The 5000 tractor died, just went click when I went to start up again.
Got a lift of lumber on the front.
Cleaned posts, seems to be at the starter.
Lots of power for lights and flashers.
Tractor mechanic on his way, really need a more reliable tractor.
One day I could hug then, another I could torch em!
Being 47/48 years old I have to cut them slack.
I'd swing by and kick your tractor for ya , but it's a ways away...
I put a new starter on the 52 this summer. Starts now. Knock on wood.
Cleaned it up where starter mounts to frame. It wasn't bad , but I treat it like a grounding surface , just in case.
Finally did the old screw driver on the solenoid lost power to the dash lights also. Headlights, 4 ways work fine. So it seems to be a wiring issue someplace. Managed to finish moving the 6 lifts of board and batten around into the shop parking lot. Now to start staining the 200+ 16ft inch pine boards plus the battons.. Yippy.......