The Square Round Table

Hey Kace and Folks,

According to the story, the wagons with the gold were inspected in Texas twice en route (once by "carpetbaggers" and once again by a Union Army Patrol), so had to be after 1865.
Then the Corps of Engineers blew up Port Jefferson in 1873, so they had to move it before then.
So my time frame is 1865-1873.

If they were to mark a grave, I would think the death date would be around the time they moved it.
Of course, that may be a really bad assumption, and that was just my initial thought.

Actually, I am not really sure what to look for if I found a suspicious grave.
The headstones put up by private individuals (not the ones provided by the State of Texas) are really hard to read at all.
I would not know what to say if I asked to have the grave exhumed....yikes!

Surprisingly, my wife did agree (on Father's Day) to me renting the Earth Magnetometer Model EM2! :icon_cheers:
I have already called the company and with luck, I will have it by this weekend.
If not, it is a 30-day rental.

I expect to have to mess with the magnetometer a lot, so I have put in for a vacation week the first full week in July to traipse all over my target areas. At least during the morning times, as it gets a bit too warm from noon onwards during July and August.

My wife was very nice to me on Father's Day, she even let me talk a little about my treasure hunting.
She earned a lot of brownie points with me from that...hooray!

Both my wife and I don't think the magnetometer will work and find the safes.
All technology and industrial gadgets have failed me to date.
But it is something I haven't tried hope lives on.

My digging over the weekend was awfully confusing.
I will have to make more of my crude drawings to explain my confusion.
I hope everyone here can offer possible reasons for what I found.

"If confusion leads to knowledge, then I must be a genius." :icon_scratch:
- Larry Leissner


And that she talked with you about Treasure Hunting... who knows...if you find anything at all she likes maybe she'll be out there running it! lol!!

From my experience Names on Tombstones that are Fake could be anagrams or a name of a significant to the person or people hiding whatever it is town, territory or state name or...another known to others name...that would only be if they are leaving it for another to recover.

This is a whole 'nother huge topic when we start talking about Fake Tombstones/Graves, Cemeteries and Clues used to bury or hide things.

Baker and I both believe in cemeteries and monuments being used although I think we sometimes approach somethings from different angles... that doesn't make either wrong... just different. Maybe meshing the two beliefs and experiences together would be more beneficial.

I don't mind starting another thread on these things and sharing things I know in a hypothetical way and there's others besides just me and Baker that use these things... I just don't know if others would discuss things here in a hypothetical sense. The cache hunters that do this might... I just don't know.

Anyone who sees these posts if they are willing to chime in say so and we can start another thread on it. It would be helpful to everyone I think.... cache, vault or KGC/CSA hunters all could benefit. Nobody would need to be specific.

LC... would you be willing to discuss these types of things hypothetically on another thread? If so, we can ask on the cache sub forum if anyone would be willing to talk about it.

It would sure make things nice if we could all help each other by sharing experiences and knowledge.


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Hi All,

This post is because Kace asked me to keep him apprised of my KGC treasure search progress and because no one else other than this forum is interested (so I can at least have the psychological release of telling someone else of my adventures).

First, my beloved electrical bike that breaks half the time worked perfectly the last three times I went digging.
And just like a child, to get my attention, it broke TWICE this past weekend.
So I MacGyver'd it up with a couple of Band-Aids (literally) to get it going again.
My homemade e-bike always likes my attention.

After digging in the marsh for over two years, I found something that I had never seen before (no it was not a safe).
It was some really soft and really BLACK dirt.
It looked like sludge from a dirty crankcase.

Kace said in an earlier post that he hoped I'd find treasure (or oil) with all my digging.
I would rather find treasure, Kace! :tongue3:

Anyway, the black soil didn't smell, so I am not really sure if it was oil.
I don't smoke so no lighter, so I don't know if it burns. (I can try that next weekend.)
I wish I had taken a picture of it.
I found this black gorp in my secondary target area, which is way too far from any road for folks to dump their old car oil.

Any ideas what it could be? ???

