THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

My dad was out letting our dog go to the bathroom, when out of nowhere that massive dog comes out of the woods at our dog. I ran out with a gun, and that was that. It weighed almost 120 lbs. It was a mix of some kind. Huge muscular body and a pitbull face. That was scary indeed, because my dad never knew it was there. I just saw it making it's way toward them and had enough time to stop it.

DOW lost over 2,000 points in the markets today, over fears of Corona virus.



3,000 OF CORONA!


Good afternoon Idahodutch.
How goes things in your neck of the woods?

Nice of you to ask, we had some rain early, but now is partly sunny . . . Quite nice actually.
Took the dogs out for a drive, just outside city limits. It's mostly farms/ranches. They like the fresh air I guess. (the smells)
We just moved to Idaho a couple years ago. Really like it.
And yours?

My dad was out letting our dog go to the bathroom, when out of nowhere that massive dog comes out of the woods at our dog. I ran out with a gun, and that was that. It weighed almost 120 lbs. It was a mix of some kind. Huge muscular body and a pitbull face. That was scary indeed, because my dad never knew it was there. I just saw it making it's way toward them and had enough time to stop it.

That's eventful RR, I bet your adrenaline was really pumping. That's good you took action. Dog like that, too unpredictable and too many unknowns. Time and circumstance did not give much choice.

My dad was out letting our dog go to the bathroom, when out of nowhere that massive dog comes out of the woods at our dog. I ran out with a gun, and that was that. It weighed almost 120 lbs. It was a mix of some kind. Huge muscular body and a pitbull face. That was scary indeed, because my dad never knew it was there. I just saw it making it's way toward them and had enough time to stop it.

Dang. Dad owes you a mountain dew now!
(You don't have to drink it).

Story time!
When I was a kid (just a few years ago , ahem) "Auntie" would sometimes let me get a mountain dew out of the storm shelter fridge.
Had a Hillbilly as part of what was painted on the needless to say glass bottle.

When Dad stopped at the bar after picking me up on my visiting weekends , I drank an occasional orange pop in a clear bottle with lots of little raised glass squares on part of it.
That same bar he worked at sometimes , and swapped clad coins for silver ones for a while when clad first came out....
That stuff might have whupped mountain dews butt!

Good job Rusty.

Idahodutch, we had our warmest day so far this spring 72. The guy next door pulled out his motor cycle and started it up. Sure signs of spring!
And all this happened because I just got a cord of fire wood last Wed...your welcome! :laughing7:

DOW lost over 2,000 points in the markets today, over fears of Corona virus.



3,000 OF CORONA!


Stocks will roar back. It's paper till you redeem anyway. Was there a couple years ago. Just gotta be patient.

Stocks will roar back. It's paper till you redeem anyway. Was there a couple years ago. Just gotta be patient.

NBC interuptted our local news to scream about it, they like causing a panic.

Dang. Dad owes you a mountain dew now!
(You don't have to drink it).

Story time!
When I was a kid (just a few years ago , ahem) "Auntie" would sometimes let me get a mountain dew out of the storm shelter fridge.
Had a Hillbilly as part of what was painted on the needless to say glass bottle.

When Dad stopped at the bar after picking me up on my visiting weekends , I drank an occasional orange pop in a clear bottle with lots of little raised glass squares on part of it.
That same bar he worked at sometimes , and swapped clad coins for silver ones for a while when clad first came out....
That stuff might have whupped mountain dews butt!

I barely remember going to the laundry mat with my mom and big (older) brother. He got to drink one of those old green bottles with the hillbilly on it. He was hooked. I drank the red, white and blue pepsi until I was a teen, then it was mountain dew and doritos every friday night with Wolfman Jack.


Mountain Dew will tickle yore inards!



Another slaughter on the markets today....I'll watch the after market action....might end up going to cash for both me and the missus tomorrow and waiting for things to bottom out.

We got our butt kicked during the 2008 meltdown and lost 50% of our value of investments. I'd rather take a hit of 20% or so and set on the sidelines then dealing with the crazy idiots overreation to this stuff.....

Stocks will roar back. It's paper till you redeem anyway. Was there a couple years ago. Just gotta be patient.

Something interferes with my OTA TV channels all I can get is 1 NBC local & 1 next door in RI. No other local channels. TV stays off most of the day. Gonna have to go with radio I guess.

Something interferes with my OTA TV channels all I can get is 1 NBC local & 1 next door in RI. No other local channels. TV stays off most of the day. Gonna have to go with radio I guess.
I'll keep you in commercials Beeps. LOL.

Pepsi Cola Hits the spot.

Supposedly the guy putting the money in the piano juke box is James Dean in his first paying job and first TV appearance.


At least older commercials were more entertaining.
I'm just gonna go climb in the hammock, and dream of rum. :sleepy2:
Nite, nite.... Zzzzz zzzz...z....

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