THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

How goes it RR?

Good morning sanman.
RR I hope you get some good pics to share with us. Are you the designated driver for the trip?

Good morning sanman.
RR I hope you get some good pics to share with us. Are you the designated driver for the trip?

Yep, designated driver. Plans are still being formulated.

Some people drive me nuts. Here's an response posted by an irate member, who didn't like the fact that we told him that his 1930s screwcap bottle was worth about $10.

"If that 1 is worth a $128 I wonder what mine is worth probly more than any of your f***y little bottle collections combined. Hey look over there an empty liquor bottle some hobo p****d in, better go home and put it on the shelf with the rest of your collection of literal garbage, what else you collect? scraps of paper"

He had it in his head, because some crazy ebay seller was selling them for scam prices, that his bottle was worth money. It isn't. What I find funny is, he said that to a guy with a massive Canadian soda collection, and a dedicated bottle hunter with an equally large collection. Here's my response:

"1. We take pride in our collections, no matter how small, large, expensive or cheap. Pictured here is about $1,000 worth of antiques out of my $3,000 collection, built over years of dedicated searching, and careful spending. I worked to build this collection by buying, and selling, to make money, to acquire this collection. (inserted picture)

2. nice language.

3. $128 is a bunch of baloney IMO. 1930s screwcap bottles aren't worth more than $10.

4. 100 year old hobo whiskeys are highly collectible, and sometimes expensive. Some single bottles can climb well into the quadruple digits, unlike 1930s screwcap bottles used in arts and crafts.

5. Why did you ask a question, if you're only going to act like a jerk when you get a response that is truthful? Go to facebook, man."

Morning Sanman. Morning Msbeepbeep

Morning rook, and beeps,........

Morning guys.

RR when people don't have facts or truth to back them up they usually start flinging words around.
Now, while you are driving you can look at the girls, but you can't take your eyes off the road. :laughing7:

Morning guys.

RR when people don't have facts or truth to back them up they usually start flinging words around.
Now, while you are driving you can look at the girls, but you can't take your eyes off the road. :laughing7:

Usually if they're on the road side around here, they're hookers.:laughing7:

Sup, GB? Haven't seen ya around for a while.

been busy with school work and hog hunting. Haven't got a hog yet they are hiding in a patch of thick sugar cane. My mom won't let me go up in there with the scatter gun to flush them out.

been busy with school work and hog hunting. Haven't got a hog yet they are hiding in a patch of thick sugar cane. My mom won't let me go up in there with the scatter gun to flush them out.

Might I suggest a big ol' Mason jar filled with Gasoline and Petroleum Jelly? Put a fuse on the end, toss it in, KABOOM! Napalm.

I'm now on the terrorist watch list, aren't I? :laughing7:

Hogs are no joke though. I could see why she wouldn't want you going in alone... I wouldn't want to be outnumbered by a large hog group. A suggestion is to gather all the neighbors, and do a big hog drive, kinda like they do in Pennsylvania.

I was reading Gamekeepers Magazine, and somebody built a large pen trap. It is controlled by your phone, so instead of one pig setting off the whole trap, you could wait to get the entire sounder in, then drop the gate remotely.

Morning GB.

Leave those alone RR.
GB maybe when more people can go with ya, she'll let you go.

..hookers and wild hogs :icon_scratch::dontknow::laughing7:

Might I suggest a big ol' Mason jar filled with Gasoline and Petroleum Jelly? Put a fuse on the end, toss it in, KABOOM! Napalm.

I'm now on the terrorist watch list, aren't I? :laughing7:

RR,.... you forgot you have to crumble up styrofoam and mix that in there too.

been busy with school work and hog hunting. Haven't got a hog yet they are hiding in a patch of thick sugar cane. My mom won't let me go up in there with the scatter gun to flush them out.

Send in dogs, when the hogs take to runnin,..... nail one,.... if you're fast,... two.

RR,.... you forgot you have to crumble up styrofoam and mix that in there too.

Forgot that.


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