Morning bart-best of luck today on the fishing.
Top of the day to you Bill.Good morning Bart & rook.
Party is f***ing over down here....during the quarantine the keys became the biggest gated community in the US. It was an incredible experience...we had our islands to ourselves and it was great. Peaceful, very little traffic, even the fish and wildlife got a nice break. I learned that my neighbors are great people, and that we only make up about 20% of the traffic here. Imagine what it would be like to eliminate 80% of traffic from your streets in one day !! It was like the aftermath of a hurricane without all the misery and work. It was a very beautiful experience and none of us will forget it. The one silver lineing to covid-19 !!
Party is f***ing over down here....during the quarantine the keys became the biggest gated community in the US. It was an incredible experience...we had our islands to ourselves and it was great. Peaceful, very little traffic, even the fish and wildlife got a nice break. I learned that my neighbors are great people, and that we only make up about 20% of the traffic here. Imagine what it would be like to eliminate 80% of traffic from your streets in one day !! It was like the aftermath of a hurricane without all the misery and work. It was a very beautiful experience and none of us will forget it. The one silver lineing to covid-19 !!
Thank you Bart. It was a lovely sight to see.Nice lead seal pepper!! What a beauty !!
Good morning folks....I'm off to catch some fish !!
I think RR is fishing too...good luck RR !!
Will a 62 fit your head? l.o.l..
On the right day , with the right (few and not too enthused) bidders , you're in about the right price range.
(Condition /provenance ect. all subject to verification...)