Here is a rudimentary drawing of my "discovery": (you have to click the image to make it readable)
Struck Oil.webp

The sun got too hot for me to do much more than the above last weekend (no shade where I am digging).
I will do a better job of exploring the surrounding area of this strange phenomenon next Sunday.
Next weekend I only have one dig-day to spend out there.
(gotta see my elderly mother on Saturday, which is always more important than any safe filled with gold, really)

“All things remarkable are surprisingly simple; albeit difficult to find.”
― Criss Jami
(and difficult to get to, at least for me!)

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Hi All,

This post is because Kace asked me to keep him apprised of my KGC treasure search progress and because no one else other than this forum is interested (so I can at least have the psychological release of telling someone else of my adventures).

First, my beloved electrical bike that breaks half the time worked perfectly the last three times I went digging.
And just like a child, to get my attention, it broke TWICE this past weekend.
So I MacGyver'd it up with a couple of Band-Aids (literally) to get it going again.
My homemade e-bike always likes my attention.

After digging in the marsh for over two years, I found something that I had never seen before (no it was not a safe).
It was some really soft and really BLACK dirt.
It looked like sludge from a dirty crankcase.

Kace said in an earlier post that he hoped I'd find treasure (or oil) with all my digging.
I would rather find treasure, Kace! :tongue3:

Anyway, the black soil didn't smell, so I am not really sure if it was oil.
I don't smoke so no lighter, so I don't know if it burns. (I can try that next weekend.)
I wish I had taken a picture of it.
I found this black gorp in my secondary target area, which is way too far from any road for folks to dump their old car oil.

Any ideas what it could be? ???

Here is a rudimentary drawing of my "discovery": (you have to click the image to make it readable)
View attachment 1603424

The sun got too hot for me to do much more than the above last weekend (no shade where I am digging).
I will do a better job of exploring the surrounding area of this strange phenomenon next Sunday.
Next weekend I only have one dig-day to spend out there.
(gotta see my elderly mother on Saturday, which is always more important than any safe filled with gold, really)

“All things remarkable are surprisingly simple; albeit difficult to find.”
― Criss Jami
(and difficult to get to, at least for me!)

Are there Bald Cypress Trees in the marsh Barn?


Are there Bald Cypress Trees in the marsh Barn?


Hi Kace,

Mainly mesquite, oak, and elm trees...and some cypress trees (but no bald cypress trees).

What are you thinking?

Hi Kace,

Mainly mesquite, oak, and elm trees...and some cypress trees (but no bald cypress trees).

What are you thinking?

I don't want to put here where I am thinking you are but parts of East Texas are having black sludge coming out of faucets and in swamps and marshes.... Bald Cypress Trees will hold the sludge underground and it's released in pools of black sludge. That doesn't mean other trees or roots won't hold and release it though.

Use rubber gloves when around that's not all been tested to see for sure what it is. Right now it's thought to be coming from some sort of tank that hasn't been maintained in many decades. That's just the thought now.


Please excuse me as I haven't read the entire thread, just this last page and some of the start in the past.
Barn, I don't mean to step on your toes when it comes to your figures of the pulling power of a team of oxen but.....I have my doubts of how much they can/could pull in the wagons of the day. All kinds of stories in diary's of the day of pioneers having to lighten their loads on the way west. The teams would wear out and oxen had tender feet. That's why mules were preferred. The wagons of the day were iron rimmed but narrow. If it rained you had to wait for the ground to dry. A wagon with 7 ton load plus maybe 1,000 lbs for the wagon itself would be a lot. My guess would be a couple of ton load. You might find some roundup reinactors and ask them how much a wagon could haul. I don't KNOW, it's just an observation.
The stuff you find when digging that's black could be what we called "smut". It's coal that didn't really form and is found very near the surface. Where coal is found here at 20-80 foot depth, smut can be found just a couple of feet down to maybe 15 foot down. It can be fairly hard to almost mushy like wet chalk. It will have more smell than hard coal but not necessary sulfuric. Don't let me rain on your parade and good luck.

Hey Ugly,

No need to worry about raining on my parade at all.
I am just after the true facts.

If my figures are off by a factor 100 or even 1,000, that's okay.
I'd just like to quit my job and pay for my and my wife's retirement with enough money to see doctors and such.

I would be happy (somewhat) just to find the safes there, even if they were emptied out by someone else already.
Just not as happy as I would be if they were filled with gold! :laughing7:
Then I could give a lot of it away to family, friends, and good causes.

