THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good Morning Bart. :)

Hey good morning guys.....I felt like beeps....swimming like crazy to catch the boat !! Lots of posts to catch up on. Well I made saw dust and drank coronas again all day. I'm done with wood shop for today....gonna go walk one of the beaches.


Fresh air and sunshine should be good for the spirits and you get to sweat out your sins.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I'm really isolated now....I've been sick for 4 days now !! No one will even look at me. Dont think it's the covid 19 but to everyone else I might as well be a zombie from the walking dead.

Did you watch the video, rook? Did you? He scared the livin' daylights out of me!! He deserves everything he gets!

I guess snakes effect people differently.

The same hacking cough my wife had last week. No fever and I feel ok.....except for this horrible phlegm filled cough.

Sorry to hear you are sick, Bart. Sunshine, fresh air, and treasure hunting will do you good.

Might be the Corona flu ce124f3a7fe09365acebc962fb8ce0f0.webp:BangHead:

Good morning bart


Eat lots of garlic it helps to dry up the phlegm and fight your cold.

The same hacking cough my wife had last week. No fever and I feel ok.....except for this horrible phlegm filled cough.

Good morning rook and ARC....great article ARC...still reading !!

Thank you Gary.....I think I'm on the down slide and I'm getting better

And bart your wife won't bother you for a while.:laughing7:

Bart... sounds like what I had mid Feb... let me tell ya... we both are still coughing phlegm

Not as much of course... and still only feel 90%

Ok bill garlic sandwiches it is today !!

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