Arrrgh greetings ya scurry dogs!
Old Crow wore out my welcome at older brother place. I have told to act my age. But I am rebelling i am just getting started. So I had to find another have found another pirate abode. So ya had to Pull up stumps with the Ocean child take off some where else.
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The old Flag of this island is the skull and crossbones. It brings tears to old sea dogs eyes. A private island of 12 square miles self sufficient in water and electricity.
A hidey hole an budding pirate will be proud.
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A little Hide away. The fishing here will put Black Bart into euphoric joyride pirate heaven. As a matter of fact i am having dolphin fish for lunch.
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A secret hideaway from prying eyes of governments. Treasure what treasure My amigos, Ain't no stinking treasure.
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A secure place to devise evil abominable plundering of treasure sites from all other the world. A pirate stronghold that would make any pirate proud. Arrrgh!
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Living here clothes is an option. Wild and free answerable to no one..
Plenty of separate lodges to chill out on the property. For family and friends to share in the spoils of your pirate treasure.
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Some are on land others are are over water. Plenty of room for family and friends. To do their own stuff and get together.Or when ya get annoyed with em and want to keel haul them.
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Its a tough life be a raggedy old beach bum of pirate. But hey some ones got to do it taking one for the team!
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The main beach area below. Temperature is warm to hot hot hot. clothes did I say clothes are optional.. So shame here! All need is drunken naked pirate with bottle of rum.
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And the chill out beach bar is a trip with music always playing With range of pirate drinks that would do AARC proud. In fact with that thought i am going to crack a beer right now. I have been bumming around today.
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And when the booze and all young lovely prate wenches get too much and the government freaks out gives ya the blow torch to move on? Ya escape in ya private sub. like all evil nemesis should.
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Ah it hard life being a pirates amigos. Wining and dining massages from beautiful women. Getting old drunk and disgraceful and loving every minute of it. Living totally not politically correct. How dare I, the nerve of that scruffy raggedy old crow boozer and lech. How dare I!
Arrgh live life, live hard. Party hard. Better to burn out than to fade away. Run I thought you said Rum? Arrgh. Never act your age and party harder than your children embarrassing them?
That is what makes life worth living.