SanMan, I learned long ago that there is more to gun fit than just geometry versus anatomy.
My first 28ga. Was a IZH 27 from Russia. Picked it up on a whim for about $250 with the lever still right of center. After about 15,000 shells of mostly sporting clays and skeet with a few ducks and partridge it threw the bottom barrel ejector. No American gunsmith would work on it. When I tried to replace it I found that Remington had started importing them and after looking at several quality control could only be desribed as "grim". That along with the new and improved Remington price tag of $600, twice the Russian Baikal price tag, the new ones didn't fit me at all. Nothing wrong with the geometry, it just plain didn't fit me.
Now all I got for 28ga. is a cheap Stoeger SxS. Meh, it works and I don't worry about throwing in the bottom of a muddy skiff.
I'm glad you found a shotgun that fits you. Browning makes a fine firearm.
Thank you DS, your a good guy.
I remember a little about that unit, back when everything was different,.....
Typical Russian workmanship.
I've seen the inside of their watches, "burrs hanging", plain bearing, no jewels.
But they run.
Their machinery is coarse, heavy, and practically indestructible.
Two things here,.........
If you use a 28 ga you're a hell of a shot.
Hats off to you.
Second I can recommend something that I and others in my group all did well with.
I just not sure if it was produced in 28 ga,...............
The "SKB" fixed chokes, with the chrome bores.
The new ones are expensive, I talking about a used one that has seen plenty of use,
a blued one, I guess 26"/ 28" barrels full / mod.
It is well worth to keep your eyes peeled at gun shows, or when ever you can walk the racks of used
rifles and shotguns. It would very likely be a 20 or a 12,......
Precision machined and fitted in Japan.
A long time ago they were a secret, reasonable price, excellent quaility.
Bad story:
A so called friend, from the business next door, asked,
"hey you have an FFL", "can you go pick up a couple of things at an auction I went to?"
I say, "What auction?"
He says, "a huge Hollywood prop house, were in business for over 50 years"
So I drive there,...... there was fantastic items everywhere!
Anything you could think of, tons of "Vintage items"
It was unreal!
Then I go over to the firearms, the auction is over mind you, there were at least
a half a dozen SKB's in the racks,.......
You know what this guy bid on?
One of those single barrel 12 ga that are common as dirt.
So I ask him,.... "Why didn't tell me about this auction!!!!"
I'm the one with the FFL !!
He says, "I just didn't think about it"
All kinds of Colts and quick draw rigs tons of western themed,....
I'm making my self sick again.
I asked around, those SKB's went for about $200 each.
This happened in 1996
Still unhappy as hell about it
SKB mod. 600 12 ga
SKB mod. 500 20 ga
I actually found a way,.........
1970's Vintage Ithaca SKB Model 600 O/U Skeet Grade
3 Gauge Set w/ Leather Luggage Case
** Classy 20, 28, & .410 Gauge Set **
At least that proves they turned out some 28 ga units.
Worth it if you have a chance to throw one to your shoulder,......
You may like the fit.