Blak bart
Platinum Member
My bahamian friends want to take me to a new wreck.....this one according to there own research was sunk in a running battle with a british man o war with 3000 gold pieces. These guys are often wrong with there research but I will definitely go with them to see whats what. I'll be going to a place called platter bay also......named for the large silver platters found there. Head of the archeology department wants to take me to 2 wreck sites to search for the strong boxes from these wrecks.....thinks they should still be there. These guys pump me up every year and then get scared to take me to these spots. Well see!!! I've been hearing about these strong boxes for 3 years now !! In the mean time I'll sneak off at low tide today to a couple new is canceled today due to I should get time to hunt my own treasure spots !! Other than that I've been working and fishing everyday. The boys have found a great new bottle diving spot.....its producing some great early torpedoes and black glass.....they were kind enough to show me the exact location. I've got to have a partner for these free dives as it's an industrial port. At low tide the ships stir the bottom and unbury the bottles !!