Blak bart
Platinum Member
Wow....I ain't having a good morning...I've written 4 posts this morning a d thought better of pushing the submit post button. If you cant say anything nice then dont say anything are all !! What I will say is there are some complete frauds on this site....if you want to know who your talking with just check the latest started threads in that person's profile. Strangely enough many have never swung a coil or posted a find. Funny how these people are the self proclaimed experts at all things treasure related. I started checking all these fenn experts profiles...and well it just got me more and more pissed. After reading many posts I've come to the conclusion that some are here to just criticize, ridicule, and confront those of us who really are out there digging. What a shame it is to know these people are here just to poo poo on anything they dont believe. If you treasure hunt long enough you will find something that you just cant talk about in public for multiple reasons. They think that it's fake or dont believe you have found anything if your reluctant to show it off to the world....all I can say is if they ever find a big treasure they will know exactly what I'm talking about. It's the worse kind of twisting knot in your stomach until disposed of !!