Good to know, Bart. We have a huge problem with the wasps nesting under the deck.
Make assaults under the cover of darkness. The cooler the night ,the better.
(Look out for spiders after reading Hutches posts, blahh ;shudder.)
Bees ,hornets can be "Lined" to locate nests/hives.
Old timers would make a little wood box baited with a dab of honey and containing talc to increase visibility .
The bee loads up ,and heads for "home". The talc making it appear a white streak in flight.
Going to where bee was last seen the process would be repeated.
Hornets like to gnaw wood fibers off my old deck for making nest paper.
Harder to line them just by watching , but in time they are headed the same direction. Problem is there's usually multiple nests different directions!
The bumble bees hit flowers and were nesting a couple houses down. I'd line them by eye but didn't go past my property looking for more.
The current queen over winters somewhere , then starts a new colony come spring. Mole tunnels get used sometimes. Same with ground nesting yellow jackets.
Those ground nesters take close observation after lining them.
Then I mark the hole with a vertical stick near (not too near!) , and gently lob a contrasting(with the ground cover) twig near the hole to be able to find it at night for the assault.
Been stung plenty of times in my youth. Had a knack for finding stinging critters without trying.
The last hornet sting was from killing them with my hat. Then putting my hat back on with a live one in it.
Like another recent sting , my arthritis subsided...
Which brings up story time!
A friend now deceased visited the Doctor about his arthritis.
Doc. said honey bee venom had been found to be a relief for some people, but carried the risk of reduced fertility in men.
My friend told the Doc, I'm over seventy years old! Not really planning on having any more kids."

I don't like putting chemicals on soil. But I certainly hose a ground nest opening with wasp/hornet killer....