Hi Kace,
Fenn was already wealthy when he wrote the book, so I don't think he did it for money or publicity.
If I die treasure hunting (like in this Texas heat) then that a is one way I'd prefer to go.
I know, I know, I don't young kids, and I have an insurance policy for my wife.
Regarding your comment that you were "hoping for a recovery by someone who really deserved it"…hey, hey, I deserve it…hahahaha.
Of my six times in New Mexico, the wife only went only once…because her son's kids (by her previous marriage) all wanted to go, so a bunch of us went. I prefer to go alone, as there were way too many disagreements and too much complaining. Also, since I am old/fat/out-of-shape, they wouldn't let me go where I wanted to go without a HUGE fuss.

They don't understand treasure hunters AT ALL.
For example, last time I was in New Mexico (by myself) I fell down a hill quite a ways and landed face first (hard) against a tree.
Yes it hurt, but I immediately laughed about it.
It's not an adventure without some degree of danger.
My starting point for my solve has not changed, I just picked the wrong creek to follow (there are two).
Then I simply ran out of time as I had to catch a flight the next day. Blast!
My solve area is known for seniors "hiking" near that area for a group outing.
So it is very safe.
My hush-hush secret is that I believe I know what the blaze is.
When I tell folks (who won't go) what I think the blaze is, they look shocked and say, "Of course, that is it".
No, it is not a camp fire sign.
Time will tell if I am right, if I ever am allowed to go back.
Until then, if I ever am allowed to go back, I have a local KGC treasure to dig for.
My treasure hunting friend with the repair shop never did have any definitive proof that the treasures on Hwy 1 or on the farm were KGC caches. He never investigated either after the fact. That was just his strong belief based on there was so much treasure-stuff seen at a distance in both the Hwy 1 and farm locations.
I never mind questions, as no one else I know (other than our TreasureNet forum friends) are interested in the treasures as much as they are for calling me a foolish old man.
Foolish or not, it is my choice.
“Life is more than love and pleasure,
I came to dig for treasure.
If you want to play, you gotta pay,
You know it's always been that way
We all came digging for treasure.”
― Stephen King, Duma Key