All I ever did was build great boats for anyone that wanted them.....I care not what you choose to do with that boat once its fully paid for !! I also built some great boats for law enforcement too !! I'm a craftsman and enjoy building fine boats !!
I wish I had your talents bart.
I learnt early on in my scrapyard career to accept folks on how they accepted me. I called one guy's load early on in business, and he lost it, he stated that he was going to take my melon off with a shotgun.
Guy left and the other customers asked me if I knew who that was? "No" I replied.
"Well that was KK and he carries a sawed off double barrel behind the seat most times, and you should be more careful"
I called th LEOs and they showed up-ran the guys name. 11 computer screens of priors-last one was a warning "DO NOT APPROACH" Call ETF. Kind of message.
"Oh we'll pick him up on his next appearance" And drove away! Leaving me with sweaty arm pits.
So to make a long story short I gained a whole lot of respect for life.
Treat me kind-I treat back like wise-No matter what history one carries.
My new business motto
Reply "Joe"
Good enough for me
That's your scrap?
Reply "Yes"
Good enough for me
Over the years and times I was questioned on loads by the LEOs-my reply was always the same. I called-you drove away-I still have my melon. They understood the simple logic of my business plan. Most times I got a sorry in reply.
Life is strange really and who we touch. In the morning dealing with a dude that had spent decades in prison on the instalment plan (Really treated us with respect, because we didn't judge) In the afternoon sitting in the office of the former owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs enjoying a mutual respect for each others talents.