THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Hey guys, feeling dumb as I can't remember last time on classified therefore can't find it.... HELP
And with that, anyone using the Equinox 800 pro and liking it?

Hey guys, feeling dumb as I can't remember last time on classified therefore can't find it.... HELP
And with that, anyone using the Equinox 800 pro and liking it?
Looking for the HELP section for the 800 or something different.?

Just read the other week they've or trying to ban the use of leaf blowers to remove snow in Ottawa. (HONK!)
It works quite well if the light fluffy needs to be moved.
Have done it a few times cleaning off vehicles.
Granted it's just as fast going 60 down the highway also.

Loose broom handle-yes been there had that many times-screw(not )-tape thread(somewhat)epoxy(worked) supports(helped)-Summer worked the best. :laughing7:

Strange how things seem to be loose/break/fail when we grab them in time of need.
Old broom. Hole vs wood moisture.
It has a puppy (long ago) chewed plastic plug in it's hole opposed to being used hole.
I don't know if I switched them before or not.
Seems I did but there is one way to find out!

Ya , tape came to mind.
I'm cheap but fondled some deck brushes at the farm store. Narrower width they'd be easier to push. Just more pushes.
And I've other handles.

An electric/battery blower is on the dining area floor from leaf drop time still. (Nice place for a blower , the dining area.) I haven't used it on snow as it is short lived.
The corded one is in the tarp shed. Nope. Not looking to get tangled and a wet /snowy cord.
Gas blower is an old one. Hanging in other shed. Maybe if I lived in a city I'd drag it out. l.o.l..

Hey guys, feeling dumb as I can't remember last time on classified therefore can't find it.... HELP
And with that, anyone using the Equinox 800 pro and liking it?

Old broom. Hole vs wood moisture.
It has a puppy (long ago) chewed plastic plug in it's hole opposed to being used hole.
I don't know if I switched them before or not.
Seems I did but there is one way to find out!

Ya , tape came to mind.
I'm cheap but fondled some deck brushes at the farm store. Narrower width they'd be easier to push. Just more pushes.
And I've other handles.

An electric/battery blower is on the dining area floor from leaf drop time still. (Nice place for a blower , the dining area.) I haven't used it on snow as it is short lived.
The corded one is in the tarp shed. Nope. Not looking to get tangled and a wet /snowy cord.
Gas blower is an old one. Hanging in other shed. Maybe if I lived in a city I'd drag it out. l.o.l..
I have a backpack version and a Stihl electric.
We had the light fluffy diamond sparkly snow this past week.

Yeah... screw the bottle.....
i gave the bottle up.......
now its only these...

View attachment 2126857
A question for you rummy pirates…
Did pirates make their own rum back in the day? Is rum something you can make with a backyard still? Do people like Blak Bart have stills on unpopulated islands?😂😜 I know a little about making ‘shine around Cloudland Canyon in GA but don’t know much about rum.

Speaking of bottles... I don't normally save "new" liquor bottles -- it just seems somehow distasteful -- but I had to make an exception for this one. I told my wife we need to use it as a pirate piggy bank. Now if only we had some tiny doubloons to fill it with. Side bonus: The rum it contained was outstanding.

View attachment 2126833
Happen to save those myself for future shenanigans .... As they're now being hung under the dock to accumulate barnacles and algae, to be one day filled with small amounts of pyrite and an authentic looking treasure maps and tossed out on my next fishing trip with Black Bart 🏴‍☠️

A question for you rummy pirates…
Did pirates make their own rum back in the day? Is rum something you can make with a backyard still? Do people like Blak Bart have stills on unpopulated islands?😂😜 I know a little about making ‘shine around Cloudland Canyon in GA but don’t know much about rum.

A question for you rummy pirates…
Did pirates make their own rum back in the day? Is rum something you can make with a backyard still? Do people like Blak Bart have stills on unpopulated islands?😂😜 I know a little about making ‘shine around Cloudland Canyon in GA but don’t know much about rum.
To distill needs something to distill.
Why ruin a wine to condense it's alcohol volume? Or a beer to make whiskey/whisky?
I've made wine. Cognac is close enough to brandy...Both are former wine in my opinion.
If I had a bottle of wine I'd slap your hand for reaching towards it to put it in a distilling device.
If I had a swimming pool full of wine , I'd be more inclined to see it condensed.

for Bart to distill (careful , he has connections to major brewing operations) the volume of supplies required to supply a rum trade are substantial as the customer volume.
Hiding out on an island and bootlegging though...Would face the same challenges of elsewhere.
Covering your tracks (concealing a volume of and type of supplies and the operation itself) isn't easy.
Then there's the distribution if for distribution.
That'll disclose an operation quickly.

An acquaintance distills a bit for home use as a hobby.
I forget the legal allowance but his "still" is a tiny one.
I never knew him as a drinker of any kind but he seemed to like the academic process of making a stout beverage.
Been a brewing party before at a friends for beer making.
The sanitation required and time don't make it a portable ,interruption type activity. Meaning vulnerable.
And beer is step one towards a shine /whisky. (Vs whiskey.)
island choice water? In the Caribbean won't escape notice of exploitation unless really remote. Even then...
Raw materials? Select raw materials? in any decent volume and trying not to arouse suspicion?

There may be a reason a certain country (I'll not name it) is/was known to "bootleg" by corrupting already brewed brews.
Not unlike cutting whiskey/rum ect. with water is being a type of bootlegging/molesting the trade.
How far can I cut it till you notice? Now lets talk 100 gallons I cut.
Can "customers" notice a 5% difference in a 35-40% alcohol content?

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