THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Alright fine chaps... Time for slumber.

G night.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the 157th anniversary of the greatest and most devastating battle on our nations soil. The battle of Gettysburg, from July 1st-3rd, caused a combined 53,000 casualties for both sides during the fighting. Some of the wars greatest heroes emerged in the desperate fighting. Names like Little Round Top, Devils Den and Picketts Charge were forever memorialized in history by the blood of the men who died there. The face of the nation changed during those three, hot July days in Adams County Pennsylvania. It was the battle that signaled an eventual defeat for the Southern Cause: freedom from the Federal government; and victory for the preservation of the Union.


The term is Canucks....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: close but no cigar.


Yep we have $1 and $2 coins. The $1 coin has a loon on it hence loonie and the $2 dollar coin is double the amount so twonie....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Ok I'm confused by all this talk-so here it is:

"Toonie" is a portmanteau word combining the number "two" with the name of the loonie, Canada's one-dollar coin. It is occasionally spelled "twonie" or "twoonie", but Canadian newspapers and the Royal Canadian Mint use the "toonie" spelling.

So that's it-I'm going with the mint. :laughing7:

Good evening WIF, ECS, Bill, Rusty, night AARC.

Ok I'm confused by all this talk-so here it is:

"Toonie" is a portmanteau word combining the number "two" with the name of the loonie, Canada's one-dollar coin. It is occasionally spelled "twonie" or "twoonie", but Canadian newspapers and the Royal Canadian Mint use the "toonie" spelling.

So that's it-I'm going with the mint. :laughing7:

"Loses something.......when ya has ta 'splain 'em."

I tried. :tongue3:

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Tomorrow is the beginning of the 157th anniversary of the greatest and most devastating battle on our nations soil. The battle of Gettysburg, from July 1st-3rd, caused a combined 53,000 casualties for both sides during the fighting. Some of the wars greatest heroes emerged in the desperate fighting. Names like Little Round Top, Devils Den and Picketts Charge were forever memorialized in history by the blood of the men who died there. The face of the nation changed during those three, hot July days in Adams County Pennsylvania. It was the battle that signaled an eventual defeat for the Southern Cause: freedom from the Federal government; and victory for the preservation of the Union.

Might be the most sobering site I've ever visited. Even with all those years having passed before I walked there.....
During the fighting , and the carnage in sight after? The danged trees even...Such a ghastly spectacle would seem to defy any political ambition.
Yet men marched forward into fire again. And again. For years.

Good morning world

Happy Birthday Canada :occasion18:

Good morn.

Good morning forum followers.

AARC and pepperj. Morning

Morning Rook.

Morning Pepper.

Good morning Rusty

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