THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning.

Well they canceled the tournament at the last second, so our three days of freedom and bliss just crashed and burned.

Morning everybody.

Good morning.

Well they canceled the tournament at the last second, so our three days of freedom and bliss just crashed and burned.

RR, that sucks. Part of the reason we moved from Oregon to Idaho. The Libs of Portland took over the state.
I could be all wet, but I think this cv19 is 98% hype.

Morning Idahodutch

RR, that sucks. Part of the reason we moved from Oregon to Idaho. The Libs of Portland took over the state.
I could be all wet, but I think this cv19 is 98% hype.

The thing is, over 7,000 kids were going to be competing in that tournament, because you had to pass that before heading onto the finals, then the state championship where you win a scholarship. That tournament was vital for them to get their scholarship, and the state is getting a lot of angry emails. They'll probably reschedule it, if they have any brains to do so.

RR, that sucks. Part of the reason we moved from Oregon to Idaho. The Libs of Portland took over the state.
I could be all wet, but I think this cv19 is 98% hype.

At first I thought the same, but its clear I was wrong, we have possible case at the hospital I work at...

I recently did a poll on another forum about keeping/removing Confederate monuments.

90.9% voted in favor of keeping them, while 9.1% were in favor of removal.

Of the 90.9%, 90% were Southerners, but of the 9.1% who voted against the monuments were 100% Northerners.

So I posted the results, with the note, See they're at it again! There isn't any Civil War monuments up North, no battlefields, no nothing! If you ask a Northerner about the war, they'll say "the Civil What?" It is obvious that they're back to their old habits of buttin' in down south and telling us what we can have and can't have. These are our monuments, our battlefields, our heroes. Stop letting the yank poke his head in and letting him tell us what we can and can't do again!

I think I'm gonna get in trouble with the mods again. :laughing7:

Good morning Toecutter, Rook, ARC, Bill, RR, Idahodutch, Bart, WD, Simon, GB, ECS, ...sorry brain power gave out..and the rest of the crew!

Very nice wood work's Bart! Your into all sorts of trasures!

Rusty they probably will reschedule it, hopefully. They are cancelling just about every thing involving crowds of people.

The virus is real alright, but I have my doubts that it's natural or normal.
This should be interesting with the travel restrictions.

I question the statement "the sooner you consult your health-care provider, the better your chances are for recorvery".
Followed by:
" Doctors cannot provide any specific treatment for COVID19, there is no known cure or vaccine, but to insure the patient's case is properly reported to public health authirities".
...sooo, please tell me how reporting your case to health authorities...betters your chances for recovery???

I recently did a poll on another forum about keeping/removing Confederate monuments.

90.9% voted in favor of keeping them, while 9.1% were in favor of removal.

Of the 90.9%, 90% were Southerners, but of the 9.1% who voted against the monuments were 100% Northerners.

So I posted the results, with the note, See they're at it again! There isn't any Civil War monuments up North, no battlefields, no nothing! If you ask a Northerner about the war, they'll say "the Civil What?" It is obvious that they're back to their old habits of buttin' in down south and telling us what we can have and can't have. These are our monuments, our battlefields, our heroes. Stop letting the yank poke his head in and letting him tell us what we can and can't do again!

I think I'm gonna get in trouble with the mods again. :laughing7:
RR, not only do I like your post, I really agree with it. :headbang:

That's why we are The United States of America. States are individual entities.

I should get another cup of coffee before I crew up trouble....again...:laughing7:

At first I thought the same, but its clear I was wrong, we have possible case at the hospital I work at...

Toe cutter, you're probably right, lets adjust the hype% down some, what do you think realistically. . . 75%
There is an aweful lot of hype

I recently did a poll on another forum about keeping/removing Confederate monuments.

90.9% voted in favor of keeping them, while 9.1% were in favor of removal.

Of the 90.9%, 90% were Southerners, but of the 9.1% who voted against the monuments were 100% Northerners.

So I posted the results, with the note, See they're at it again! There isn't any Civil War monuments up North, no battlefields, no nothing! If you ask a Northerner about the war, they'll say "the Civil What?" It is obvious that they're back to their old habits of buttin' in down south and telling us what we can have and can't have. These are our monuments, our battlefields, our heroes. Stop letting the yank poke his head in and letting him tell us what we can and can't do again!

I think I'm gonna get in trouble with the mods again. :laughing7:

Lol Yank pok.... every looser has a negative slang for the winner... I dont agree at all about removing the monuments they should stay in place to remind southerners they lost... we dont need to show you guys who is boss again...

Lol Yank pok.... every looser has a negative slang for the winner... I dont agree at all about removing the monuments they should stay in place to remind southerners they lost... we dont need to show you guys who is boss again...

Toecutter, my eyes are still watering from laughing.
Fake news was around back then too. I don't think the history book version is spot on, but I do believe the part about who won the war.

That's why we are The United States of America. States are individual entities.

I'm gonna have to use my favorite movie quote for this one. :)

"Virginia is my home, the Government of Virginia IS home. Virginia wouldn't let it be ruled by some king, or queen. And it ain't about to be ruled by some hippies up North!"

Okay, I tweaked it a lil'.

Good morning Toecutter, Rook, ARC, Bill, RR, Idahodutch, Bart, WD, Simon, GB, ECS, ...sorry brain power gave out..and the rest of the crew!

Very nice wood work's Bart! Your into all sorts of trasures!

Rusty they probably will reschedule it, hopefully. They are cancelling just about every thing involving crowds of people.

The virus is real alright, but I have my doubts that it's natural or normal.
This should be interesting with the travel restrictions.

I question the statement "the sooner you consult your health-care provider, the better your chances are for recorvery".
Followed by:
" Doctors cannot provide any specific treatment for COVID19, there is no known cure or vaccine, but to insure the patient's case is properly reported to public health authirities".
...sooo, please tell me how reporting your case to health authorities...betters your chances for recovery???

I'm not sure how it ups your odds of recovery by reporting your case , being treated for pneumonia symptoms should they arise comes to mind among the elderly.
Being quarantined might be the bigger issue.

Delivering foods and supplies to the self quarantined at home I'm not hearing about.
As a society we need to keep an eye on our shut ins too. Sometimes we are our brothers keeper....

This virus I'll not treat like the "big one" , but with reasonable caution. If this is a rehearsal for a worse scenario , we've far to go though!

I'm gonna have to use my favorite movie quote for this one. :)

"Virginia is my home, the Government of Virginia IS home. Virginia wouldn't let it be ruled by some king, or queen. And it ain't about to be ruled by some hippies up North!"

Okay, I tweaked it a lil'.

Went outside for a smoke, blue sky's, and crisp air. Let the chickens out. And thought to myself, Idahodutch, you just made some new friends here, you might be stepping on toes. I have been enjoying the thread with all of you mateys. . . don't want you to send Toecutter to visit me :laughing7:

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