Some people drive me nuts. Here's an response posted by an irate member, who didn't like the fact that we told him that his 1930s screwcap bottle was worth about $10.
"If that 1 is worth a $128 I wonder what mine is worth probly more than any of your f***y little bottle collections combined. Hey look over there an empty liquor bottle some hobo p****d in, better go home and put it on the shelf with the rest of your collection of literal garbage, what else you collect? scraps of paper"
He had it in his head, because some crazy ebay seller was selling them for scam prices, that his bottle was worth money. It isn't. What I find funny is, he said that to a guy with a massive Canadian soda collection, and a dedicated bottle hunter with an equally large collection. Here's my response:
"1. We take pride in our collections, no matter how small, large, expensive or cheap. Pictured here is about $1,000 worth of antiques out of my $3,000 collection, built over years of dedicated searching, and careful spending. I worked to build this collection by buying, and selling, to make money, to acquire this collection. (inserted picture)
2. nice language.
3. $128 is a bunch of baloney IMO. 1930s screwcap bottles aren't worth more than $10.
4. 100 year old hobo whiskeys are highly collectible, and sometimes expensive. Some single bottles can climb well into the quadruple digits, unlike 1930s screwcap bottles used in arts and crafts.
5. Why did you ask a question, if you're only going to act like a jerk when you get a response that is truthful? Go to facebook, man."