THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Been binging on the masterclass videos of Wolfgang Puck. Have to admit how these high end chefs play with different ingredients and seasonings is pretty impressive.


Duckshot's lemon duck-

For two mallard breast deboned (four filets), or six whole bone in teal breast-

Sprinkle duck salt, paprika, and a pinch garlic powder and a pinch of msg- or just use Lowery's

one stick butter in skillet till melted, add one half cup lemon juice concentrate, sear duck, add to skillet low heat , stir in a good dollop (about four tablespoons) honey. Simmer about fifteen minutes, serve on rice with broccoli on the side.

Wolfgang? who names their kid Wolfgang? I'll bet his daddy never taught him how to swing a shotgun much less play the duck calling kazoo. :tongue3:

Browning Superposed,..... upland game birds, bring me along, you won't be sorry.

Been binging on the masterclass videos of Wolfgang Puck. Have to admit how these high end chefs play with different ingredients and seasonings is pretty impressive.

Hey bill,

Let me describe the group I would go dove hunting with for many years,.....

Well, lets see,.....

To start Joe, the Hungarian I mentored under for a real long time,....

A thousand times a thousand he's been told to open a restaurant, "fabulous Hungarian dishes!"
out of this world!
Game dishes, wild boar, venison, things I know how to say,.... but can't spell.

He was the amateur of the group,........

There was Micky, (Michelle),....
a retired French chef that owned a high end restaurant in Los Angeles for decades.

There was Wolfe, (Wolfgang), and Austrian pastry chef that all round outstanding in the kitchen.

There was Burt, a Swiss Master Chef that taught the trade in Switzerland before coming to America
and eventually opening a famous restaurant in Beverly Hills that he owned and operated for decades.

There was Pascal, an expert French chef that currently owned a high end restaurant in Los Angeles.
(he brought us each a "raspberry tort" ~ I will never forget that!)

He could only get away for one day, asked why,.......

Burt told me that his employees would steal him blind,....... LOL


Wolfgang is a common name is Austria where he's from now based in L.A. He's managed to build up his wealth to $75 million so odds are he knows a thing or 2 about cooking.


Duckshot's lemon duck-

For two mallard breast deboned (four filets), or six whole bone in teal breast-

Sprinkle duck salt, paprika, and a pinch garlic powder and a pinch of msg- or just use Lowery's

one stick butter in skillet till melted, add one half cup lemon juice concentrate, sear duck, add to skillet low heat , stir in a good dollop (about four tablespoons) honey. Simmer about fifteen minutes, serve on rice with broccoli on the side.

Wolfgang? who names their kid Wolfgang? I'll bet his daddy never taught him how to swing a shotgun much less play the duck calling kazoo. :tongue3:

Well, nobody is perfect but if he took some snooty L.A. leftists for 75 million he is doing alright in my book. :laughing7:

SanMan, I shoot a Mossberg 500. Actually I had to look up Superposed. That might be too shiny for the duck blind but if you are following a GSP or a visla it would be fine. If you ever want to come duck hunting with me though, bring whatever gun you care to. I mostly hunt alone, without even a dog, but when I get company I let them do the shooting.


You mentioned buying shares of Coca Cola. Here's the latest earnings information. You can probably open an online account with Charles Schwab or another discount broker. Since their commissions are very cheap to nil since there's a price war going on you can buy a few shares at a time to get the ball rolling.

Due to your age you may have to get your folks to sign off on it.
I don't know if they still do it or not, but a few years ago a nationally recognized investment firm had an on-line contest were there was NO actual money involved. You started with a set amount of dollars to invest and see how far you could get with it. If you lost it all, then you could start over. For many months, I was ranked number 2. I was doing so good that I started doing my own investing. I learned the hard way the costs associated with buying and selling stocks, ( transaction fees ). Investing in a Coca-Cola or Amazon may seem a safe bet, but at today's prices, you are buying high and seeing minimal return. You need to find an up and coming company that in the future will be a Coca-Cola, Amazon, or Apple. Money can be made by looking at the Penny Stocks. Investment is small as are the returns, but you can gain experience and possibly find the next Amazon or Apple and get in on the ground floor.
I am NOT a licensed broker or investor so please view this as informational content only !

Good morning ARC, how's the dogs doing ?

Good morning ARC, how's the dogs doing ?

Morning Simon... they are fine NOW... heh

What a mess :/

Something in that food as far as I can tell.

Which is ironic that I just posted in your pet thread a "plug" for Iams.

Been using it for years... they also get Rachel Ray ... Blue... and switch it around.

Yesterday all day they got catered .

Luckily I hate carpet :P

Been binging on the masterclass videos of Wolfgang Puck. Have to admit how these high end chefs play with different ingredients and seasonings is pretty impressive.

Some folks won’t remember Wolfgang bill.:laughing7:

Hope the Rachel Ray works.
I hear you about the no carpet.

Good morning Bill.

Good morning ARC, Duckshot, rook, Simon and the rest of the crew.

Morning to Simon, bill, ARC, Duckshot

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