostile approach is your only tool in the toolbox, I won't discuss it with you even if you are willing to discuss it. Life is too short to go around angry and I for one do not come to these forums to get angry. If something I said to you has offended you in some way, my apologies, nothing was intended to be offensive. Remember the wisdom of Solomon:

"Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm." <Proverbs 3:30, KJV>

"A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger." <Proverbs 15:1, KJN>

Good luck and good hunting Roger and anyone reading our words here, I hope you have a most pleasant day.

yeah right

like i stated , i tried nice

was met with hostillity

heh heh

funny , if i hand it back to the progenitors , suddenly it becomes unpopular

funny how that works

from day one in this forum i was flipped crap

and if i rebutted , I was the bad guy

I guess it's because i am better at it than most people

here is some wisdom

Solomon also regretted being so wise ,,,

reason being ,,, every one around him was not

that gets to be a little bit of a nuisance

so he had to learn to just laugh at people , just to deal with their stupidity .

this is from " NOBODY "

note the reference to me using LSD

want to argue Oro sucko ?

quote :Rog is one of two things:

A dude who has worked off of Daddy's notes, got lot's of information from other THnters because of his Daddy's notes that he passes off as his own. His notes, pics and vids were taken by the government, but he had somebody else's stuff to show, didn't he? And ate sheet after sheet of acid in the meantime - I know those people.

it's bad form to target people Mr. Oro stupido

I must intimidate the HE!! out of you Oro Blankey

you've shot your mouth off for years at me

every time i post in a thread

you're leedle beak shows up to squawk

best fun i can have here is to watch you type your mind into a knot

are you bias ?

Have you got a problem with my existence ?

Have you a problem with the info I release before others can write it in a book and sell it ?

This clown who calls themself " NOBODY "
is picking at Springfield and myself

yet Oro bleach breath , you have nothing to say about them

you come in the thread as you always do , throwing your garbage on my back

am i your special target leedle One ?

heh heh

I made you mad when I told you to F__--uck off , didn't I ?

well i am fresh out of handy wipes

you'll have to dry up all on your own .

this is from " NOBODY "

note the reference to me using LSD

want to argue Oro sucko ?

quote :Rog is one of two things:

A dude who has worked off of Daddy's notes, got lot's of information from other THnters because of his Daddy's notes that he passes off as his own. His notes, pics and vids were taken by the government, but he had somebody else's stuff to show, didn't he? And ate sheet after sheet of acid in the meantime - I know those people.

it's bad form to target people Mr. Oro stupido

I must intimidate the HE!! out of you Oro Blankey

you've shot your mouth off for years at me

every time i post in a thread

you're leedle beak shows up to squawk

best fun i can have here is to watch you type your mind into a knot

are you bias ?

Have you got a problem with my existence ?

Have you a problem with the info I release before others can write it in a book and sell it ?

This clown who calls themself " NOBODY "
is picking at Springfield and myself

yet Oro bleach breath , you have nothing to say about them

you come in the thread as you always do , throwing your garbage on my back

am i your special target leedle One ?

heh heh

I made you mad when I told you to F__--uck off , didn't I ?

well i am fresh out of handy wipes

you'll have to dry up all on your own .

I don't know what your problem is, whomever you really are. Good luck to you, looks like you will need it.

PS - congrats you have made it on my IGNORE list, so rant away.

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I don't know what your problem is, whomever you really are. Good luck to you, looks like you will need it.

PS - congrats you have made it on my IGNORE list, so rant away.

it's always an awesome thing to be on someone's list ,,, I am simply overjoyed ,,

just think ,,, one more person has found me important enough to ackowledge my
existence and place me on a list ,,

geeze ,, all warm and fuzzy now ,

there is just no way i could ever thank you enough

Ladies, can't we all just chill out. This is the internet. No need to get our panties in a twist. We get it Roger ...our way of thinking is faulty, you have been enlightened. Blah blah blah. If you don't want people pestering you, just don't post. I personally enjoy your little nuggets of knowledge. Will I ever get away from the computer and put boots to the ground? No. But it sure is fun to imagine some old timer walkingn with his 6 shooter in one hand and a waybill in the other, looking for loot. I think that's why a good portion of us are here. Not for the actual treasure but for the history... The fantasy of the pursuit. The notion that a man can go into the mountains poor and come out a Rockefeller.

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

it's always an awesome thing to be on someone's list ,,, I am simply overjoyed ,,

just think ,,, one more person has found me important enough to ackowledge my
existence and place me on a list ,,

geeze ,, all warm and fuzzy now ,

there is just no way i could ever thank you enough

Trezminder, how about my lists, I have 2 lists to choose from ..

List A... obey all rules, stop the name calling and keep posting.

List B...a time out and can't post at all for undetermined time.....

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk now Free

this is from " NOBODY "

note the reference to me using LSD

want to argue Oro sucko ?

quote :Rog is one of two things:

A dude who has worked off of Daddy's notes, got lot's of information from other THnters because of his Daddy's notes that he passes off as his own. His notes, pics and vids were taken by the government, but he had somebody else's stuff to show, didn't he? And ate sheet after sheet of acid in the meantime - I know those people.

it's bad form to target people Mr. Oro stupido

I must intimidate the HE!! out of you Oro Blankey

you've shot your mouth off for years at me

every time i post in a thread

you're leedle beak shows up to squawk

best fun i can have here is to watch you type your mind into a knot

are you bias ?

Have you got a problem with my existence ?

Have you a problem with the info I release before others can write it in a book and sell it ?