“But those set to guard a treasure, are too often those who loot it.”
― Wilbur Smith

There is no coal that I know of out this way.
Does smut burn?
I am thinking of taking a small amount of that stuff and carefully seeing if it burns.

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Hey Kace,

Yeah, the black sludge maybe nothing that I am interested in.
I was just surprised...and I am on the lookout for surprises, as they may mean something.

I always wear gloves out there, it is dirty work digging in a the mosquitoes, ticks, thorny trees, and thorny bushes.
It seems everything out there has sharp points!
You gotta luv it. :tongue3:

I can't imagine anyone would empty a tank of chemicals way out there, but you are right...better safe than sorry! :o

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Barn, I once saw smut burning. A tree had been hit by lightning and the smut was about 18" below the surface. It had smoldered who knows how long and an area as big as a pool table had burnt. You could tell as the ground had sunk in some and was burning around the edge in a couple of places. It might have been burning for years. Maybe the lightning had enough uummph to get it going and the burning smut dried the rest out enough to burn. I once saw a slurry (where coal had been washed and the water pumped out between old strip pits) that was maybe 15-20' deep that was burning. The amount of coal in the slurry was very very small. More mud and fire clay by far. It had been at least 20 years since that stuff was pumped and who knows how long it burned. It was part of a reclamation project and when the dozers opened it up it got hotter. It was spread out, allowed to burn out and then covered with several feet of dirt. Good luck.

Hey Kace,

Yeah, the black sludge maybe nothing that I am interested in.
I was just surprised...and I am on the lookout for surprises, as they may mean something.

I always wear gloves out there, it is dirty work digging in a the mosquitoes, ticks, thorny trees, and thorny bushes.
It seems everything out there has sharp points!
You gotta luv it. :tongue3:

I can't imagine anyone would empty a tank of chemicals way out there, but you are right...better safe than sorry! :o

Look it up online Barn and see if you think if it looks like what you're's not been that long ago that I saw it and I don't remember if it was thought to be related to an illegal dump or some sort of extra large holding tank that hadn't been maintained in decades... That's what I'm thinking it was but I could be wrong.

In parts of Tx it's even coming out of faucets in some areas... wherever it's coming from it is large.

Due to the high cost of legally disposing of paint and other regulated chemicals many companies and individuals will put that stuff in barrels and dump in ponds, lakes, swamps and marshes... some even bury 55gal drums of it and when they rust out or get crushed by machinery its bad. We've had a lot of that up here.

I hope it's just smut like Ug said. Just don't have gas sitting on the ground if you feel heat there.


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When you go into a cemetery go with an open mind that has a narrow gate. Take names literally because they loved to do that with words and eye catcher symbols. For instance, every guy you find whose last name is Bank does not necessarily mean he is the bank you are looking for, but it would be a good place to look at a little closer. Keep the symbols of the society in your mind, they like to display them as eye catchers. Look for the heart, crescent moon, rising sun, R/61, triangles, squares, diamonds, turtles, animals, and most Spanish treasure symbols. OAKS! Most of all, try and leave the place looking better than it did when you got there.:icon_thumleft:

ARBOR LODGE HEART 1904 group.webpEnyart Moon.webpRising Sun Comp.webpG.webpGantt scales.webphoarding symbol.webpcover book 2.webpneedle's eye.webpnew jobs 078.webppetrified oak stone anchor gunsight tree.webp


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Got my magnetometer rental.
Can't wait until Sunday to give it a spin out in the marsh.
Hope it finds a KGC safe.

If this technology fails, like every other technology has failed me so far in that gosh-darn marsh,
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Got my magnetometer rental.
Can't wait until Sunday to give it a spin out in the marsh.
Hope it finds a KGC safe.

If this technology fails, like every other technology has failed me so far in that gosh-darn marsh,
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

I'm Hoping You Locate Big Stuff Today Barn!

I'll watch for your updates!!


