Hi. The Suzi was it water cooled?
Once in Melbourne coming home early hrs I was being an idiot on the 360 in the city centre. Yep I was an idiot. Im only half an idiot now.
Police said you are not riding it home. An hour later its "errr now what!"
There was the Dinsdale brothers who were well known then MX riders. He came past with a mate on a chopper who had a passenger. Anywho, the passenger rode mine and Dinsdale said get on. The Suzi Water bottle we called them. Of course he'd done stuff to it.
All good, until we hit the Tullamarine Freeway. I see him look at his mate on the chopper and nod, he nods back. Oh you gotta be kidding me, it was launch mode, they caned them. My 360 wasn't even in it. Dinsdale with me on back left everyone behind. I swear I seriously only managed to hold on as at the time, there was a kind of small rack thing on the back for whatever I don't know and at the time im thinking "im not hugging a dude all the way home" so just behind my waist im holding the rack. I have no idea what speed we got to as I had an open face on and everytime I tried to look tears from the speed blinded me. The most terrifying 20 minutes iv ever experienced on a bike.
Riding behind the operator is called "riding B$@ch" here. L.o.l..
Ya Suzuki had a water cooled 650 . Early eighties, maybe earlier.
One foggy morning on the way home from 3rd shift I nabbed a freshly road hit deer.
Took a couple bunji cords and holding it's tail on turns , but it rode home on my 500 behind me. A deer is slippery on a motorcycle seat!
Police on a motorcycle going the opposite direction on five lane road turned around.
Busy traffic and I sashayed through it at a good clip only to find him still following.
My works road was next and when I made the turn he hit his lights and siren.
Pulled into a lot and waited for him , thinking oh boy this ought to be a stack of tickets.
He said my registration was expired.
That meant he saw the color of the small sticker on my plate through all that traffic across those lanes!.
It just so happened I had just renewed my registration in person and hadn't put the new sticker on. I told him I had it and he asked when I was going to fix it.
Right now I said and fished the sticker out of my wallet.
That won't work , he said.
I'm thinking boy he's just wanting to write a ticket.
Why not? I asked.
That's the same sticker you already have!
Secretary of State had given me the same year colored sticker.
Well you get to go back and see them he said.
His bike was clinking and pinging away as it sat cooling.
I was thinking it had been well exercised to catch me but didn't want to mention that. (!)
(I felt he was content to have caught me though.)
How you like the bike? I asked.
It's alright he said.
Then we talked about bikes a bit.
He knew his way around it though. And was harp eyed.
He didn't say anything about how I was driving or how fast. And before I stopped for him I was counting on at least a couple tickets..
(Car registrations expired on birthdays. Motorcycle plates annually from previously registered day. I think.)