The Robert and Sarah Morriss Story

I have never heard of "The Certainty Principle" There are only two things in life that are certain and that is taxes and death. Since we are not talking about neither then your "Certainty Principle" does not apply.

I will tell you something else. Why do you and ECS try to prove to everyone the story is a hoax. Are you making any money from talking others out from hunting for treasures. What is the gain? Why do it? Why not let those that want to hunt---------hunt. And those that do not want to hunt well let them not hunt. If you can convince me with solid evidence instead if this or if that then I may quit hunting for treasure all together. But you have no proof and we can find no proof to support it either. So it best to let us hunt and you and ECS back off and give us some elbow room.

The certainty principle is science, metaphysics, and this is a scientifically proven trait of human nature that exposes how we perceive things, or how we humans often come to feel so certain about things that are anything but certain. It all starts with how we approach our research and observations. It's pretty interesting and accurate. It's this "certainty principle" that is responsible for all of these "certain claims" in regards to the Beale mystery even though there is nothing to support those claims, those making the claims simply desiring those claims to be true and so they believe in them anyway, see them as certain. Most researchers simply look for why the Beale story can be true and yet never bother to research why it can't be true, etc., so naturally they are only further convincing themselves to believe in their own unsupported certainty. So far you have posted several different "certain" claims in regards to Beale, and obviously they can't all be accurate or true, yet at those times you were just as certain as you are again today with yet another unsupported certainty. You really should make a study of this principle aspect of human nature. :thumbsup:

And now the illusion of certainty regarding huge KGC discoveries, etc. And I've never called the Beale papers a hoax. All I've ever said is that it is inaccurate, intentionally deceptive, fictitious, and not true as presented. This having been concluded after researching "why the story can't possibly be true" instead of only researching why the story can be true.

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You are going at this as the "author" made the story up but what if the story is true as told by Morriss to him. Morriss could have been talking out of his head and if the story is a fake then it would have originated with Morriss and not the author.

Myself I know Robert Morriss told him the story as being true because the "author's" brother went to Missouri in 1861 to look for the letter before Robert Morriss had told either one the entire story about the treasure.
So to me that makes the story believable until someone such as yourself can bring out any of those letters or writings that say that Roland Buford and several members names that were in the Job Print Pamphlet asked James Beverly Ward not to publish the book but burn them in a pot belly stove. Do you have any confirmation of your own claims... Let us see your proof.
Roland Buford was confronted AFTER the Beale Papers were published and placed on sale that Vincent Witcher and others inquired of him whether he or his sisters had any knowledge of Beale's alleged stay at there parents inn. The conclusion was that the story was a dime novel fiction, and Ward was asked to remove the pamphlet from sale because of the mention of those names. Ward complied. He could have reprinted that page with the names removed, or printed an edited 2nd edition, but he did not.
The confirmation of this has been posted on two threads, one that has since been removed.
While were on the subject of proof... Morriss, the author, and his brother and your new version of the tale...

That is because I have not made my mind up. Do you mind. I will not give up without factual evidence to prove one way or the other. I am not going to quit and then get on a forum and try talking other posters in to stop looking. That is their God given right to do as they please. They can continue the search or stop looking but I do not believe we should discourage others from pursuing something which may prove to be true in the end.

That is because I have not made my mind up. Do you mind. I will not give up without factual evidence to prove one way or the other. I am not going to quit and then get on a forum and try talking other posters in to stop looking. That is their God given right to do as they please. They can continue the search or stop looking but I do not believe we should discourage others from pursuing something which may prove to be true in the end.

Franklin, we already know beyond shadow of doubt that the story, as presented, can't be true. You know that, and you're even aware as to many of the reasons/facts why, so how can you encourage others to look for truth in something that you already know isn't true? Nobody is saying, "stop looking for answers" but at this juncture they are saying quit looking for answers, or truths, in obvious and conclusive deceptions. Make it a practice to research why things may not be true first, only then can you go looking for whatever possible truth might remain. You're still romancing the story and forgetting about all of those little details/facts that you've already accepted and proven to yourself that discredit the story, the ciphers, etc.

