THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Ohhh am I a senior member now? That's awesome I've been upgraded
Well done.
Now that you're a senior I won't give you any more of (pic) today.🤣


Teaching my wife to ride.
View attachment 2126466
Oh here all along I thought that you were so on in the years, heck you'z young still.

Now are you explaining lean to the right or left on the next curve?

I can just envision a big road rash playing on one of those for myself.

You're correct -Flack
Have you dug up any yet?
Suckers sound off loud even if they're 10" down.
Thankfully no, knowing my luck it would probably still be a live whole one however being fairly near the airfield it wouldn't suprise me if I find some bits at least from training.

Found 2 50cal fragments so far and plenty more if only the grass wasn't half as tall as my boots I'd probably find them

Oh here all along I thought that you were so on in the years, heck you'z young still.

Now are you explaining lean to the right or left on the next curve?

I can just envision a big road rash playing on one of those for myself.
I'll be 65 this year but still out ripping it up (despite all the aches and pains).
Only one get-off for me so far, and it was after a few pints so to be expected I suppose :laughing7:

Thankfully no, knowing my luck it would probably still be a live whole one however being fairly near the airfield it wouldn't suprise me if I find some bits at least from training.

Found 2 50cal fragments so far and plenty more if only the grass wasn't half as tall as my boots I'd probably find them
I remember the first nose cone I dug up in the dirt.
I jumped back, dropped the shovel and detector.
My sphincter slammed shut so hard it still rents space in my head 15 yrs later.🤣

Burrrr it’s cold today. Was 12 degrees this morning when I left for work. No snow or ice storms so I can’t complain much. I’m sure you guys and gals are having it worse elsewhere. Stay safe and warm everyone
Soon it will be Maple syrup time.
Screenshot_20240117_123146_Weather Network.jpg
Screenshot_20240117_124433_Weather Network.jpg

This is in Celsius BTW.

That forecast is from next Monday on.
You're living in the tropical north.
Here's mine for the morning.
View attachment 2126531
Feels like -20C but the cold cuts like a knife.
I used to live in eastern Europe, in my last year there the weather was crazy and the winter they showed a lady throw a jug of water onto a wall and the water froze before hitting the ground, it was like -25 or something

The summer after or the next one it was mid 40s and people were passing out and having heatstrokes so much the government set up "cooling" tents and offered free bottles of water to people.

I miss the snow and the thunderstorms but sure don't miss the cold

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