So I was shoulder deep in the sand over in the Bahamas when I was startled by some guy standing over me. This guy hung around and we got to talking...I turned off the machine and stopped digging and started listening. Turns out he grew up a lot like me and lived back and forth in the keys and bahamas. He said you should be hunting on $$$$$ island. I'll keep the name to myself. I said I know, what have you found...he says, that place has had people on it from just after Columbus, and the lucayan Indians before that !! He told me the beach where he has found a lucayan olivine banner stone. He has also found a tobacco pipe dated 1620 LOPEZ !! He goes on and says that pirates from nassau often came to the island. This island was at least settled by the time Henry avery anchored here before cautiously approaching Nassau by long boat. Later he would sail the "Fancy" into Nassau harbor and unload one of the richest red sea treasures to ever be taken. That was 1692 or 1697...I cant remember but some where in that time frame. This island was already being farmed and I think there were sheep being kept here that far back !! Later loyalist would settle here and stockpile arms here.....that was 1760s-1800s. During the war of 1812 this island community was attacked by the american privateer "Midas" shore parties looted and burned 14 or 17 homes here, and they carried off everything that wasnt hastily hidden including 800 gold coins !! This my friends is the real treasure island and others have silently been before me....several rumored finds and my own finds in the past are exciting and I'm building an assault plan !!...gonna go back a couple weeks ahead of everyone and hit it.....logistics are tough....I'll have to take a kyak by boat and get dropped off. I could explore the coastline I want and then have a boat come and pick me up at the end of each day. I would hopscotch around the island each day hitting different hot spots each mission. Somewhere on this island are some treasures.....I would sure like to shake one out....whatever it might be !!