THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Here ya go Msbeepbeep 95f176b5e637d7db058ac1e6c0d4deda.webp:laughing7:

Morning all,..... back after dealing with headaches,.....

I agree Rook.

Sanman have some rum, quicker than Excedrin, tylenol, asprin, etc...and it taste better


When it comes to wheeling and dealing you've got more angles than a hexagon.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Good morning folks. Oh wait, that's bills line. :laughing7:

I listed that Vartray Ginger beer bottle last night for the heck of it, and it just sold for $75. Guess who's driving to the Post office today...


When it comes to wheeling and dealing you've got more angles than a hexagon.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

So far, I've recovered the money I spent on my last bottle spree in Huntington by selling three bottles... I relisted the rare Coca Cola bottle, and I hope that sells. I should be able to buy more, sell more and make more now that I have a permit.


This is just a off the cuff suggestion.

But much like playing the stock market a common approach is to sell off enough shares to get your initial investment back.

Then going forward you only use your profits for investments purposes in other words the only risk your taking is with your profits.

You can use the same approach with buying and selling your bottles. That way you have your own money to spend and you're still wheeling and dealing trying to build up a nice inventory of bottles for resale.

I agree Rook.

Sanman have some rum, quicker than Excedrin, tylenol, asprin, etc...and it taste better

Thank you beep,....... that's a great idea.

Wait, what was that named,..... "Grog" .... something like that?

Ahh, yes,... found it!

Grog class is open,......

Grog is any of a variety of alcoholic beverages. The word originally referred to a drink made with water and rum, which British Vice admiral Edward Vernon introduced into the naval squadron he commanded in the West Indies on 21 August 1740.[citation needed] Vernon wore a coat of grogram cloth and was nicknamed Old Grogram or Old Grog.

The Definitive History Of Grog

By Merriam-Webster’s definition, grog can be either “any alcoholic drink (such as beer),” or “an alcoholic drink containing liquor (such as rum) mixed with water.” It can also be a liquor “cut with water and now often served hot with lemon juice and sugar.” There’s no misconception about who grog is for either, since the example sentence is “sailors clamoring for more grog.”

Maybe Merriam-Webster is capitalizing on a general “Pirates of the Caribbean“-level of understanding, but the simple, dirty, and arguably distasteful definitions and example of grog belie 300 years of Royal Navy history.

The story of grog begins with the story of colonialism, British expansion and rum. William Penn (the father of the William Penn who passed on his name to Pennsylvania) landed in what is now known as Jamaica in the 1600s. As Brits were wont to do in those days, he stole the land from the natives and claimed it for the Royal Crown.

Penn and his men couldn’t get all the way across the pond without the help of beer and fortified wine, however. In short, water just wasn’t fit to drink, and alcohol was. The only problem was that wine and beer weren’t readily available in the New World. Enter sugar and human kind’s natural inclination to turn anything fermentable into drinkable alcohol.

By the 1700s, standard issues of sugarcane’s delicious fermented liquid (rum) were common on every British Royal Navy ship. Which, even though it usually worked out for Captain Jack Sparrow, is not the best way to keep a clear-eyed crew.

A pioneering English admiral by the name of Edward Vernon saw the need to keep his men from drunkenly steering their ship through troubled waters (without having to drink water, of course). The admiral, who went by the nickname “Old Grog” because of his heavy grogram cloak made out of a mixture of silk, mohair and wool, came up with a solution in 1740.

National Museum of the Royal New Zealand Navy:

“The daily allowance of half a pint a man is to be mixed with a quart of water, to be mixed in one Scuttled Butt kept for that purpose, and to be done upon Deck, and in the presence of the Lieutenant of the Watch, who is to see that the men are not defrauded of their allowance of Rum; it is to be served in two servings, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. The men that are good Husbands may from the savings of their Salt Provisions and Bread, purchase Sugar and Limes to make the water more palatable to them.” – Admiral Vernon’s Official Order on August 21, 1740 on Her Majesty’s Ship Burford in the Port Royal Harbor.

The sailors, to put it lightly, were not pleased. They needed to throw liquor down their throats because it made it a lot more tolerable to deal with awful living conditions and endless scrubbing of the poop deck. So, in their spite, they started to call the drink “grog,” after Old Grog himself.

Little did the sailors know at the time, however, that grog would eventually save the lives of thousands of sailors – at least the ones who gave up their salt and bread for sugar and lime.

The leading cause of naval death between 1500 and 1800, Jason Mayberry writes in a Harvard paper, was scurvy. It killed more sailors “than all other diseases, disasters, and battles combined.” In the Seven Years’ War from 1756 to 1763, for example, 133,708 of the 184,899 sailors died from disease, mostly scurvy. By comparison, only 1,512 sailors died in battle.

The lime helped prevent scurvy, which is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Sailors didn’t know that at the time, though; they were just mixing up a course, unmeasured drink that coincidentally has the same ingredients as a daiquiri. So much for the hard life.

Grog, despite its rocky start, quickly became the Royal Navy’s most beloved drink. The servings served from the scuttlebutt (a cask) were known as a tot. Basically, most of Western history was shaped by sailors loaded with tots.


Time moved on, but the grog remained constant. The Royal Navy guzzled grog through the Revolutionary War, World War I, and World War II.

Finally, the British Parliament declared enough was enough. On July 30, 1970, which was dubbed “Black Tot Day,” the last grog ration was given to the Royal Navy’s sailors.

July 30, 1970,....... "Black Thursday"

The day the Grog Stopped

Mans inhumanity to man,.....


This is just a off the cuff suggestion.

But much like playing the stock market a common approach is to sell off enough shares to get your initial investment back.

Then going forward you only use your profits for investments purposes in other words the only risk your taking is with your profits.

You can use the same approach with buying and selling your bottles. That way you have your own money to spend and you're still wheeling and dealing trying to build up a nice inventory of bottles for resale.

That's what I do now, to a point.

Drove an hour to the Post Office, only for them to say "oh we're closed early". No you're not. It's a half hour before actual closing time, I'm here, you're here, the package is here, let's do this! No luck.
So we'll try again tomorrow, and maybe throw some train watching in.

In the pre-dawn hours this morning, a Ohio State Police officer performed a routine traffic stop on a vehicle. The couple inside let the officer walk up to the car, then they hit the gas and ran for it, taking shots at him as they went. It was a high speed pursuit that ended up right down the streets of Portsmouth Ohio, doing 65+ down Chillicothe Street. Watching the dashcam was pretty cool, because I knew exactly where they were all the time.

They crossed the bridge into Greenup Kentucky, still taking shots at the pursuing officers. They 10-50'd into a ditch, and rolled, after an officer shot out a rear tire, and it blew. The male suspect was arrested for felony evading, and the female suspect was arrested for attempted murder, fleeing, and she had several warrants on her.

Drove an hour to the Post Office, only for them to say "oh we're closed early". No you're not. It's a half hour before actual closing time, I'm here, you're here, the package is here, let's do this! No luck.
So we'll try again tomorrow, and maybe throw some train watching in.

If you would have produced a handgun they would have helped you.


and since that time this happens all day long


If you would have produced a handgun they would have helped you.

I know the sheriff in town, so that would take some explaining on my part. :laughing7:

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