Good morning, Mateys!
Happy Canada Day.
I have been researching this to learn a little more about our neighbors (and Tnet friends) up north. So here's a little bit that I learned in case anyone else is interested.
Canada Day is celebrated every July 1st to commemorate the effective date, July 1, 1867, of the Constitution Act, 1867. Originally called the British North America Act, 1867, it united the three separate colonies of Canada, the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, into one Dominion in the British Empire called Canada. It was originally called Dominion Day. It is celebrated much like we celebrate July 4th, Independence Day, here in the states, with fireworks, parades, festivals, cook outs, etc. One of the favorite dishes at these cookouts is poutine. Poutine (means mess) was supposedly created when a customer told a chef to throw his cheese curds in the same bag as the potatoes because he was in a hurry. In 1964 gravy was added to the "mess." So the 3 main ingredients are, potatoes (french fries), cheese curds, and gravy.
Here is a quick video on how to make it.