This clown who calls themself " NOBODY "
is picking at Springfield and myself

yet Oro bleach breath , you have nothing to say about them

you come in the thread as you always do , throwing your garbage on my back

am i your special target leedle One ?

heh heh

I made you mad when I told you to F__--uck off , didn't I ?

well i am fresh out of handy wipes

you'll have to dry up all on your own .

treasminder2, this will be your Only Warning !

So rather then delete your Post, I will quote it here & say, IF I catch this type of behavior again,
your history. No time out, "History"

I will also be watching to see if you sign up under an Alias,
that will Expedite my Decision.

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Watch for treasminder2 to be banned in the next couple days. Better save his posts.

Watch for treasminder2 to be banned in the next couple days. Better save his posts.

HA !

fooled ya

I swear ,

I am the only poster that can be insulted by another poster , ( quote : Rog' and his sheet
of LSD )

then when i poke back at the agression ,,

every moderator on the forum replies with gripes directed at me .

I never start the shooting match

yet ,,, I get all the flack when i take the upper hand :hello2:


good thing i don't take this crap seriously

Looks like I have become the most quoted person on the Web .

One day someone will make another Movie of me

cracks me up

enjoy yourselves kiddies

and final note

Victorio Peak has been a dead zone for years

Funny thing about Tony Jolly's tale about Docs last movements

Tony left town after hearing Doc was shot dead

yet waited years to come back for some bars

why not just wait a few weeks until the smoke cleared

then come back for 100 bars instead of just 10

The Doc Noss story is like My Dads stories ,,,

so full of holes you can strain Spaghetti through them .

I'll recount one of my Dads stories

He showed me a photo of 6 supposed Gold bars found by him and three other guys

I ask him where those bars went

he states they put them back in the hole and then petitioned the Treasury Department for
a treasure trove retrieval permit .

I asked : where are the bars now

he replies : " Still there in the mountains "

when did you find the bars ?

reply : 1971

This is 1982 , and those are still there , why did you not just retrieve them and sell them ?

His answer : I found 300 more in Rucker Canyon , the bars are in the safest place they can be ,,,,

I looked around at his Trailer House on a dirt lot

looked out at his old vehicles

He had old Tv's and appliances he hauled home from the dump
to repair and try to sell ,,,

he was getting $550 a month SSI and living on it

I looked back at him and stated : " You have over 3 million dollars in gold ,,,

just laying out there in the mountains , and live like this ?

Ok , since that makes logical sense ,,, I'll believe every thing you tell me from now on .


There is something about certain people out there in the New Mexico Desert

They all will tell you they found treasure

yet ,,,

they are eating Pork and Beans , Cheap Bologna , living off food stamps , and CRAZY
as squirrels on meds ..

Not to kill a good story or nothing ,,,,

but ,,, sometimes I just have to question some crap ,, like why would anyone believe these
old dried out Rats ?

Nobody I have to admit I thought you were just being an a-- to Roger and springfield but it is admirable that you put your info out their for whatever people can do with it nice pics I've had a few of them myself in a couple places I'm lookin it just means your close and they are scared

Nobody wrote
You and your wife write respectful posts. I cannot believe you don't know who Rog really is. You talk about Phonecians over here, perhaps you should listen to Rog a bit more and not put him on your ignore list...

Find it hard to believe you don't know who Rog is, unless you are just here to peddle a book ...

The Ignore button is an intellectually lazy man's way ...

Pronouncement of the use of that Ignore button ranks below that ...

Letting someone know that they are free to post anything they like, and it won't get any response is just courtesy. It woulld be a waste of his time to continue to write insults etc knowing that they are not getting to the intended target.

I suspect that Treasminder2 is Roger, but do we ever really know whom is typing the keys at the other end? I don't know Roger either, nor you, nor your history with him. He was angry that I did nothing over some other posts, which I have not seen and I am not a moderator. Even if I did, I don't usually try to get into someone else's argument.

The mention of finding evidence of ancient visitors, Hebrew, Phoenician, Egyptian, Greek or Chinese always gets my attention and I want to hear more, but for all the hostile stuff I just don't have time. I don't have unlimited computer/internet time so if someone wants a pissing match they can find someone else for it. I don't plan to be sneaking in to anyone else's site, or trying to elbow into any kind of partnership, if ancient inscriptions/artifacts are found then I would very much like to see them <or photos> and hear any details, but for the purpose of a BOOK, and that is as far as my interest goes. I do hunt for treasures but Vic Peak is not high on my list. I don't think there is anything left in it but tracks.

I do not know your trouble with Treasminder2 or Steve but wish you all the best of luck.

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Mods, you guys do a good job here. I have been on forums since the 90's and think you guys run a pretty darn lenient ship.

I implore you to let this thread run. Bend some rules. Let Rog talk. Let us argue. This is pretty serious stuff ...

Nobody, rules will be obeyed or posts will be deleted. I want edit it, I will delete it, if it continues then timeouts come into play...

We will NOT go quitely into the night!


frustration ?

heh heh

teams of military too ?

for the record
Treasminder is Roger Snow

that clears that up

As the photo of " Nobody " reveals

you do not live in a country

you reside on Corporate Property

The Military are the Corporations security guards and enforcement teams .

Ownership and or control of Resources throughout the World , is the Corporations intended Goal .

Get close to a recovery of any treasure , you become their TARGET .

You are not free , you are a Unit of Capital .

The moment you cease producing a return , you become a non-entity and face ostracizing .

Military Vehicles in the pictures is nothing compared to what I lived through .

But then again , I photographed treasure insitu .

so stands that I'd receive a bit more of the dressing on the cake .

Funny that U.S. Citizens would expect a Just system out of a Gov't. that got it's start by Genocide .

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