THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Ordered a couple books yesterday on Michigan mines and native copper, planning to detect some native copper this summer...

That's what I suspected. But 70!?!? Ya see? I'm almost always working around 90! Maybe that's why I'm not finding deep.

What makes you move it up one, instead of...say...down one? :icon_scratch:

All ground is not a like. Your ground may be more mineralized than mine. Our ground in considered mild mineralization. And too make sure you are not ground balancing over a piece of iron. For more imfo I would read the Garrett manual. They could probably help you more than I. I think they have a hot line.

Good morning forum folks.

Good morning ARC, rook, Toecutter and the rest of the crew.

Good morning.

$%^&W %Q%^Q *^&(*$#@!!! There is a turkey strutting in the field in front of the house now.

I hate them!

Good morning AARC, Toecutter, bill.

Good morning.

$%^&W %Q%^Q *^&(*$#@!!! There is a turkey strutting in the field in front of the house now.

I hate them!


I know my question is a boring thing. Better suited to other forums. I'll do some more research other places so's ye canst get back to the more fun things. Sorry.

But, here's just one tip I'd like to share amongst friends here. If you're ever having trouble pin pointing a target with the machine. Ground balance to the side of the target somewhere and then try pinpointing again.

Thanks for the help.

Well, Whadi, this forum is part of the treasure hunting site. I think it is good to ask/talk here. It helps me learn. I have no one that can come over and teach me. I can read. I can watch videos. But that is not how I learn best. I am one of those hands on learners. But little tidbits here and there do help.

A good example of ground balance is an old football field I’ve hunted fo years. The south ends GB is different from the north end I believe because the south end is lower and stays wetter longer after rain. When detecting the field from south to north I always ground balance when I get about the 50 yard line. I manual ground balance regularly on the Pro. On my other machines that have ground tracking, I never use it. I guess I don’t trust it as much as manual GB.

Rook, you have a way of explaining this that even this dumb blond has little light bulbs going off in her head. Thank you.




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Well....I may have crossed the line yesterday. For 2 years a customs and border patrol chopper has been tasked with surveillance on our wood lot. I have no idea why....and doubted they were actually watching us. Every week at least once a week they will circle low with all there little PTZ cameras scanning us. Well yesterday was the last straw in our helicopter debate. I said to my partners girlfriend (who babbles about choppers following her) your crazy this chopper is monitoring something else close by. I told her that on the next pass I'm gonna drop my drawers and moon them. So I did...for a long time I slapped my lily white arse with both hands and pants around my ankles. To my shock and surprise they are surveilling us !! This chopper came to treetop level and hovered directly over me filming me. I got pretty tired of slapping my arse for 2 minutes and finally pulled my drawers up and gave them the double bird !! Immediately it turned pointed west and took off at full speed !! They know that we know that there watching us now !! Not to sure what it's all about but the ball is in there court now.....f**k em !!


Let's hope it's nothing serious hopefully you've got good records where your exotic wood is coming from in case it's the law trying to nab you.

WD's gonna put you in time out.:laughing7:

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