What speech? I hope I live 4 more years.
The State Of The Union. It was really something!
It's the first time, in any speech I've ever seen, that a scholarship was granted, Presidential Medal of Freedom was awarded, the re-uniting of a soldiers family, and more on air. He had the REAL leader of Venezuela, Juan Guaido in the gallery, and that even got the democrats to cheer. He had a newly promoted brigadier general as well, one of the last surviving Tuskegee airmen, the youngest premature baby survivor, an aspiring astronaut, the family's of service members killed...
It was really heartwarming to see a mother and her two children in the gallery, with Trump telling Congress that she and her kids hadn't seen their father in many months, due to his deployment in Afghanistan. Then all of a sudden, he said he had a surprise for them, and the husband came down the stairs, to his crying wife, and happy children.
Rush Limbaugh, diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, was honored with the Presidential medal of freedom, given to him by Melania. He was 100% surprised, and in tears.
It was something.