Robert Morris | The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence... ECS says that none of those mentioned in the pamphlet were kin to Robert Morriss. He even goes as far as saying Robert Morriss was no kin to Robert Morris, Signer of the DOI. All of this is false. Does ECS have the genealogy of Robert Morriss? No! Well I do and I can say categorically ECS is Dead Wrong.
On another thread you mentioned that Robert Morriss of the Beale story was a rich man, inheriting wealth in a will by Robert Morris Jr, signer of the Declaration of Independence, which you claim to have verifiable documentation.
Robert Morris Jr NEVER regained his wealth, and for the last five years of his life was supported by an annuity provided by fellow founding father, Gouverneur Morris (no relation) from New York.
All genealogy records for Robert Morris Jr show no relation to Robert Morris of Lynchburg, or the Robert Morriss character of Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
So if all the links I posted are false and I am "Dead Wrong",which Robert Morriss do you claim to have genealogy for, as it surely is not Robert Morris Jr, signer of the Declaration of Independence?
The point, young Jack, is this;
When one makes the statement "that all that information is wrong" they are obligated to produce documented evidence that supports that statement.
Saying something is wrong, does not prove one's statement is right without supporting evidence, now does it. I'm sure you'd agree.
Robert Morris | The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
On another thread you mentioned that Robert Morriss of the Beale story was a rich man, inheriting wealth in a will by Robert Morris Jr, signer of the Declaration of Independence, which you claim to have verifiable documentation.
Robert Morris Jr NEVER regained his wealth, and for the last five years of his life was supported by an annuity provided by fellow founding father, Gouverneur Morris (no relation) from New York.
All genealogy records for Robert Morris Jr show no relation to Robert Morris of Lynchburg, or the Robert Morriss character of Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.
So if all the links I posted are false and I am "Dead Wrong",which Robert Morriss do you claim to have genealogy for, as it surely is not Robert Morris Jr, signer of the Declaration of Independence?
Post # 179
Philadelphia Reflections: Robert Morris: The Dark SideSorry but all of that information is wrong but you can accept it if you do not want to do your own research.
Philadelphia Reflections: Robert Morris: The Dark Side
Scroll down midway to the copy of Declaration of Independence Robert Morris Jr Will to which you have stated included a large amount of wealth given to half nephew, Robert Morris of Lynchburg.
While he left personal items to his three sons, two daughters, and Gouverneur Morris , the man that provided financial support for the last five years of his life, the rest was left to his wife.
It seems that your information is wrong, no mention in Morris Jr's Will, and his only half brother died in France, childless, so there is no way Robert Morris of Lynchburg, or the Robert Morriss character of the Beale Papers were related.
Now that was a good one! LOL!
Copies seem to still be available on ebay , which also posted this review:ECS,... this information it was on my CD Book. The Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall...
Copies seem to still be available on ebay , which also posted this review:
"This is a CD book of the life of Thomas J Beale. The CD book is fiction based on 99% fact".
HA! THIS Mr. Reb never said such a what information have you ever posted? i have been reading the posting here and have not seen one thing, but some diary that jean and others said was fiction. are you fishing like mr reb has said others do?
Eh...? I NEVER said ANYTHING...Yes but your paste by ECS says that none of those mentioned in the pamphlet were kin to Robert Morriss. He even goes as far as saying Robert Morriss was no kin to Robert Morris, Signer of the DOI. All of this is false. Does ECS have the genealogy of Robert Morriss? No! Well I do and I can say categorically ECS is Dead Wrong.
AND! I thought Mrs. Morriss was Sarah MITCHELL Morriss... born in Bedford County, Va.; dunno.