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Hey Barn...From what I could tell on my study of the KGC... Houk, Howk, The Hawk, Lee Haw, Jesse R. James, Jesse Lee James, Jesse James III and the other names that he went by were used on most of these KGC Maps. I researched authors, blogs, downloaded free books or read them on free trials online or audiobooks and also went through the maps online. Howks are pretty easy to identify as I'm sure you know.
Dalton, Houk and Rousch were friends... more so Houk and Rousch due to Dalton dying earlier... which is why he has posted maps. He believes that Dalton was JJ... I don't, but I respect others thoughts as long as thoughts or beliefs are not stated as fact..without proof.
The map that Griffith and Brewer were using on the Gillespie Sisters property that Brewer told you about is a well known area in Oklahoma for Outlaw activity. Some of the maps if you look at them side by side have been added to or parts left out. According to the Gillespie sisters (they've since sold that land) the money was recovered by trespassing without their permission... they had put up trail cams.
There's also more maps out that are linked to other families that claim their ancestor was Jesse or Frank James. I know of one in Missouri besides the obvious one, one in Oklahoma, Pastore's Kansas claim, and one for sure in Texas that is trying to sell a map for One Million $$$ even though he's been proven not to be JWJ and possibly another in Texas. There's two in Arkansas that claim Jesse and Frank James were their ggrandfathers and there's several more I haven't mentioned. No wonder it's hard to weed things out... Tell 10 random people to meet you at Jesse James Grave and see where everyone! Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts though.
We can't post links to other discussion groups here but I can post maps if there's more you want to see. You've probably found them though in your research... you can let me know if there's something you want to see and if I have it I'll get it to you.
If you haven't done this go back all the way here in the KGC sub forum and look at those maps and read the discussions. You've probably already done that though.
Hey Kace,
I'd be interested in any treasure maps in north-east Texas.