True Story.
The year was 2014, or 1944, whichever you prefer. I was a sniper in the 300th Army group, U.S. Army. My platoon consisted of five folks, I being the sixth. Conner was a machine gunner, with my brother being a spotter/ammo man. Aden and Riley were basically our assault team / suicide squad. They were reckless. Ava was a medic / gunner. As previously stated, I was the sniper.
It was Nerf War, and we had enough "krauts" on the opposing side to start a new country. Cousins, and friends, and friends of friends and all of us were about 11-14 at the time. Every one of us had souped up Nerf Guns. Why shoot 30 yards, when you can "beef up" the range by tweaking a few things here and there? We could reach out to 50, and if we were lucky, 60 yards, with good aim. All guns were custom painted by ourselves. Some chose the cheesy colors, like pink, or some kind of weird multi-colored camo. I chose a mix of mottled greens and browns.
We entered the field on the Southeast corner, splitting up as we did. I loved being alone when sniping. I can concentrate better.
Almost immediately, a "machine gun" opened up off of the front porch of the house; the gunner concealed behind a plant pot. I got in position behind a dirt mound, and found the gunner, and fired. (P.S., NO head shots were ever taken on purpose, and any head shots that might have occurred by anybody were accidental) After taking the gunner out, I moved on to a shallow depression in the yard, behind a berm of earth. Conner and my brother were taking sweeping the field with a heavy fire. Aden was lying prone, shooting at anything that moved, and anything that didn't. Riley was "dead". Ava was MIA.
Th whole world erupted in pops and bangs and the air was filled with the whistling of foam bullets. I was taking players out one by one. Did they really think they could stand out in the open like that?
Then a single bullet hit the dirt where I was. That told me sniper, not gunner. So when the next bullet hit, I made a run for it while he was still reloading. I dove behind a woodpile, and pulled the tarp over my head, lying along the length of it, with the muzzle of my gun peeking out the end. (yeah, should have remembered snakes like woodpiles) Next thing I know, the tarp is yanked up, and someone crashed down right on top of me. Ava was MIA no more. After apologizing for nearly breaking my back, (who could be mad at her? I was smitten at 12. She was 13, with brown hair, large brown eyes, and I was just getting to know that girls look pretty like that). So we sat under the tarp for a moment, and after getting a bit uncomfortable being under there with her (I'm a gentleman, not a creep), I said I was going to move on to another spot. She gave me a peck on the cheek, and said "good luck" Yeah right, now my nerves are shot to hell.
I moved on to a ditch, and took out a few key players. By now, our men were moving up the field taking the high ground and other key areas. After making sure our flank was clear, I bolted ahead to the front deck, as did Conner. We both started picking off the retreating "krauts", who by now were in total confusion. I captured two who panicked and ran out of of their hiding spot. They dropped their guns and I took the ammo. Needless to say, we one. Six of us against 20 others. Conner was a military genius, and I grew up almost the same as him, holding military heroes in high regard, and learning after them.
But before the battle was over, I took a bullet to the face. Yeah, that hurt.
That was the last battle before we moved to Kentucky.