THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I forgot a bike or 2.
You guys all had better bikes than me. Over my life I've had:
  • a Honda 350 (CR? CL? I can't remember)
  • a Yamaha 650 twin of some kind that I wrecked and put oversize front forks on which I thought looked pretty cool but was really just ridiculous,
  • A Kawasaki 500cc triple-cylinder two-stroke. That thing was a regular rocket compared to the others.
  • A Suzuki 650. That's the only one I can easily find a photo of. Sold it years ago. I do miss it.

I also had some Hodaka's Ace 100, Combat wombat can't remember the others. I was just a kid. Until I read this I didn't know they had a connection to Oregon.

Man i love seeing these bikes again. I know what you guys are trying to do's working, so now I'm
trying to keep the wife from seeing the thread, she might think i'm getting ideas :laughing7:

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You guys all had better bikes than me. Over my life I've had:
  • a Honda 350 (CR? CL? I can't remember)
  • a Yamaha 650 twin of some kind that I wrecked and put oversize front forks on which I thought looked pretty cool but was really just ridiculous,
  • A Kawasaki 500cc triple-cylinder two-stroke. That thing was a regular rocket compared to the others.
  • A Suzuki 650. That's the only one I can easily find a photo of. Sold it years ago. I do miss it.
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Dude! I'd love to have this thing right now. I'd ride the hell out of it.... If It were a Honda I would have said Prince's purple rain lol

I also had some Hodaka's Ace 100, Combat wombat can't remember the others. I was just a kid. Until I read this I didn't know they had a connection to Oregon.

Hodaka was popular here in the 60s 70s.
I had a brief riding history. One a Honda CJ 360. Was riding on a double lane road and behind a truck. All clear so I accelerated to overtake him at about 80kph. A guy driving a Parisian came out of nowhere and purposely side swiped me into the side of the truck. Bike went completely under it and was destroyed. Somehow I didn't and came off getting missed by the wheels. My helmet was smashed and I came too I don't know how long later with my clothes being cut off of me by the ambo's. The truck driver told the police that he saw it all unfold in his side rearview and the guy driving the car clearly did it on purpose and was laughing. They never caught him. I was super lucky and at the time just bruised and cut up a bit. Later though they believe I boke my color bone in it.
My last was riding a little Honda 125 dirt bike and my fault. I was speeding doing 90 in a 60 zone, car pulled out of a side street and I hit it dead centre. Bike front wheel hits, rest spins side ways crushing my leg between the car and bike smashing it, I then catapult over the roof of the car landing 20 meters down the road. I come to and see my leg in an almost S shape. 6 months rehab.
Bike riding over thank you very much 😁

Bike riding over thank you very much 😁
Wow. Best to quit while you're ahead, eh?

That's crazy about the Parisian incident. Infuriating that he did something like that and didn't get caught. I hope karma gave him a nice party platter of retribution later.

You guys all had better bikes than me. Over my life I've had:
  • a Honda 350 (CR? CL? I can't remember)
  • a Yamaha 650 twin of some kind that I wrecked and put oversize front forks on which I thought looked pretty cool but was really just ridiculous,
  • A Kawasaki 500cc triple-cylinder two-stroke. That thing was a regular rocket compared to the others.
  • A Suzuki 650. That's the only one I can easily find a photo of. Sold it years ago. I do miss it.
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Another person used to loan me bikes besides the dirt bikes owner.
Kaw 900 Ninja was spunky. Easy to return knowing how that would end if I kept running it.
A Suzuki 750 set up for touring and sounded like it had a cam chain grinding or something was a comfy ride.
Never owned a Honda 750 from early seventies. Liked the though. Nevermind the drip drip on most.
Guys were cutting V.W. transaxels free on Bugs to weld 750 frame fronts onto to make trikes.
I gifted a guy front wheel and speedo and who knows what else.
He rode the trike to work a while then some old gal bumped it in a grocery store parking lot. He saw a scuff mark on his self built belt/pully guard and that was all. He waved the old gal off.
She had hit the end of a shaft just right , and no more engine zoom zoom!

Suzi water buffalo was another bike I used to note.
Think it was a clutch issue (weak) or something like that was a con on them.
Forgot details.
Like some others , you could make them stiffer but something still has to give somewhere.

You guys all had better bikes than me. Over my life I've had:
  • a Honda 350 (CR? CL? I can't remember)
  • a Yamaha 650 twin of some kind that I wrecked and put oversize front forks on which I thought looked pretty cool but was really just ridiculous,
  • A Kawasaki 500cc triple-cylinder two-stroke. That thing was a regular rocket compared to the others.
  • A Suzuki 650. That's the only one I can easily find a photo of. Sold it years ago. I do miss it.
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I never rode one....cuz a fender bender with one of those and it ain't the fender gettin' bent! 🫨

Another person used to loan me bikes besides the dirt bikes owner.
Kaw 900 Ninja was spunky. Easy to return knowing how that would end if I kept running it.
A Suzuki 750 set up for touring and sounded like it had a cam chain grinding or something was a comfy ride.
Never owned a Honda 750 from early seventies. Liked the though. Nevermind the drip drip on most.
Guys were cutting V.W. transaxels free on Bugs to weld 750 frame fronts onto to make trikes.
I gifted a guy front wheel and speedo and who knows what else.
He rode the trike to work a while then some old gal bumped it in a grocery store parking lot. He saw a scuff mark on his self built belt/pully guard and that was all. He waved the old gal off.
She had hit the end of a shaft just right , and no more engine zoom zoom!

Suzi water buffalo was another bike I used to note.
Think it was a clutch issue (weak) or something like that was a con on them.
Forgot details.
Like some others , you could make them stiffer but something still has to give somewhere.
Hi. The Suzi was it water cooled?
Once in Melbourne coming home early hrs I was being an idiot on the 360 in the city centre. Yep I was an idiot. Im only half an idiot now.
Police said you are not riding it home. An hour later its "errr now what!"
There was the Dinsdale brothers who were well known then MX riders. He came past with a mate on a chopper who had a passenger. Anywho, the passenger rode mine and Dinsdale said get on. The Suzi Water bottle we called them. Of course he'd done stuff to it.
All good, until we hit the Tullamarine Freeway. I see him look at his mate on the chopper and nod, he nods back. Oh you gotta be kidding me, it was launch mode, they caned them. My 360 wasn't even in it. Dinsdale with me on back left everyone behind. I swear I seriously only managed to hold on as at the time, there was a kind of small rack thing on the back for whatever I don't know and at the time im thinking "im not hugging a dude all the way home" so just behind my waist im holding the rack. I have no idea what speed we got to as I had an open face on and everytime I tried to look tears from the speed blinded me. The most terrifying 20 minutes iv ever experienced on a bike.

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