Morning rook
Does a free buffet attract visitors?
Skunks might sample melons. But will also sample/eat ... [insects, larvae, earthworms, grubs, rodents, lizards, salamanders, frogs, snakes, birds, moles, and eggs. They also commonly eat berries, roots, leaves, grasses, fungi and nuts]
Morning Dave-going out this morning?
Hi Jim,
No, unfortunately I'm back to work full-time again, although I'm still working remotely from home for now.
Makes for a long day and even though there's only three of us in the house, we're all getting a little testy being together for so long.
What are you up to today... another hot one here too.
Brain fart-it's Tuesday felt like the weekend.
If I rattled off the list of things to do-well it's a long one.
Making room in the construction mess to put in the present we bought ourselves after a decade of wanting one.
Hi Jim,
No, unfortunately I'm back to work full-time again, although I'm still working remotely from home for now.
Makes for a long day and even though there's only three of us in the house, we're all getting a little testy being together for so long.
What are you up to today... another hot one here too.
I could hurt myself on that thing."Making room in the construction mess to put in the present we bought ourselves after a decade of wanting one."
What.. you finally bought a trampoline?
Skunks can make detecting look bad.
I've got to a park and seen plugs laying all over the place dried out. I curse the souls that would do such a thing(spend time to repair)
Then after a good day out, I decide to return to the same park again the next morning.
My plugs are all ripped out, what an embarrassing mess! What deranged mind would go around and rip my fine work of no see plugs out-wait a minute-skunks.
Then I saw it myself one early morning while we we renting an old cottage.(awesome permission)
This skunk going around ripping my plugs up-one after another! I grabbed the binoculars and there it was having a free meal-grubs.
So I went back out filled the plugs back in-stomped on them-dug some more targets-but threw the grub away from the plug (foot or more). That evening here comes the skunk, eats grub in grass leaves my plugs alone.