THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Here's something a tad more fair weather for my friends dealing with the big freeze.
Went for a ride on my Onewheel and caught these guys at the park helping out with the grounds upkeep.

Here's another permissions quote:

"Jim you know that you can detect my 700 acres anytime you like.
Because I know what you see on my farm will stay on my farm"

In other words he doesn't care what I find, just don't advertise it.
Then again I don't have to report any treasures over here like you are required to do.
The 300 yr old 10% silver/gold requirements.
So what's the plan when you unearth a 2000 yr old gold Roman ring, or a Torc?

Landowner doesn't want you to, but the law says different.

A possible future event.
Yep absolutely agree and have thought about that myself, tho if I did find something that old I'd either 'assume' it's modern or say fk it and give it to the landlord, his problem then I don't wanna go to jail for not reporting something important because the landlord doesn't want to.

Well crap.
Dog to vet and I drove due to road conditions.
Went in because it's cold.
Ladyfriend ended up having her good boy/(our baby boy dog years ago); put down.
We were not quite ready for that. Been a struggle of late ; but we all tried.

Then on the way home and where the wrecks were the other day I went broadside at 30 m.p.h. on the crap ice about two inches or more thick in places when the ruts threw me around.
After sliding a ways I swapped ends. but still going sideways. At which point being the crap systems had failed, the engine should have stalled. At least it's supposed to on this system.(?) I got back on the throttle and got it to turn.
Damned 4wd and all the features of a new(er) vehicle and it all went to crap.
Lucky for us no traffic was coming the other direction.
Sorry for the loss of her fur baby. Always tough. Thankfully you two were not hurt.

That's my AeroGarden. It's basically a little countertop hydroponics garden. The light above it is extensible so it starts out much lower and you keep raising it as the plants grow. Right now it's about as high as it can go. We've mostly used it for herbs and salad greens, but last fall I wanted to try growing some peppers in there. That's the bulk of what you see in the photo (there is some basil intertwined over on the right side, and some parsley getting overshadowed down at the bottom). The peppers are Anaheim peppers, started from seeds I saved from one we got at the grocery store. The plant in the photo is a bit leggy and droopy because it's getting so heavy from the peppers. I need to harvest them all again and let it grow some more. This would be the third major harvest of peppers from this plant. They keep well in the fridge after harvest, and this one plant has provided peppers all winter. It is interesting, the first crop was mild and sweet, but the older the plant gets, the more the peppers are heating up. The last few I ate were like giant jalapenos. I'm the only one in the house who likes hot peppers, so it works out in my favor.

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We have 2 areo gardens and they are great fun....they've made gardening easier for my wife....her nick name is "brown thumb of death !!

Gardening comes so naturally to me......started when I was young, and my second job ever was at a flower shop/ nursery. I'm often the one fixing my neighbors plants and of my house plants is 22 years old !! I do consider myself on another level in comparison to most other people's Gardening skills. Something that was just natural to me. I've had people get mad because I come to there house, and start messing with there plants !! I understand there language, and they know I'm listening to them !!

Found my finds from last night, the shotgun shell cap is Eley-Kynoch 12 ICI even the empty boxes sell..

Here's a good cap and mine



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