Franklin, you need to read this post: and then you need to ask yourself how the author could be certain that those meaningless receipts had no connection to the ciphers? Receipts have numbers and words, do they not? So in his apparent hopeless state how is that the author can be certain that those receipts had no connection, and also that a still missing and unintelligible piece of paper was still required? None of this is consistent with his story, the key he does present not panning out and leaving him at wits end with the remaining two ciphers, and yet he knows beyond shadow of doubt that those receipts played no part and that the unintelligible missing piece of paper was required? Obviously, no possible way that he could know either of these things unless he wasn't telling the truth right from the very start. :thumbsup: Do you see my point?

This is what everyone is missing or intentionally avoiding, the obvious and decisive conflict in his narration.

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Franklin, you need to read this post: and then you need to ask yourself how the author could be certain that those meaningless receipts had no connection to the ciphers? Receipts have numbers and words, do they not? So in his apparent hopeless state how is that the author can be certain that those receipts had no connection, and also that a still missing and unintelligible piece of paper was still required? None of this is consistent with his story, the key he does present not panning out and leaving him at wits end with the remaining two ciphers, and yet he knows beyond shadow of doubt that those receipts played no part and that the unintelligible missing piece of paper was required? Obviously, no possible way that he could know either of these things unless he wasn't telling the truth right from the very start. :thumbsup: Do you see my point?

This is what everyone is missing or intentionally avoiding, the obvious and decisive conflict in his narration.

First, you are confusing several stories and fusing them together to bring your point across. The two small pieces of paper was found by Pauline Innis, "Gold in the Blue Ridge." The unintelligible papers that the "author" of the Job Print Pamphlet was referring to were the sheets of papers that were encoded by TJB. It was Pauline Innis that stated that the two pieces of paper had no connection to the Beale Papers or the "KEY."

As far as decoding, I tried that over thirty years ago. I have not worked on the codes for that long of a time. I am mostly researching into the story to find all of the missing pieces then I will decide whether the story could have happened or not. Without all of the information from research how can we make a definite decision. We will always have our doubts until someone finds all of the story and that is what I do and I do it thoroughly not haphazardly. I do not leave any stones unturned.

First, you are confusing several stories and fusing them together to bring your point across. The two small pieces of paper was found by Pauline Innis, "Gold in the Blue Ridge." The unintelligible papers that the "author" of the Job Print Pamphlet was referring to were the sheets of papers that were encoded by TJB. It was Pauline Innis that stated that the two pieces of paper had no connection to the Beale Papers or the "KEY."

As far as decoding, I tried that over thirty years ago. I have not worked on the codes for that long of a time. I am mostly researching into the story to find all of the missing pieces then I will decide whether the story could have happened or not. Without all of the information from research how can we make a definite decision. We will always have our doubts until someone finds all of the story and that is what I do and I do it thoroughly not haphazardly. I do not leave any stones unturned.

No. There are no two small pieces of paper other then he-said-she-said, period! Pauline Innis has already been exposed as an author for profit and a creator of evidence. The only source of original information is the narration itself, all else being a condition of after the fact he-said-she-said as there ZERO evidence to support any of it. As a researcher you should know that hard facts are the only thing that matter and that once you leave this perimeter then you have entered the land of make believe. And no, again you have twisted the story in order to manufacture something that you can work from. CLEARLY the author makes perfectly CLEAR that he is hoping to bring the still missing and unintelligible piece of paper to light. Have you even read the story? Or, have you simply rewritten it to suit yourself? No wonder you keep finding so many solutions to treasure mysteries. You just create them as you go.

First, you are confusing several stories and fusing them together to bring your point across. The two small pieces of paper was found by Pauline Innis, "Gold in the Blue Ridge." The unintelligible papers that the "author" of the Job Print Pamphlet was referring to were the sheets of papers that were encoded by TJB. It was Pauline Innis that stated that the two pieces of paper had no connection to the Beale Papers or the "KEY."

