GGGGGReat Grandfather fought in the revolutionary war, Six direct ancestors fought in the Civil War, along with many cousins, My great grandfather was a WWII linguist, another was a bomber pilot, another was a decorated sergeant purple heart winner, my one grandfather was in the service, another grandfather was a Vietnam sniper with many confirmed kills, and my dad was in the airforce. You know Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump? He had it in his mind that he was predestined for it. I am kinda the same way. I get the speech from my mom every other day about it.
Ok, that's it.
RR,....I warned you about those "batch vaccinations",..... some people never feel the same again.
Some get so ill they don't make it to basic, some reactions are even more severe.
I understand your feelings 100%,.... I was born on an army base.
My mom remarried, a good man, served in Northern Italy, 10th Mountain Infantry, "Ski Patrol"
The Army sent him up to Camp Hale to train troops to ski, and ski well with pack, rifle, etc.
I've said before, my moms brother, my uncle Alfred, retired carrier man, master sergeant.
All my cousins but one,..... and me, I was too young for Vietnam,... too old for Gulf War.
"But yes, I would have gone in a second and served".
Since I was a kid I've had a natural aptitude for shooting, they would likely noticed it
and I would have had a good job.
"Then" RR, "Then",...... and ask couple of the guys,..... that was the tail end of almost
That would be 1973
Don't take this the wrong way cousin, "Life isn't a Hollywood movie".
"A Lot" of depleted uranium rounds are shattered up all over the place in some areas.
That's new from back in the day.
Those screwed up vaccinations, that's new compared to back in the day.
Tons of what you can't do, bureaucracy over and above anything ever,.... that's new
Having to call and ask,.........
"permission to engage,(three guys loading missiles into a pick up)"
and getting put on hold,....... and the guys drive away,.... all that crap is new.
Drones,. remote launch,..... vision systems,....all new,... less men needed, new.
The next war will be lots of automation, people are fragile, machines are not.
An entire field of men can be killed in one swoop,... war has changed.
something you enjoy, something you have an interest in, something for your future.
Something that has a pension,..... work for the city water and power, that's good money,
retirement, easy work, the tough jobs they hire in contractors,... good life,...
You don't have to enlist to prove you're a patriot,.........
you prove you're a patriot by supporting freedom, and being the best you can be.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"
Coming home in a wheel chair because of a roadside bomb does not serve your country.
Worse if you're still running a 101 deg temperature ever since you got the vaccinations.