THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

If I thought the state would issue a recovery permit I'd already be diving....that's why I'm down key chasing the angel bueno.....those guys have "paper" as I call a working permit !! Theres a nice little dig boat my boss would buy....if the state was realistic at all......we could call it the "rum and coke" and we'd be digging one of these Screenshot_20190907-204516_Maps.webp

ARC...I have permission to dig on the isac allerton. The owner of the wreck does not want to sell any artifacts.....I cant figure out how to pay myself if I go and dig ? A non profit might be in the works....if so I'm going straight at the giant anchor. It will get rigged up for picking, and buoyed. When the weather is right the big barge and crane could pluck it. It would go in a large tank for electrolysis and then be out in front of the museum's in key west. We will see what happens this dive season....we have 3 big gamma hits called the three amigos....well be diving them this spring/ summer ! Looks like we will be in the water alot coming up pretty soon !! Wooo hooo !!


Hope you get all your ducks in a row on a salvage job or 2.

I'm working for one....but we havnt found any gold !!

Morning everyone. Car is fixed, so now I have to go drive my dad to an appointment at noon.

I have been having more fun over in the bahamas digging silver in the shallow water and beach than I've had in a long time.....I finally got spots...permission spots.....theres years of productive digging over here that aren't cultural heritage sites.....I cant wait to go back !! 1 more week !!

Good morning Rook, Toecutter, ARC, Bart, Bill, RR, and our crew of rum chuggers!

Bart if you wouldn't rebury the gold every time you find it...oh..uh...was I not supposed to mention that? Oops,...he he... my bad, uh forget all that. :laughing7:

Well I get to go out amongst the peoples tomorrow Dr. appt.
Gonna see how much trouble I can stir up :headbang::laughing7: being an anti-social rum chugging piratetress. See if I can make the news :laughing7:

Morning Msbeepbeep

Hope you have a good day beep.

Dang Toecutter you need to proof

Lol, that's funny, my mind didn't notice the missing of the word 'have', until you pointed it out.
I would have said it was there, if I had to say without looking.

Morning everybody

Did I oversleep and miss breakfast again?
Dang time change.:laughing7:

Good morning Idahodutch, here, here's a cup of rum drink up till lunch.

I'm so use to auto correct screw ups I automatically just read right over the the missing or incorrect words. We're all in the same wave length here!

I'm not sure why but this page is displayed slightly different than the pages before. I don't think I did any thing...but ya never know :dontknow:

Thanks Rook. I don't get to go out tomorrow and create havoc in the general population.
Ok...who gave away my battle plan!!???

Seems daughter & husband both have the flu, & his mom has flu/pneumonia is in hosp. Which is restricting any germ infested visitors.

Good afternoon Msbeepbeep....have fun stirring the pot tomorrow.

Maybe cough on the doctor to make him/her paranoid just for fun.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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Bill my little foray in the population has been postponed till next week. Daughter (my ride) & her hubby came down with the flu, & his mom just went in hosp. with flu/pneumonia.
So my day of fun is postponed. I thought maybe wearing a large clear plastic bag over my head would peak a little interest. :laughing7:

Afternoon Msbeepbeep and bill

So our govenor comes on the TV and says "hey if you're under 40, leave the hand sanatizer in the stores. You don't need it, leave it for the older folks who do need it".

Smart man.:laughing7:

Smart man.:laughing7:

He's a democrat, but it's hard not to like him. He's a good speaker.

He came on again today, and didn't mention anything about canceling the National Archery in the Schools Program tournament, so my mom will be leaving at 4:00am to go to work there. She's a state employee, and she'll be running a booth for Fish and Wildlife.

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