As far as decoding, I tried that over thirty years ago. I have not worked on the codes for that long of a time. I am mostly researching into the story to find all of the missing pieces then I will decide whether the story could have happened or not. Without all of the information from research how can we make a definite decision. We will always have our doubts until someone finds all of the story and that is what I do and I do it thoroughly not haphazardly. I do not leave any stones unturned.
Well, at one time, the two small pieces of papers COULDA been ONE PAGE, torn in "half", with "jagged edges"... "still missing & unintelligible piece of paper"; INTERESTING, indeed!

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...and Claudine Fulton Ellis could have time tripped back to pre 1922 when the St Louis Planters Hotel was still a hotel and saw a portrait of Brugh, who was never the proprietor during the presented Beale time period.

... Why do you and ECS try to prove to everyone the story is a hoax...
You know Franklin, that I never said the Beale Papers were a hoax, but rather a period adventure/treasure dime novel with play along ciphers added as a parlor entertainment published for the sole purpose of making a profit.
Many professional codebreakers have also expressed this.
Now I do believe that after the HART PAPERS and GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE the original work has taken on a new life by those who want to believe with no justification, that this story and treasure are real, which has generated a cottage industry of self published books on the Beale treasure mystery that are strong on speculation and very weak on actual facts.

Well, at one time, the two small pieces of papers COULDA been ONE PAGE, torn in "half", with "jagged edges"... "still missing & unintelligible piece of paper"; INTERESTING, indeed!
AND! Two ppl coulda had the separate pieces; coming TOGETHER & putting the pieces together... ONE PAGE, like an "over-lay"!

AND! Two ppl coulda had the separate pieces; coming TOGETHER & putting the pieces together... ONE PAGE, like an "over-lay"!

If you notice the two pieces of paper do fit together and were one piece at one time. They were torn apart right where a fault line runs between the stone formation.

YEP! Of course, I DO NOT know where the fault line is... I CAN find out.

YEP! Of course, I DO NOT know where the fault line is... I CAN find out.
NOTHING found near us, on the BRP; Hmmm. Can't remember any "cracks" on foundations/boulders, on the BRP, or near-by. BR mountains are OLD, and "well-rounded"... unlike the mountains on the West Coast, like the ROCKIES... (jagged & SHARP!).

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If you notice the two pieces of paper do fit together and were one piece at one time. They were torn apart right where a fault line runs between the stone formation.
COULD be, like "Just" & the DOI... that we are to look at Ridge Lines, dunno. heh

COULD be, like "Just" & the DOI... that we are to look at Ridge Lines, dunno. heh

All of the Sharp Top and Round Top area is a volcano. The lake at the motel is the top and center of the volcano. There are vent lines and shafts all over the mountains. That is why copper, silver, iron and gold was mined on Purgatory Mountain as well as in Ironvale and other areas. The fault lines run outward from the lake both north and sount along the Blue Ridge Mountains.

There is even an underground airbase on top of that mountain.

Myself I know Robert Morriss told him the story as being true because the "author's" brother went to Missouri in 1861 to look for the letter before Robert Morriss had told either one the entire story about the treasure. So to me that makes the story believable...
Its appears that you have dropped this unsubstantiated version to discuss a torn slip of paper that looks like a fault line.

All of the Sharp Top and Round Top area is a volcano. The lake at the motel is the top and center of the volcano. There are vent lines and shafts all over the mountains. That is why copper, silver, iron and gold was mined on Purgatory Mountain as well as in Ironvale and other areas. The fault lines run outward from the lake both north and sount along the Blue Ridge Mountains.

There is even an underground airbase on top of that mountain.
Where did THAT info come from...? PV NEVER mentioned ANY of it, in his book, THE PEAKS OF OTTER: LIFE AND TIMES...

Where did THAT info come from...? PV NEVER mentioned ANY of it, in his book, THE PEAKS OF OTTER: LIFE AND TIMES...

Boots on the ground. I have been in some of those vent shafts. They go down at about a 30 degree angle, large enough to walk down. The chiggers from the bears will eat you up. The shafts at the bottom always turn back to the left towards Sharp Top Mountain. Unless you are further North of the Peaks of Otter then they always turn South towards the Peaks of Otter. There are marvels in those mountains some men have never seen and never will unless they put on their hiking boots. But be careful about the bears.

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