When you go into a cemetery go with an open mind that has a narrow gate. Take names literally because they loved to do that with words and eye catcher symbols. For instance, every guy you find whose last name is Bank does not necessarily mean he is the bank you are looking for, but it would be a good place to look at a little closer. Keep the symbols of the society in your mind, they like to display them as eye catchers. Look for the heart, crescent moon, rising sun, R/61, triangles, squares, diamonds, turtles, animals, and most Spanish treasure symbols. OAKS! Most of all, try and leave the place looking better than it did when you got there.:icon_thumleft:

View attachment 1603697View attachment 1603698View attachment 1603699View attachment 1603700View attachment 1603701View attachment 1603702View attachment 1603703View attachment 1603704View attachment 1603705View attachment 1603706


Did you know the Masonic Emblem has an encoded message? Do not know if masons know this or not? You take the letter "G" in the center in gematria is "7" then take the two straight edges of the compass and the two straight edges of the square for a total of "4" and "74" is gematria for "JESUS" now if you take the letter "G" again as it is an upper case letter "G" meaning also a lower case "g" and "G" equals "7" and "g" equals "7" for "77" and that is gematria for "CHRIST" so now you have "JESUS CHRIST" Also the upper case "G" is equal to 26 plus 7 for the 33, which is the ultimate level for Masons.

In my book you have earned this treasure.I sure hope you find it. It has been a lot of fun following along.

In my book you have earned this treasure.I sure hope you find it. It has been a lot of fun following along.



Did you know the Masonic Emblem has an encoded message? Do not know if masons know this or not? You take the letter "G" in the center in gematria is "7" then take the two straight edges of the compass and the two straight edges of the square for a total of "4" and "74" is gematria for "JESUS" now if you take the letter "G" again as it is an upper case letter "G" meaning also a lower case "g" and "G" equals "7" and "g" equals "7" for "77" and that is gematria for "CHRIST" so now you have "JESUS CHRIST" Also the upper case "G" is equal to 26 plus 7 for the 33, which is the ultimate level for Masons.

Interesting...I didn't know that... I'm familiar with Gematria though, I just haven't thought about the Masonic or Freemason Symbols in that way.

I have a question for you... I'm very familiar with the history of the Person that the Masonic and Freemason Symbol Monument and His Wife belong to.

In the Gematria you are using, just say for a minute that the Waning Crescent Moon on the monument was actually the letter C instead of a Waning Crescent Moon...then you have the F of Freemasonry... What would the CF mean to you?

Then...Using just the F what would that mean to you in Gematria?

I hope that makes sense!

Thank You,


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Barn, if the magnetometer does not work out for you, have you ever considered trying an Arc Geologger hooked up to a deep seeker like a Whites 808? Our 808 has a cave mode which is nice to have also, and with the geologger hooked up it will look very deep. You can view it in real time with a laptop hooked up also.



Kace, that Crescent Moon symbol was used more than once on the trail we are on, and it was not used just to honor the Knight as it was on the monument I pictured with the Freemason representation above it. The moon was the eyecatcher the next time my Dad and I found it on the treasure trail, it was used by them as an eye-catcher but there were further instructions to be located and followed after the Cresent Moon was found by the hunter. The spot it led us to is one of the places we have on the list this Summer. These men were crafty and as witty as you could ever imagine! Along with the other things we have discussed, I always keep the Bible, irony, humor, and retribution against Abe Lincoln and his appointees and Union officers in mind on K.G.C. hunts, as I will assure you, THE K.G.C. DID! When dealing with the O.A.K.,, it gets a little more complicated to explain because their motives were different and their foes were many.:icon_thumleft:


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Kace, that Crescent Moon symbol was used more than once on the trail we are on, and it was not used just to honor the Knight as it was on the monument I pictured with the Freemason representation above it. The moon was the eyecatcher the next time my Dad and I found it on the treasure trail, it was used by them as an eye-catcher but there were further instructions to be located and followed after the Cresent Moon was found by the hunter. The spot it led us to is one of the places we have on the list this Summer. These men were crafty and as witty as you could ever imagine! Along with the other things we have discussed, I always keep the Bible, irony, humor, and retribution against Abe Lincoln and his appointees and Union officers in mind on K.G.C. hunts, as I will assure you, THE K.G.C. DID! When dealing with the O.A.K.,, it gets a little more complicated to explain because their motives were different and their foes were many.:icon_thumleft:

The Moon Clues... WAXING Crescent Moon is "getting close"; FULL moon, "it is in the area"; WANING Crescent Moon is OOPS! GONE too far; GO BACK! HH! Good Luck! Have FUN!

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