One would have to ask themselves what they want/expect from joining the team.
You might realize that the sales positions that you have held in the past-might have put you in a position of having it a tad easy.
I'm not saying you're a slacker or anything Dave, it's that you are looking at a company that has what 40 locations around the globe? $1.3 Billion in sales, 2200 employees.
62yrs in business they have no-time to set aside for anyone that might think that they have an edge up. It's preform-preform-and more, any less go look someplace else.
They didn't get where they are today in having a laid back approach in market place.
The auction world is made up of split minute decisions, not a schmooze/massage type of sales.
Then again I made it through many decades of buying and selling out of the auctions-but never on the level of the Richie Bros. type of sales.
One needed deep pockets, and a big set of you know whats to go after the assets that were being sold.